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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yes. You use responsible strategy and tactical planning. Generally you execute "raid" warrants in the middle of the night when you're trying to take down a drug den with reinforced entrances and multiple known shooters inside. The took an apartment door with a Chicago key, for crying out loud. If there was a single responsible journalist in the world, they'd be asking the very simple question "Why was this course of action the BEST way to serve this warrant?"
  2. Not anymore.
  3. Obviously you're not in law enforcement. Reality check: In order to obtain a warrant, you have to have probable cause. In this instance, they had multiple times surveilled this perp and had patterns, which were in the warrant documentation. Patterns are the key. If you have patterns, you can chose your arrest point based on them. It's "generally" much easier to simply traffic stop or catch them as they leave the apartment building in a more controlled situation. What they "decided" on was (seemingly) a fundamentally more risky course of action and it ended up with multiple high velocity rounds being sprayed around in a populated apartment complex. It's stupid, lazy, and put a large number of innocent people in unnecessary danger. These senseless tactical decisions are the reason why inexperienced and stupid politicians feel the need to constantly tie cop's hands.
  4. HRC is likely VERY worried she's going to end up in bracelets if 45 gets a second term because politically he'll have absolutely nothing to lose. The difference between her and her lemming followers is she knows EXACTLY what she's done and how illegal it is.
  5. I don't know...hiding Biden from the populous means the person who can hurt Biden the worst isn't hurting Biden as much as he could be. It's not the worst strategy.
  6. And the Rogan taking him down and forcing him to tap just for the disrespect.
  7. The funny part about Marxists is they don't understand you have to have an enforcement arm to have Marxism. It's the ultimate hypocrisy.
  8. Hillary just called. She said all the polls said she's President.
  9. You know the reason he behaves this way? Because you're giving him the attention he so desperately needs because his mommy wanted nothing to do with him.
  10. Please stop feeding the dumb animals.
  11. They CHOSE to serve a warrant at 0100 in the morning in a populated apartment building. There are a million ways to arrest someone without possibly initiating an armed confrontation in a densely populated building where it is GUARANTEED the majority of residents will be at home. I said nothing whatsoever about the officers returning fire - they were certainly well within their rights to defend themselves. The question for me has VERY OBVIOUSLY been whether or not they should have served this warrant, in this manner, in the first place.
  12. Way to miss the point.
  13. Big difference between serving a warrant and an imminent danger situation.
  14. Sounds both ageist AND sexist. Identity politics sure are fun.
  15. Standard operating practice because people are less likely to resist...except when the do.
  16. I don't think knocking on a door, screaming "police", and then immediately taking the door with guns drawn in the middle of the night is much different. Liberty versus the state.
  17. I just can't get behind any of this. I don't see the reason for this particular "take down". There are very few reasons to go through someone's door when they're sleeping that make sense to the libertarian in me. If you don't see the government overreach here, you need to take a step back. If they didn't know he had a gun, they're fools. If they knew he had a gun and went through his door in the middle of the night when they thought he'd be sleeping, they're even bigger fools.
  18. Someone needs to send this tool the stats for hospitalized Americans. Our doctors make the SS look like the girl scouts. I can only imagine the fun we'll have with him on that.
  19. I've been thinking about this very thing since the very beginning. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were doing exactly that given what's been going on with their economy. The whole "bat from a local market" thing was just too obtuse and weird to not make my radar go up.
  20. It's almost like they don't understand the Constitution.
  21. Right? How do you solve your most expensive "people problem"?
  22. How about: 1. What qualifications does Hunter Biden have that would make a Ukranian energy company pay him to be a member of their board? 2. Why would you change your tune on your family member's "guardrails" as President when it wasn't a problem when you were Vice President?
  23. Well, in fairness to Joe his "plans" change more often than his diaper because that's what happens when you try to govern by using incessant polling data instead of personal convictions.
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