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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. But you're still able to look down your nose in judgement...
  2. Which would work, except I'm not conservative. Take your label and shove it up your ass.
  3. Yeah, sure. Everyone who has the opposite opinion is a caveman and everyone who shares your ridiculous bent is "the most interesting man in the world." Enjoy the smell of your own farts.
  4. Typical liberal tactic. Repeat the lie often enough, it becomes truth. Never gets tiring, birdshit.
  5. Elections have consequences. Shedding liberty for the illusion of security has consequences.
  6. 3 FGs against the Chiefs, at least one of which they started the drive deep in Buffalo territory. Because of injuries, the defense hasn't played together much until recently. They're only scratching the surface of what they're capable of.
  7. A lie repeated often enough becomes truth. For idiots.
  8. I'm shocked that wasn't excuse number one. It would have worked...
  9. Geno Smith's day totally changed when Dareus put his hat right on the 7 in the first quarter. He spent the rest of the day trying to figure out who was going to drill him next.
  10. I don't think I've ever seen Cromartie line up "off the screen" in his career. He was definitely afraid of Goodwin's speed. Goodwin's development will be further enhanced if the BILLS can ever get a TE who can bust the seam. Chandler is a nice player but an athletic TE with speed would make the BILLS almost impossible to defend.
  11. Spiller is having problems reading holes that are right in front of him. It wasn't as glaring yesterday as it's been in other games this season because the Jets were kicking the BILLS collective asses on running plays but it's been a problem all year.
  12. The Jets have 5 wins because of that defense, not because of Geno Smith. Their run "D" is awesome.
  13. Exactly. The Jets went out of their way to minimize Mario. In other news, Dareus had a terrific game.
  14. Worst.President.Ever That's saying a lot, really.
  15. I'm not sure what's scarier - that feat or his makeup. Damn, dude looks like he should be on "The Splitting Dead".
  16. Your liberalism knows no bounds. That might be the dumbest article I've ever read and the greatest indictment of the retarded left ever. You sir, are an unmitigated moron.
  17. If you're planning on moving, save your money.
  18. Don't worry, according to Birdpoop and the rest of the liberals their leftislators will be able to make the appropriate changes to get the perfect system in place. Just like the they have with the tax code, the welfare system, the Farm giveaway that pays people like Ted Turner billions, DoD, etc.
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