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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Because the team is very likely to keep 5 CBs, and the only way that a 6th or 7th round CB has a chance of making this team is to beat out a 4th round pick from last year whom the team likes and played reasonably well for a 4th round rookie?


    McGee is here for sure.

    Leodis is a starter for sure.

    Florence was paid 6-7 million for two years to be a nickel back and veteran insurance and is a virtual lock.

    Youboty was playing as well as any CB we had last year before he got hurt and unless he gets hurt again he is a virtual lock.

    Reggie Corner is the lone vulnerable spot on the roster.


    Dustin Fox was signed twice by the Bills and played on their practice squad last year. He was a former 3rd rounder with better size and knows the system. I would say he has at least as good a chance to make the team if one of the five above gets hurt or cut. He is probably out of PS eligibility though.


    I wouldn't call the team stacked at CB but I would call the odds of either of these guys stacked against them. I would think that one or both of them will be on the PS. McGee as well as Youboty are both in the last year of their contracts I think. But no one, not even the Bills, is going to count on a 6th or 7th round pick as the heir apparent, even to the open roster spot.


    Excellent post. For a team that was 22nd against the run and 14th against the pass last year, the Bills sure seem to think the D-line is way ahead of the secondary. The only addition they've made to the defensive line was to draft a situational pass rusher. I would argue that until Schobel shows he can still play at his age and is healthy, we have 1 legitimate NFL starter on the defensive line. And since our scheme supposedly relies on frequently rotating in fresh bodies, we should really be shooting for the kind of depth the Giants have. After Day 1, my Giants-fan buddy & I went through their D-line, and I think they had 6 or 7 players who would start over either Williams or Kelsay.


    You can justify the picks in the secondary all you want, but defensive success usually starts with the line, and ours was really bad for the last 2 years. What have the Bills done this offseason to address the run D?

  2. Your 3rd starting LB plays about 30-40% of snaps at best, whereas your starting LT plays 100% of them. I'm unconvinced Walker can play LT, so that's need #1. And I think I'd still put DT above LB, and then I'd throw DE in there to round it out. Schobel is as big a question mark as Maybin right now, Kelsay and Denney are both mediocre at best, and Ellis 1.) wasn't able to earn much PT on a horrible D-line last year, and 2.) looked really bad in the little bit of PT he got. Remember when the coaching staff kept talking about how our D-line was supposed to utilize wave after wave of linemen, so they could all go hard every down? They don't really talk about that any more, because they realize that our backups going 100% are still worse than Marcus Stroud going 70%.


    If the Bills can get Levi Jones, I'll be thrilled. Leroy Hill would be a nice addition as well, especially since he can play DE on passing downs.

  3. Ditto on this. I'm happy with the first few picks, but I didn't see the need to stock up on CBs. Perhaps, as others have said, those CBs could turn into safeties, but it just smacks of another Jauron-type of draft.


    We'll see what happens when Maybin (who I think is very much like a Dwight Freeney) and Schobel are on the field together.


    I don't see how that particularly sweetens the deal. After CB and WR, safety was probably our 3rd strongest/deepest position heading in to the draft. Whitner hasn't lived up to his billing, but he's a good player at either safety spot, Ryan Scott is a decent starter, and Wendling and Wilson are decent backups. (I'm assuming Ko Simpson is long gone.) Meanwhile, our only real LT on the roster is a major project 7th-rounder from last year. And over at DT, even though we allegedly play a heavy rotational scheme, we had only 3 DTs dress for games last year, and we've added none to the roster.


    Having said all that, I should point out that I overall kinda liked the draft. I love the fact that they looked to truly shore up the interior of the O-line, and maybe make it a strength of the team instead of just slapping on a band-aid. And grabbing Nelson in the 4th was a major steal. A lot of people had him as #2 after Pettigrew, and I think he has more potential to become a 2-way TE than most of the other guys in this draft. Honestly, if the Bills had gone Levitre instead of Byrd, then traded up for (preferably) Will Beatty or a DT, I'd be excited.

  4. Agreed, a great time was had by all. I'd say the Bills were much better represented this year than last, at least on Day 2. I don't recall seeing nearly as much Bills gear last year. And there was a pretty big yell when they announced the Bills were on the clock in either the 6th or 7th round.


