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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Probably for the same reason that MSNBC exists. I watch the Daily Show almost every day and laugh quite a bit, despite the fact that it's skewed noticeably. All of you "journalists" are !@#$ing hypocrites. All of you.
  2. After watching the shenanigans with the Amanda Knox "trial", it would take quite a bit to get me anywhere near Italy.
  3. I wish Kroenke luck trying to play hardball with St Louis in this economy. Wanting already overburdened taxpayers to give in to a billionaire to the tune of $700,000,000.00 to upgrade a football stadium that's less than 20 years old is about as douchy as it gets.
  4. I've been to that Museum. While it's ok, the Mercedes Benz Museum, also in Stuttgart, blows it away. If anyone ever gets the chance to visit Germany, both Stuttgart and Munich are really cool places (though very expensive) to spend some time. http://barrierefrei.mercedes-benz-classic.com/en/museum/museum.php
  5. Big time college sports is a scam and it's basically indentured servitude - if you don't agree then you should do some actual research. We can keep playing the "but they get a free education!" card but the rules are completely and totally skewed to screw the student athlete for the benefit of the system.
  6. The average sales tax in NYS is 8.5. I guess the other ridiculous levels of government each get to set a rate as well.
  7. "Troutman grabbed the toilet seat lid, which is the lid of a toilet seat,"
  8. At least he won't complain about Buffalo's weather and economy.
  9. In other news: Ryan Clark of the Steelers was being interviewed on a national radio program earlier this week and he said Welker did the same thing in a game against the Steelers. Clark said he walked over to Welker between plays and said "If you do that again I guarantee your career will end today in this game, against the Pittsburgh Steelers." That's how it should be handled, Mr. Belichick.
  10. I haven't driven a new truck in a few years but I've had my Silverado for 15 years and a couple hundred thousand miles. It still looks awesome and drives great. I do wash it every week and have done all the scheduled maintenance. It's a terrific vehicle and the only problem I've ever had with it is the window motor burned out because I wouldn't quick !@#$ing with it when the window was frozen shut. GM replaced it under warranty and I learned my lesson. GMC is the more expensive, slightly nicer version of the Silverado. I use my truck as a truck, so that didn't appeal to me at the time. I'd probably buy the GMC if I were in the market for a new truck but the only way I'm getting rid of this truck is if it gets totaled. If the motor blows I'll put another one in it. I can't see spending $40k to replace it when it's still in such amazing shape.
  11. That's always been my standard for dudes. Ask the scorned women they've dated for their opinion. Are you !@#$ing serious?
  12. The war on poverty has been going on for 50 years now. You're not winning by doing what you're doing and you NEVER WILL. The liberal mantra should be "Mediocrity for All!" Sadly, the reason for the dilution of the family is the liberal need to be a part of every facet of life. People have abdicated their responsibility because of it.
  13. Far too many people in that particular walk of life don't think the law applies to them. Whenever I think about police, I'm reminded of the story from Illinois that had a cop driving in excess of 120MPH on the freeway, losing control, and killing two young girls. I believe he was TEXTING at the same time. That wasn't the first time that particular officer had done some really reckless stuff but he kept his job until he actually killed somebody. It seems a number of them never take the badge off, even in retirement. Military people have similar problems adapting to civilian life, especially the officers. They're used to people doing what they tell them to do based on nothing more than their rank/position. The civilian world is a rude awakening. I rarely go to any event that has a large number of people. There are simply too many folks who just don't know how to act and it wears on me to have to deal with them in any way whatsover. I'm tired of getting bumped into without any apology, having to deal with incredibly poorly behaved children, the complete lack of etiquette/social graces, people who drink entirely too much in a public setting, etc.
  14. Everyone SHOULD care. Of course, everyone should care about the IRS abusing their authority and why the government isn't seriously investigating it, about where the heck Mr. Obama was during Beghazi and why the government isn't investigating it in a meaningful way, etc. It's PATHETIC that people continue to give leeway to these lecherous morons.
  15. I kinda see it going down like Michael Douglas in "Falling Down". Dude may have just had enough and snapped.
  16. Swap them and the results don't change. Brady has always had the more balanced team and better coaching staff.
  17. I certainly don't care about the issue itself but the problem of politicians and their minions abusing their power at the expense of the citizens is why I hate big government with a passion.
  18. I'm disappointed he didn't make it and it's not even a question for me. He was one of the most dominant pitchers of his era and did it in the DH-laden American League.
  19. The question is how would each look in the other's defense in the same situations. I'm quite sure Byrd would equate himself quite well.
  20. Where the !@#$ did you go to High School? There wasn't anywhere in the world we went where alcohol wasn't available. Especially since we always brought some. Kids are always going to be kids. They're going to smoke weed, drink, and fornicate whenever and wherever they can. You can pass all the laws and incarcerate everyone and it's not going to stop it. That coach did the only thing he could and the idiots who suspended him from coaching don't have the stones to be in charge of anything because they responded with "mob rule" mentality instead of actual leadership.
  21. I closed the other thread because it's starting to affect board performance.
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