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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The last thing I read was something written by Daniel Hannen, a member of the British Parliament. It stated the NHS was the third largest employer in the world, with 1.3 million employees and the majority were basically paper pushers. That's on a population about one-fifth of the United States. That's more employees than the DoD has military members, just for reference. I don't know that there's an easy answer. The government spends so much money trying not to spend money that it makes it virtually impossible to get anything done in an efficient manner.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2Qtx_ZcHOjw
  3. I seriously doubt that the safety was coached to jump the underneath out route that was already covered. That was a poor decision by that player, most likely.
  4. I see that as more of a coaching issue than a Leodis McKelvin issue. Leodis was extremely misused under previous staffs. He was set up to fail.
  5. HBO really set the standard for sports reporting back then. They showed how it could be done.
  6. Yes. He caused a huge controversy by asking for the water bottle "he mixed" after the 2nd and (I believe) 12th round.
  7. Again, since you're obviously a moron, there wasn't a single valid reason they couldn't/wouldn't get paid. Shutting down the government didn't change the government's ability to write a check on the revenue they take in EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Shutting down 17% of the government had absolutely nothing to do with the government's ability to pay interest on the debt. Nothing to see here. Nothing. Keep trying.
  8. Yeah, because the Treasury can't cut checks when there's more then enough money coming in every month to make the interest payments. This was another manufactured "crisis" just like sequestration. But it got all you chimps in an uproar so you ignore all the real problems, so there's that.
  9. The Tea Party isn't even a blip on the radar of problems with the American political system.
  10. Me too. I knew after that fight why Leonard ducked him. That guy was something else when the switch flipped.
  11. Probably. As I remember it, the Mancini/Kim fight was Saturday afternoon. Outdoor fight that aired on ABC, I think. I used to love sitting down to watch those fights on Wide World.
  12. I would like to see them go "hurry up" once they get at least one, and possibly two first downs. That would allow the defense to sit at least a minute or two longer as well as build a little momentum for the hurry up. This is especially important when you're pinned deep, as it seems the BILLS were most of the game today.
  13. If I banned you, it would have nothing to do with your opinion and everything to do with the fact that you are an enormous douche bag/attention whore who literally brings nothing positive to the community. Oh, and the conclusion you drew from my post simply illustrates what a moron you truly are.
  14. You're doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Pick the favorites early then adapt as the season goes on.
  15. You know, nothing is more entertaining than watching you liberal assclowns try and repeat the same lies over and over again in a desperate attempt to turn them into truth. The fact is, you and the rest of the liberals do not understand the long term effects/consequences your ideals and policies will have. When faced with them, all you can do is flounder around looking for someone else to blame. Fortunately for you, in the two party system where the vast majority of the media is controlled by people of similar group think, the job is far too easy. No offense, I don't read any article you post. You're simply too stupid to draw a serviceable conclusion from anything you read.
  16. Why bother? The Democrats are the ONLY party that benefits at the voting booth by keeping people poor and dependent. Their policies and politicizing have single-handedly set back race relations more than any other entity in the world.
  17. That's surprising. Sincerely, No one who's actually worked in the private sector, ever.
  18. Arguello/Pryor was the night before the Mancini/Kim fight.
  19. I think our system is better because no branch has more power than the other. The problem has a lot more to do with the American voter and political group think than structure.
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