    I'd say the #1 highlight of the two days was when the D-bag Bears/Miami Hurricanes fan who was starting yelling matches all day got thrown out midway through Round 7. Especially since that means he's now permanently lost his diehard status!

  5. Just got my ticket! Row E, Seat 703. And it's apparently a "VIP" ticket, which, near as I can tell, only means that I'm allowed to use a different entrance from all of you scrubs.


    The letter that came with the ticket had some big news for anyone planning to attend Day Two:


    "This year will conclude any additional members to the Day 2 Diehard program, yet its legacy will remain with us as long as you do. Enclosed, along with your ticket to Day One, you will find a credit card size credential with your name and barcode. This is your entry to Day Two (Credential is for entry on Day 2 only). The procedures for the Diehards have not changed. You will need to have this credential scanned by Radio City Personnel on Sunday prior to the start of the Draft upon entry. At the conclusion of the Draft you will need to hand in your credential to NFL personnel as you exit (similar to years past with the contact information form). Only one credential per person will be accepted upon exiting. This card is not replaceable under any circumstance, so please do not lose it. If you leave prior to the conclusion of the Draft or decide not to attend in future years, your card becomes invalid and you will no longer be a Day 2 Diehard."


    (All emphasis theirs, not mine.)


    So those of us who got in last year are grandfathered in, but only for as long as we keep up the streak, and there's no future benefits to staying for all of Day 2. On the plus side, this should mean (in future years) that more tickets are available for Day 1, so you probably won't need to line up quite as early. I'm just glad that the first year I attended the draft was also the year where I could get grandfathered in. I'm never giving up my Diehard status!

  6. On the surface, I like the deal. I was rooting for them to sign Rhodes as soon as I heard he came in for a visit. Based on last year, Rhodes seems to have a lot more in the tank than any of the other guys the Bills had previously brought in, and with Marshawn out for 3 games, RB was a significant need. And I'd much rather have the Bills sign a veteran than bring in a rookie, for various reasons.


    Digging a little deeper, I am a little curious/maybe concerned about it being a 2-year deal. Does this mean Jackson isn't in the Bills' plans after this year? Maybe that's why they've been so intractable in negotiations (according to Jackson's agent, anyway). But I'm not super concerned. We all know that future years in NFL contracts are worth the paper they're printed on. As long as that 2nd year isn't guaranteed in any way, I don't think it's cause for alarm just yet.

  7. Linebacker is arguably the second-least important position on offense or defense, after fullback. The Bills have a ton of holes to fill, and linebacker is probably third among them at best. Although linebackers make less than most other positions at the same draft slot, drafting Curry at #4 overall would probably make him one of the highest-paid linebackers in the league, if not THE highest-paid.


    So I guess you could say I'm not enthusiastic about the prospect of trading up for Curry. Now, going the take-out route and getting some curry for dinner, that's a different story.

  8. I hate to say it, but I am starting to think this as well....I know it is early...but Langston Walker is strictly a RT....Bell is untested....Kirk Chambers at LG....Hangartner at C (undersized)....Butler at RG....This has to be the worst OL in the league...


    I think we need to see how the draft goes before making that proclamation. I'm very concerned right now, but I'm not pessimistic enough (yet) to think that the Bills are truly okay with losing:








    And signing just Hangartner and McKinney. The current "plan" seems to be Walker at LT, Chambers at LG, Hangartner at C, Butler at RG, and Bell or maybe a rookie at RT. Which would leave McKinney + last year's practice squad as the only backups. If the Bills seriously expect us to buy that, they're crazy. But they CAN'T admit how much they need O-line right now, or anyone hoping Oher (or whoever) will slide to them will know for sure that they need to trade in front of us to grab him. If the Bills keep up a front about going in other directions in the draft, it increases the likelihood of success.


    Now, if the "plan" isn't gamesmanship, and the front office really thinks that last year's scrubs will improve on last year's starters, then it's time for the gloom and doom proclamations.

  9. Ok first of all i can make a point about everyone of those guys the Bills "let out the front door'.

    McGhee never really was that great and then there was the whole Toronto comment

    Clements was way over paid. San Fran loves over paying for Bills FA. Look up Jonas Jennings.

