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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It wasn't a "good call". It was a typical "ref the friggin situation/score" crap that has taken over sports today. There were numerous occasions yesterday when the same type of thing was totally ignored. If its not a penalty in the first 58 minutes, its not a penalty when the game is on the line.
  2. SJ13 simply isn't "professional". I watched in absolute horror when he said he doesn't work out in the offseason. What professional athlete says something like that in public? More importantly, what elite athlete who suffers avoidable groin and hammy injuries misses the correlation? Johnson is an all too typical "professional" who doesn't spend enough time figuring out why he's not as good as he could be. He concentrates on what he does well and ignores his too often exposed flaws. He's a microcosm of what's been wrong with this franchise for far too long.
  3. He's probably watched the BILLS play and realizes they haven't won 2 games in a row this season, much less 5 in a row.
  4. The only things worse than OSU's pass defense is its schedule. MSU will be the best team the Buckeyes face all year. Hopefully they bring their "A" game and knock them off.
  5. I'm pretty sure anyone is "toast" as a CB in Wanny's defense.
  6. When I was young and scraping by, I'd take any extra hours I could. If Black Friday and other **** was around, I'd have gotten ahead much faster because there would have been more hours to work for people who were willing to do it. And if our service folks can work on Thanksgiving and Christmas, you'll forgive me for not caring if the retail industry opens its doors because that's made possible because of that sacrifice. There are worse things in the world than having a job and having to go to it. All this being said, you'd have to pay me to actually go out and participate in this crap. I did pick up the last 2 season of Breaking Bad on Blu-Ray at Amazon for a total of $25, so I guess I'm part of the "problem".
  7. I know what he's calling for and I know he's a different cat. I hardly need YOUR help. I also know that leaders like to make promises/ask for things they can't possibly deliver on. That's EXACTLY why I don't need YOUR help.
  8. I tell you what, Sir Pope. I'm all in as soon as the Catholics stop building billion dollar edifices and instead use the money for the causes that are supposedly important. WWJD?
  9. Wait, so someone manipulated the media to make themselves famous? He/She/It can skip the Community Organizer step and head right to the Senate!
  10. Not at all. The difference being slavery is illegal. Laws don't stop anything from happening; we still have murders, rapes, drugs, etc. That doesn't mean our society has ANY tolerance for them - because we don't. The real issue is priority, which liberals don't understand. If the government is in the business of making sure everyone has cable television and a cell phone, they're not going to have the resources to go after things like that. It's something I've always railed about, to deaf ears among the liberal "intelligencia". I'm not sure these things are a huge problem in the United States, even though our government regularly wipes its ass with the Constitution because the citizenry is indoctrinated/stupid. Pretty much everything I've read show it being more rampant outside our borders, with Asia and the old Eastern Bloc leading the way. When I was in the military, we got regular briefings about human trafficking - what to look for, where/how to report it, and the penalties if you were involved in it. Even today civilians and contractors are briefed on it at least annually. It's taken it very seriously, especially overseas.
  11. They've beaten both New Orleans AND New England (and lost the game in Foxboro by a FG despite only giving up 13 points). One play against a world class speed guy doesn't change how good they are. They're giving up less than 73 YPG rushing with a 2.9 average. Put a decent offense on the field that doesn't lead the NFL in turnovers...
  12. I think I got that exact blather in an email bomb from one of the usual wacko lefty organizations. People never get tired of being "led" down the road to ruin.
  13. Which is why things like Prop 13 are necessary. To be quite frank, property taxes on individual homes should be done away with completely. The fact that the government can kick you out of something you've bought and paid for because you're not paying them a fee is absolutely criminal.
  14. I too think that ending was good. However, I still think "Six Feet Under" had by far the greatest series ending. Just spectacular.
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