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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Russell Wilson has thrown out some turkey performances over the last two seasons and has been rescued by that defense. That's football. Lewis has looked pretty good for a guy with almost no pedigree and experience. He's smart, athletic, and can make all the throws. He lacks experience and it's unlikely he'll ever get a real shot without a catastrophic injury to whoever is in front of him.
  2. I don't know what Fred Jackson you people are watching but he's still making the first guy miss on virtually every touch and is hitting the ever-smaller creases that are being opened by this offensive line. It's a shame we've wasted yet another productive year because we can't find a road-grading LG and a TE who can drive someone off the line of scrimmage. He still moves the sticks, gets that extra yard that C.J. rarely does, finds the marker on third down, and smashes blitzers. Fred's career will always be a "what could have been" to me. He's a very special player, one of the few bright spots for too long a period. He's a symbol of what's right in sports and what's wrong with this franchise.
  3. They figured out there was profit in them and everyone's taking their cut. All good things must come to an end.
  4. I love them. It's an obvious douche bag warning sign.
  5. Uh, what? No one said the illegal immigration isn't a problem. California's caused their own headaches. Either figure out how to fix it or move away. In any event, Pelosi advocating a legislative solution isn't crazy even if her actual solution is.
  6. And most of them have eaten Wonderbread, smoked a cigarette, had a beer, etc. Correlation doesn't equal causation. EVERY SINGLE new experience leads to the possibility of drug addiction. It's a life thing. Marijuana isn't anymore a gateway drug than anything else, with the exception that the United States Government decided to go after it in campaign style. I've never met ANYONE who didn't smoke a cigarette and have an alcoholic drink before they smoked pot. But I guess since those two have been deemed legal by the "controllers" and are gazillion dollar industries, they're ok. I know you're not saying that - I really do. But I'm so tired of the demonization of pot because on the list of societal problems, it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down the list.
  7. What exact policies of the sitting President have had a direct effect on housing prices? Be specific. /Irony
  8. The President's poll numbers are finally trending where they belong because people are somewhat waking up to the fact they've been lied to for 5 years. Blaming it, even in part, on the bumbling Republicans is laughable. "Obamacare" may be the straw that broke the camel's back but it's a single piece of straw in a huge bale. Sure. About 2 pages worth. That's how it got sold in the first place. The problem, which has always been the problem, is the other nearly 3000 pages that are a cobbled together mess. The results of which are only starting to see the light of day. That's why "We have to pass it to know what's in it." was such a ridiculous statement. "Obamacare" isn't going to be helpful on a mass scale. That's simply irrational. WTF is your definition of a mandate? Losing the House and barely holding onto both the Senate and the White House hardly fits the description. Actually, you can. That's exactly the way the system is designed. The law of the land says there is no branch of government that is more powerful than another, so when Congress doesn't like a law that's on the books they have ways to deal with it. Same with the President and the Courts.
  9. There's little reason to argue with someone who believes fixing costs for a segment of the population actually controls costs for an entire program. No wonder you think Obamacare is going to be both efficient and cost effective.
  10. Nice try. You liberals always act all surprised when you open Pandora's box and then can't get the **** back in. But keep trying to pretend you're not the problem.
  11. The only problem I see with this is the officer got desk duty. You take a swing at a cop and he puts you on the ground? No issue there - message sending is an important part of the job. Apparently our society can only handle violence when it's streaming across the idiot box. Newsflash: There are ALREADY cops in schools all over this country and the Obama Administration just allocated additional monies to hire a whole bunch more. It's a response that's required because government at all levels has gotten too involved in the day-to-day lives of Americans. Parents and schools have both abdicated their responsibilities and now there is a very adversarial relationship, with the kids suffering and the result being a total lack of discipline. It's "Lord of the Flies" playing out in classrooms across the country and it's not getting fixed. Remember: Gator, EII, and the rest of the whack pack are procreating at a rate far higher than the smart people. We're careening toward "Idiocracy" and there's no stopping us now.
  12. A couple of whacks across the ass in a public forum is hardly a "beating" but thanks for the standard over-emoted liberal response. Schools were safer for everyone and kids were better behaved, especially in public. That's the thing I love about liberals. You're always willing to throw the baby out with the bath water, consequences be damned. Welcome to your dreamy new world. It's just swell. Make sure you get all up in arms about the next school shooting when it inevitably happens. Just don't look in the mirror and realize it's jackholes like you who bear the lion's share of responsibility for it, because it goes against the self-aggrandizing you obviously need for survival.
  13. The best way out of a hole is to put down the shovel. It's like there's nothing you liberal apologists won't believe if it's accompanied by a color chart.
  14. Or walk in, shoot the two armed guards... Armed "guards" in most places are like door locks. They keep honest people honest. They won't stop anyone who is determined and has any kind of weapon control.
  15. 20 years ago there was corporal punishment in schools and parents were far more engaged in their children's behavior. The "do gooders" all across society have ensured that the balance of power has skewed, so now schools are far more dangerous. I'll give you that police officers aren't anywhere near perfect but there simply isn't a better alternative and "arming teachers" is an absolute no go. I'd venture to guess that a very small percentage of teachers would want that type of responsibility and there are far too many logistical issues to overcome. If cops shot every !@#$ that acted like that towards them, the bodies would be stacked up in the streets like cord wood. Trust me.
  16. At the rate the economy is growing, the only people getting hired at $15 an hour at McDonald's will have Bachelor's degrees because it'll be more than they can get anywhere else. Watch out what you wish for, unskilled laborers.
  17. Yeah, because no one ever wins an award they don't deserve and then parlays it into better employment opportunities. Is there no amount of liberal choad you're not willing to gargle?
  18. Maybe if the games were more exciting, people wouldn't feel the need to create their own fun by starting riots. Having to bring in a military helicopter to restore order is a new low. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo3FTMCtG6Y
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