    Milloy was the six yard sherriff. He was done in his second year with the Bills. His talent did not match his name.

    Fletcher was old and did not do very much for Washington. They too like to overpay for talent.

    Bills are a very financially sound team. They will not over pay for talent. There is your explanation for Peters.

    You do replace ageing talent with younger talent. Or you replace players that you can not resign or are not team guys, this would be Peters again.

    Now Oher at 11 would not be a bad pick. But something tells me the Bills are going to go D with the first pick. Then pick up one of the interior Oline guys in the second. If they dont trade for Scheffler then I would not be surprised if they used the second first or second round pick on a TE.


    Every move a right one! And yet in spite of all these winning moves, the Bills haven't been able to crack 7-9. That's weird.

  10. I'm more upset about the compensation than the actual trade. I'm still trying to figure out in what universe a 4th and a 6th is better than a 3rd. We could have had 5 picks in the top 85, but no, we're smarter than the rest of the league, so we'll pass on the 3rd so we can get an extra 6th. Camp fodder! Yay! Super Bowl bound!


    A sixth next year, no less. Discounted to present value, that makes it worth a 7th-rounder this year.


    I don't necessarily think the Bills got ripped off, but a very late first, a late fourth, and a (probably late) sixth next year is not a very impressive package.

  11. Going off of drafthistory.com's database, here are every team's draft totals at DB since 2006, rounds 1-3 only:


    Falcons - 4


    Bills - 3

    Chargers - 3

    Giants - 3

    Chiefs - 3

    Saints - 3

    Vikings - 3


    Buccaneers - 2

    Packers - 2

    Patriots - 2

    Panthers - 2

    Ravens - 2

    Rams - 2

    Jets - 2

    Bengals - 2

    Seahawks - 2

    Lions - 2

    Colts - 2


    Cardinals - 1

    Cowboys - 1

    49ers - 1

    Texans - 1

    Raiders - 1

    Bears - 1

    Redskins - 1

    Titans - 1

    Jaguars - 1

    Browns - 1

    Dolphins - 1

    Steelers - 1


    Eagles - 0

    Broncos - 0


    If we expand the count to include round 4, here's what we get:


    Bills - 5


    Falcons - 4

    Buccaneers - 4

    Chargers - 4

    Raiders - 4


    Giants - 3

    Chiefs - 3

    Saints - 3

    Vikings - 3

    Patriots - 3

    Panthers - 3

    Rams - 3

    Jets - 3

    Bengals - 3

    Lions - 3

    Colts - 3


    Packers - 2

    49ers - 2

    Texans - 2

    Ravens - 2

    Eagles - 2

    Bears - 2

    Redskins - 2

    Titans - 2

    Seahawks - 2


    Cardinals - 1

    Cowboys - 1

    Broncos - 1

    Jaguars - 1

    Browns - 1

    Dolphins - 1

    Steelers - 1


    Your champion of under-prioritizing the secondary? The Denver Broncos, ladies and gentlemen, with just ONE 4th-rounder in the past 3 years. Your champion of loving 4th-round DBs? Let's give it up for Al Davis, who has gone DB in the 4th in all of the last 3 years!


    As for the Bills (under Jauron), it's clear that they are among the tops in the league when it comes to prioritizing the secondary on draft day. No, they're not the clear leader in that department, nor do they completely blow anyone away. But it's definitely been a money position for the Bills compared to the league as a whole. Through 3 rounds, the league has averaged 1.75 DB picks per team with a standard deviation of 0.95. Through 4 rounds, the average is about 2.5 with a standard deviation of about 1.1. Anyone is welcome to do a test for significance on these numbers.


    Now, just because the Bills have made their secondary a priority at the top of the draft for the last 3 years doesn't guarantee that they will continue to do so. Personally, I'm hoping they consider it shored up and look to other positions, as I think the team's secondary is probably its greatest strength.

  12. Yes...but Poz was a second rounder.


    The year the Bills took Donte Whitner and John McCargo in 2006.


