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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. No offense Bill, but there are probably 3 people on PPP who are actually capable of reading a post of that length. To be more succinct for the simpletons: YOU DO NOT RUN THE ASYLUM. You are a guest. PPP is basically the "man cave" of TBD, where you're more or less allowed to be a douche bag - though even that has limits. While your guest status is more lenient here, that doesn't mean you can crap all over the rest of the house. Behave yourselves elsewhere in this community or I'll permanently send you on vacation.
  2. Arguello-Pryor! How is that one not being done? Those fights were wars.
  3. Only because the Fed keeps moving the goal posts. Just remember that it's coming and it's not going to be long.
  4. Bull. This "economy" is nothing more than a shell game that's getting ready to implode. Any "momentum" is a false promise.
  5. Don't worry, the numbers will get cooked enough so you idiots can dance around patting yourselves on the back while the rest of the country burns around you. Infant mortality has little to do with health insurance and much to do with how the numbers are calculated with a side of "idiots who have no business reproducing bringing multiple children into the world that they can't care for at any level". We spend countless money on poverty and the needle hasn't moved measurably in 100 years. Instead you and your ilk have created a voting class and lifestyle choice! Your solution will be to throw more taxpayer money at the problems, because that's all you "informed voters" know how to do. Because you're not really informed, you're simpletons who are enamored with aluminum foil shining in the sun. The American poor are an absolute embarrassment to other poor people around the world.
  6. I can tell you in the Bengals game, Dareus was manhandled more times than I cared to count. It was the exact opposite of his performance in the Cleveland game.
  7. There are times when I really hate the internet.
  8. They'll have health insurance but they won't have jobs. That's the ultimate in Liberal compromise.
  9. Which makes the fact that every level of government being broke as hell seem all that much more ludicrous. But Birddog and gatortard think the government actually needs more money/power and that the Tea Party is somehow the problem.
  10. A lie told often enough becomes the truth. That's how liberals are able to keep selling the same crap sandwich to the same morons.
  11. The government can pay the interest on the debt with absolutely zero problems. It's less of an issue than you ass clowns made sequestration out to be. And the U.S. government budget has been a threat to the financial health of the entire world for a very long time. The Dummycrap answer is, of course, more spending. The lack of leadership and understanding of history certainly doesn't. Good job, community organizer.
  12. What, poor people don't need all the free food they can steal? /birddog
  13. Reconciliation itself wasn't new but using it to pass the ACA was definitely unprecedented, so it's basically the same shade of gray, retard. What, are you mad because the Republicans outsmarted your over-educated, under-performing idol?
  14. A 2700+ page bill isn't required to offer people "low cost insurance". Stop being such a rabid dumb ass.
  15. Which is all the more reason to do something different from the same formation. I wasn't questioning the personnel, simply the inability to quickly adapt to what was going on right in front of you. Cincinnati did the same thing on 3 consecutive plays. All the BILLS had to do was play fake to Freddie and have Thad run the naked. Six points, easy.
  16. I'm more angry because we didn't boot leg on the goal line. The first 3 dive plays, there was absolutely no intent on Cincy's part to contain the edges. Every player was crashing the line of scrimmage and the ends were pinching. If Thad keeps the ball on any of them, he walks into the end zone. That drive was the absolute killer, even though it happened early.
  17. Apparently you're too stupid to realize what a hypocrite you are.
  18. Somewhere between the "60 Minutes" piece and this story lies the actual truth. http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-mh-disabled-20131007,0,7195237.story Just more examples of agenda reporting.
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