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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The question isn't whether the President lied, it's why? And it's a continuing theme because of the complete lack of leadership and total ineptitude of this administration. They literally can't get anything right so they have to try to spin the story to minimize the damage. The only thing sadder than watching it continue to blow up in their collective faces is that there are still so many mouth breathers like you out there willing to take up the cause. Wipe off your chin, gurgler. I don't hate the President and the only one who's emotional in this conversation is you. Silly and infantile? Your responses when prodded any on virtually any topic are exactly that. You bring nothing of substance to this community.
  2. None of which (if correct) changes the fact that Iraq was a foolish endeavor and a waste of serious taxpayer coin. We now return all of you to your ridiculous, retarded partisan bickering.
  3. Not sure. There are still tons of questions to be answered about what happened on the ground and in the lead up to the attack, especially considering the folks on the ground gave plenty of advanced notice that things weren't good. This guy's "lies" don't change the B.S. story about it not being a terrorist attack, the spin about some internet video, or any of the other 100 threads that have unraveled since the White House started lying about it. I understand you're a choad swallower and desperately need some kind of validation that this administration isn't completely corrupt. No one with a clue is buying. Link? That's quite an accusation. What exactly are my political beliefs? I'm always curious to hear one of you mouth breathers try to explain what I think.
  4. I think Clay's "preaching" scene might have been the worst acting in the history of television. Or at least until the scene where the prison guards came in to exact revenge. That might have been the worst SoA episode ever.
  5. Where exactly is that guy's political affiliation noted? How do you know he lied to go after the administration you idolize and not to make money selling his story? I love how the media has propped up an empty suit for 5 years and you still don't get it.
  6. The only reason subsidies exist is places like Buffalo have tax rates so out of whack with reality and refuse to do anything about them.
  7. Oil prices at <$18 a BBL, the dawn of the new investor class, speculative investing, venture capital, cheap money, loose lending regulations, the housing boom and resulting HELOC explosion, etc. No one in history gets more undeserved credit
  8. Incognito's a P.o.S. and the hazing B.S. that runs through sports' teams and other places is absolute garbage that has almost no positive effect. I'm annoyed as hell at the media for acting like the racial component is even important.
  9. Guess we're finally done blaming Bush on that subject, huh?
  10. http://www.bnd.com/2013/11/02/2881757/obamacares-revenge-health-insurance.html
  11. The Run/Pass balance was fine until the BILLS fell behind. The Chiefs defense was confused all day. The BILLS were their own worst enemy, dropping passes, not securing the ball, and of course Tuel underthrowing/overthrowing a number of passes. It's too bad because the BILLS physically dominated this game from the opening kickoff but the Chiefs made two big plays and it was enough to get them a win.
  12. It's called sarcasm. Geezus, quit taking yourself so seriously.
  13. There are plenty more examples but I got tired of cutting and pasting. As far as your question about market based reforms, learn to use the search function because I've posted about it numerous times. Frankly, I'm tired of your crap and how little you bring to the community. I've wasted as much time on you as I care to.
  14. Why should I be happy? Because anyone with half a clue could see this boondoggle coming? We're going to end up spending BILLIONS of dollars on another thing that won't work, all the while not making simple, fundamental market-based changes that would actually make a difference. And there isn't a single person in this country not getting health care because they don't have insurance.
  15. This is an example of a "high information" voter, right Birdman? Birdman? You still around? Where are you, Birdman? Again, the ACA does NOTHING to address health care costs. Let me repeat that for you, since you're blindingly stupid: THE ACA DOES NOTHING TO ADDRESS HEALTH CARE COSTS. NOTHING.
  16. The DNC just called. There's a job for you if you want it.
  17. That's a funny comparison but Moulson has a much better track record pre-Sabres, so I doubt that's going to be the problem.
  18. When the government shows they can live within their means, we can talk about giving them more money to spend. Until then, no sale. It's really that simple. We don't have a revenue problem at any level of government. We have a spending problem. Your solution to the heroin epidemic is to give the addicts even more junk. Pure friggin' genius, that.
  19. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/01/only-6-enrolled-in-obamacare-on-first-day-internal-notes-show/?hpt=hp_t1 Don't worry, they'll fix it. It'll cost hundreds of millions of dollars more for JUST A WEBSITE, but they'll fix it. Watch out what you ask for. You just might get it.
  20. I would very much appreciate the discussion of moderating being taken elsewhere. I don't have many rules here at PPP but that's one of them. Enough.
  21. What a logical conclusion to draw. You friggin' moron.
  22. Yup, not enough revenue or ways for the fed to rape the citizens. THAT'S our problem.
  23. Is there anything you jack wagons don't whine about?
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