    And before that, the Bills also traded up for a second 1st-rounder to pick JP Losman in 2004 (Lee Evans was the first). Slightly different question: When was the last time the Bills had two 1st-round picks, but didn't acquire one of them by trading up from their 2nd-round pick?


    I'm actually not sure of the answer. In 1986, the Bills picked Ronnie Harmon with the #16 pick that originally belonged to Cleveland, and picked Will Wolford with the #20 pick that originally belonged to Dallas. Obviously there was some wheeling and dealing there, but I don't know if it happened on draft day or prior to the draft. I do know the Bills didn't have a 2nd-round pick that year, so that suggests they may have traded up for Wolford. The year before, the Bills picked Bruce with their own pick at #1 overall, and Derrick Burroughs at #14. (Those worked out about equally well.) The Bills also picked Mark Traynowicz in the second round at #29 overall, so it looks like 1985 definitely gets us there, even if 1986 doesn't.


    And by the way, ESPN's draft history tool is really cool, even if they made it impossible to find:



  13. I am here, and yes I am going to be at the draft. I'm still waiting for my ticket to arrive.


    Ditto. I think the confirmation form for the ticket said that it would be mailed 10 days before the draft, so they should arrive soon.


    My flight arrives in Long Island at 5:30pm, then I will be taking the train to Penn Station. I've got a couple friends meeting me at Radio City on Friday night. If there is anyway we can meet up before Saturday it would be great. Getting a group together will be a big help.


    I'll be getting in Friday evening as well, though I'm not sure when yet. I'm definitely down for meeting up. PM me for contact info.


    Also, for anyone attending the draft, the NFL finally released their official guidelines for this year:




    Note that this year's draft starts at 4 PM, not 3 PM like last year.

  14. Amen...one year wonder. A talented "situational" pass rusher. Buffalo needs a 3 down player that can start immediately at DE...not Maybin.


    To me, Maybin seems like a guy you have to play at OLB in a 3-4. Besides how undersized he is, most of the scouting reports I read on him talk about how he has a great first step, but doesn't play with power. There's no way a guy his size can hold up against the run at DE. If you want to play him in a 4-3, it means you're either converting him to OLB, which is a major position change, or you're just employing him as a situational pass rusher. I think #11 is too high for a situational player. In fact, I think just about any first rounder is too high for a situational player. If the dude can't ever start in your scheme (and I don't think Maybin can ever start in ours), don't pick him in the first round.


    I really like him as a pass-rushing OLB in a 3-4, though. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Pats grab him with their first-round pick, and see him put up 8-10 sacks this year. But he's perfectly suited for a scheme like theirs, and poorly suited for a scheme like ours. That's how I see it, anyway.

  15. Great post! Very useful and intriguing. Pettigrew is really the only TE in the draft who can block, and he's unlikely to be the threat as a pass-catcher that Scheffler already is. I wouldn't necessarily mind Pettigrew, because a two-way TE is very useful in just about any offense, but I'd prefer Scheffler over anyone else. Considering Kellen Winslow II went for a 2 and a 5, Scheffler should be worth a 3 and change or a 2 straight-up. I'd be fine with either of those.

  16. Last year was my first year of draft attendance. I went to McFadden's for Day 1 (and it was as good as advertised), and attended the draft on Day 2, so I can really only help you with Day 2 related stuff. Day 2 starts at 10am, and is no trouble to get into. I think I got there around 9am, but that was plenty early. If I recall correctly, they didn't let anyone in until around 9:30am, and the place didn't come close to filling up, so don't worry about being last in line. If you want a good seat on Day 2, you'll have to get there a few hours early, but otherwise, just make sure you get there before 10am. That's key, because here's how you get your free no-waiting ticket for next year's Day 1:


    1.) When you enter Radio City Music Hall, there are a bunch of people handing out forms and yelling about "Day 2 Diehards." Make sure you get one of these forms. These people close up shop as soon as Day 2 starts, so make sure you're not late.


    2.) Fill out the form (basic name, address, etc. stuff).


    3.) For heaven's sake, don't lose the form! You can only get the form before the first pick of Day 2.


    4.) After the last pick of the draft, there will be a bunch of people collecting the forms on your way out. Give them your form.


    5.) Wait patiently for your Day 1 ticket to arrive. Mine still hasn't arrived, so it'll be a while.


