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Posts posted by Cash

  1. I agree with the GM stuff.


    But "Where is Maybin"? Did you forget that the guy heldout forever and was one of the last 3 rookies to sign?


    That is where Maybin is. He is weeks behind...ah, heck. I just realized how much the Bills suck I don't know why Maybin is not on the field.


    My bad.


    Because shockingly, the pass rush from our high motor white DEs has been pretty good. It's the run D that's been the problem.

  2. I was at the game Sunday; this will be brief:


    1) I want to thank all of my old and new friends for once again being so kind to us. It was absolutely wonderful to see you people, and I anxiously await the trip next year.


    2) Despite the boos, the fans were cheering and supporting this team. I was actually quite touched by, and proud of our fanbase.


    3) Trent is shot.


    4) Terrance Pennington is great compared to our OTs. Ours are unspeakably bad. Bell? Yeah, OK. I think that he is as bad as it gets, but who knows....maybe he will get worse?


    5) I cannot visualise this team winning another game. My very sincere advice to all is to continue to root for them, but make no emotional investment in them winning because it isn't about to happen.


    6) The chickens have come home to roost. Now, even our special teams suck. Leodis McKelvin and Roscoe Parrish have both cost us a game this season. Oh yeah......they were both first picks of our drafts. They are nothing but "gadget players," and this is how we built this franchise. If I was Ralph I would cut Parrish, fire every decision making person person in the front office, and every last coach......INCLUDING Bobby April. He does not deserve a promotion; he deserves to be shown the door along with the other incompetents.


    7) George Wilson is good.


    8) Once again, I am proud to be a Bills Fan, as well as honored to be accepted into this community. Every last thing about the trip was great other than this indescribingly dismal game. Forgive the lack of observations, etc.; it wouldn't be worth reading.


    9) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Five years of dominance followed by one year of being crappy does not equal incompetence. I'm pissed about the special teams, too, but can't they just have a down year? Were the last five years just an extended fluke, and these five games are the real deal? Or did April just forget how to coach this offseason?


    April and Bob Sanders are the only two members of the coaching staff that I'd really like to be retained.

  3. My guess would be very little. TO's old, on a 1-year deal (which actually is probably a positive at this point), and has done nothing on the field so far. Anyone trading for him is banking on the likelihood of Edwards royally sucking.


    On the plus side, TO has shown signs that he might keep his mouth shut all year, which would be a selling point to a prospective buyer. Given how bad the QB play has been the past 3 weeks, I think most people are probably surprised that TO hasn't blown up on Edwards yet, either on the sideline or to the press.

  4. 5. I think this is what you need to know about coaching situations this morning:


    a. Dick Jauron would need a miracle to keep his job in Buffalo, but know this about Ralph Wilson: He has not made an in-season firing of a coach since Hank Bullough 23 years ago. Wilson kept Gregg Williams to the bitter end of a 6-10 season in 2003, Mike Mularkey to the end of a 5-11 season in 2005.


    This team is awful, but would Perry Fewell or Bobby April be suitable interim guys for the last couple of months? I don't see Wilson doing it, but he's got to be near despondent over how horribly wrong things have gone since a spirited opening night performance at Foxboro.




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    It bothers me how people (mostly non-Bills fans at this point) keep bringing up that soul-crushing week 1 loss like it's some kind of accomplishment. Hanging your hat on a monumental choke job is about as big a loser mentality as you can get. Maybe you could get excited about moral victories in year one of a new coach's rebuilding (2008 Ravens/Falcons, 2009 Broncos/Jets say hello), but in the 4th year of a coach's tenure? There's no moral victories at that point. The only bad win is one in which a lot of guys get hurt. There are no good losses.

  5. If I am wrong here it is because I listened to parts of the game on the radio. So, I beg fogiveness beforehand. Two key plays to beat pass rush pressure is a draw or a screen pass. Did we even attempt either yesterday?


    I missed the first quarter, but I don't recall any draw plays. We did run several screens, with limited success. Eric Wood was illegally downfield on one, but the play went for no gain, so the penalty was declined. At least one or two more were stymied (3 yards or less). I remember one on a 3rd and 6 that went for 7 yards and a first down.

  6. Trent was catching up with fellow Stanford grad Camarillo. Yes there was a smile. Who knows what was said between the players. It was at the end of the game.


    Yeah there's a growing hate-on for Trent among fans, but why not focus more on his play than an alleged smile with a guy he played college football with.


    Fair enough. Trent's play sucked. He sucks. He's a terrible quarterback, and he's not showing signs of getting better. He seems completely incapable of hitting a receiver on the move, except for the occasional 9 route. He seems afraid to either throw the ball downfield or to wide receivers, and for good reason -- because the rare times he does avoid checking down, he tends to turn the ball over.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick also sucks. But at least he would bring a new kind of suck to the table. Bring on the Fitzpatrick era.

  7. Between Trentative's love for throwing checkdowns and Miami's pass rush (assuming Porter will play), I wonder if it would be beneficial to go max-protect? Keep all backs and tight ends in to pass block, and only send WRs into pass patterns. Would Trent just start throwing the ball away, or would he be forced to try a deep out or crossing route once in a while?

  8. Great article. Can we please have a moratorium on people saying that Edwards is an accurate passer just because he has a high completion percentage? Every QB will have a high completion percentage if 77% of their passes are under 10 yards.


    It's the 11-20 yard row that is the most damning. Long bombs are always going to be fairly low percentage plays (albeit with a huge upside if you connect), so you don't want to throw a ton of those (which Al Davis still hasn't figured out). But those 11-20 yard passes should be the bread & butter of the passing game.


    I refuse to believe that the coaching staff wants our crappy TEs getting vastly more targets than our really good WRs. Until proven otherwise, I'm putting that on Captain Checkdown.

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