    Once you get inside, I think you'll enjoy it quite a bit. I'm assuming you're pretty into the draft, and if so, it's really cool to walk into Radio City Music Hall and see the familiar podium, with both of the broadcast crews right there. The NFL also handles it really well. There are several giant screens with both ESPN's and NFL Network's broadcasts playing. They give you a mini AM radio, which you can use to tune in to either broadcast, so you don't really miss anything that the viewers at home get. And they give you a goodie bag with the aforementioned radio, a basic-but-not-horrible draft guide/scorecard (and a pen so you can write down who gets drafted when), and some assorted junk.


    If you go on Day 2, I advise you to bring some stuff to keep you occupied, as it can really drag. I think last year ended around 7pm or so, so you're looking at something like 9 hours of being there. Lots of people brought backpacks, which I recommend. I saw a bunch of people with their laptops out, so I'm guessing that there's wifi in Radio City. I'd also recommend bringing your own food to Day 2, as the options inside Radio City are less than optimal.


    All in all, I had a blast last year, and I'm psyched about hitting up Day 1 this year.

  17. Take note of the comments on Connor Barwin, the DE/OLB from Cincinnati. He is an absolute beast in rushing the passer and has the quick first step/burst that is a key to success in the NFL. He was moved from TE to defense as a senior, so he is flying below the radar screen in most mock drafts. However, he has adequate size to play DE in a 4-3 scheme and consistently gets to the passer. He has huge upside as he gains experience and refines his technique. He could be a nice addition anywhere from round 2 to 4.


    +1. Although I'll be very surprised if Barwin last past the early part of the 3rd round. I'm guessing he'll go somewhere in the 2nd.

  18. Yeah, none of these crazed critics can seem to take a break from foaming at the mouth and actually spell out what they think the downside is. "Disrupt the locker room" and "clubhouse cancer" don't actually mean anything. What track did they think the Bills were on? 7-9 again? That's too precious to risk messing with? Personally, I think the Bills were on about a 4-12 track, so I see absolutely zero downside. It's a sign that Ralph was not lying when he said the team wouldn't be complacent. Worst case, TO explodes during training camp, gets cut before the season opener, the team has an abysmal record, and Jauron gets fired. But even then, they've probably gotten enough season ticket renewals to make up the guaranteed money in TO's contract. And unless the Bills make the playoffs or at least come really close*, Jauron probably gets fired anyway.


    *And no, being mathematically in the hunt with 2 weeks remaining is not close to making the playoffs. Losing a tiebreaker is close to making the playoffs.

  19. What were the talking heads saying about Freeney before he was drafted?


    That they were extremely impressed by his jaw-dropping speed (4.48 in the 40) and phenomenal first step. That even though he was undersized at 266 lbs., he was still big enough to play DE in a 4-3. Check it:




    Also, Freeney was much more productive in college, and for a longer time. Maybin is a one-year wonder who played at about 230 lbs. in college. Yeah, he weighed in at 249 at the combine, but he also ran a 4.78 in the 40. So he's still undersized, but now he's slow? Pass. To me, Maybin is exclusively an outside linebacker in a 3-4.

  20. What's the problem? Can't handle the truth? Ok with missing the playoffs again? At what point do you stop being a total homer?


    My favorite is that old chestnut, "Just wait for the draft." As though we're the only team acquiring players through the draft. Exactly what gives these people the impression that our draft will be SO much better than everyone else's? News flash: the Bills are about an average drafting team. Some high picks pan out, some bust, there's an occasional late-round gem, and the rest are pretty mediocre. But the draft only improves the team if you get more out of it than the teams you play against. Why should we expect that?

  21. With 6 O-linemen now under contract, we can turn to more pressing issues, like 3rd-string running back.


    I'll be pretty disappointed if it turns out that the Bills' plan is to put Chambers at LG and fill out the depth chart with scrubs. It's pretty likely that your top backups both on the interior and at tackle will each get multiple starts every year, so it's worth your while to get someone who can play in those spots. I'll be happy if the Bills get Brian Waters (or at least Kendall Simmons) and also draft an interior lineman (or 2) in the first 4 rounds.

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