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Posts posted by Cash

  1. 4 hours ago, Einstein said:


    Is it really that tough of a catch for an NFL caliber player?


    I know it’s over the shoulder but my goodness it went right through his hands.




    Not like he had to dive for it or make a circus one-handed grab.


    There was no leap.

    I dunno, what does “that tough a catch” mean? I already said it has to be considered a drop; there’s no disputing that. But Saquon’s drop on that 3rd down last week? That was way worse. Saquon’s drop came on a a catch like Cook’s 4th down conversion last week - wide open; just jogging; and a quick but soft throw that the receiver could see the whole time.


    Compare that to Cook’s drop on Monday: still wide open, sprinting all out for 5+ yards, not knowing if he’d get there or not; and having to spot a much faster ball over his shoulder. There’s no disputing that’s a harder catch than the one Saquon should’ve caught. If Cook has another one of those drops this year, I’ll be way more worried than I am right now. As long as he keeps making the easy ones every single time, I can forgive the hard ones. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    Play action you can't go wrong with but the QB has to want to do it.   JA clearly hasn't liked getting under center and taking his eyes off of the defense to execute the play fake.  Which as @GunnerBill pointed out recently is largely why the Bills have never been able to develop much of an outside zone run game.   Brock Purdy and Kirk Cousins?   That's how they gotta' make their living.   That and throwing "contested" passes and back shoulder throws etc..  Among the things we are seeing is Allen looking better on short throws.  We take it for granted but he hasn't always been very good on those.  His timing and placement on throws at/behind or near the LOS looks much better to my eye.  



    2 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


    Agree. I said it in the GDT on Monday night. His ball placement on those moving laterally short throws has really improved even compared to 2020 and 2021 when he was already an elite QB but struggled at times with those plays. It is part of the massive improvement in YAC we have seen. It isn't all of it - type of receivers and type of route play a part too. But those sorts of throws are an area Josh has improved even since his breakout.


    Pretty significant improvement from last year to this year, IMO.  Allen has always been pretty shaky on those WR screens - one of the reasons we never got much traction is that Allen often put the ball at the WR's feet - and that hurts RAC even if the WR catches it.  Through 3 games, he's been excellent at throwing them quickly and with great ball placement.  (Having improved blockers at WR in Hollins and Coleman also helps, as does having better RAC players catching in Shakir and Samuel vs Business Decision Diggs last year.)


    I remember after the playoff loss last year, I was chatting with another Bills fan, and the topic of Josh's game came up.  He semi-rhetorically asked how Josh could get better at this point.  I took it seriously, and came back with screen passes, deep shots, and risk-based judgment.  So far this year, Allen looks way better than last year on 1 & 3, and about the same on 2 although the sample size is extremely small there.  Still TBD are his RB screens; I don't think we've run one yet this year.

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RiotAct said:

    isn’t that ALWAYS the priority? ;)



    It should be!  But I've seen teams come out looking like their top priority is keeping the other team's offense off the field.  Sometimes that leads to scores anyway, but more frequently it leads to run-run-pass with no margin for error on 3rd down.

  4. 5 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    Yea that was a tough catch. I agree with what others have said in that type of catch being an issue for him generally but the over the shoulder down the field catches he dropped last year were right in his hands. This one wasn't quite. It was catchable but it was not an easy catch he was at his limit in terms of his stretch. I think very few running backs make that play tbh.


    Agreed.  I class it as a tough catch that still counts as a drop.  Great effort to get to the ball, would've been a major highlight-reel if he caught it, but ultimately the ball went through his hands and that has to be counted as a drop.  Much less concerning than his TD drops last year.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 1 hour ago, nucci said:

    we have the best QB playing at a very high level. Why the hell would we go to a grind offense? How about we score a lot to protect the defense?


    Agreed!  Ravens look scariest when they play 2 TE with Henry in the backfield, and they can run Henry, run Lamar, or do playaction.  But they take Henry out when they're in passing mode.  If we get up 2 scores, I think we see more Justice Hill than Henry.


    I don't care how much time we take, or whether it's on the ground or through the air, but the priority on offense should be scoring TDs every time out.

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  6. 1 hour ago, SCBills said:


    It was kind of bizarre to hear Joe B get so into this on his podcast..


    Someone asked about taking the Jags deep and he talked about our lack of deep threats and how MVS might not even be active after getting only a few snaps against the Dolphins. 


    I dont know.. some of his takes this year are overly critical and honestly, don't seem that informed.  


    Obviously we're not going to run MVS out there and take down the field shots in a game that was over by halftime.  He had a decent chunk play against AZ and should have had a TD if Allen hit him deep.  


    I stopped listening to his podcast once it moved from a dialogue to a monologue, but even in the dialogue days it was getting to be a tough listen sometimes.  Back when we were still fairly inept through McDermott's first couple years, it was a great listen.  But Joe never seemed to fully adjust from "the Bills are a national joke" to "the Bills are legitimate Super Bowl contenders".  Example: he kept using the same post-game awards (nearly all of which were for negative things) well into Allen's and the team's ascendancy.  It was cringy listening to him give out 3 awards mocking Bills for playing bad or not showing up when the game was like 41-10 Bills.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Logic said:

    This is a "throw out the records" game to me. 

    An 0-2 team who feels like their backs are against the wall and are desperate for a win. A team who has historically given the Bills fits anyway. When was the last time the Bills comfortably beat the Jaguars and without all of us having heart palpitations? I genuinely can't remember.

    Two keys to the game:

    1.) Travis Etienne vs the middle of our defense. I have faith in our ability to contain the edges in the run game, but we have a propensity to get gashed up the middle. Etienne can also be a weapon in the passing game against our inexperienced linebackers. This will be a huge test for Spector, Williams, Lewis, and our safeties. 

    2.) The Jaguars play man-to-man defense 68% of the time so far this season. The Bills will need to have their man-beater plays ready. It could be a big week for Curtis Samuel and Dalton Kincaid. It could also be the biggest week yet for Josh Allen running the football.

    If the Bills can limit Travis Etienne and find ways to get open against the Jags' man coverage, they win. If Etienne runs wild or the Bills pass catchers have trouble getting open, it could be closer than anyone would like, and may spell loss number one on the season.


    I largely agree with this, but would add that this could be the week for a deep shot to connect.

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  8. 9 hours ago, Simon said:

    I would suggest some folks are unconsciously using the term "trap" game to mean a letdown game.

    While I'm not convinced a team puts out poor efforts because they are looking ahead, I have no doubt teams can put out poor efforts because they were looking behind, i.e. after a big win over a dangerous rival.


    I agree with this.  The "any given Sunday" part is very real, as said adamantly by a couple posters upthread.  NFL teams are all super good, and even a bad team (on their best day) is good enough to beat just about anyone, unless that someone is a better team also on their best day.  And the players, while absolutely the best of the best of the best, are still human beings and fundamentally imperfect.  Is it possible for some (probably not all) players to be less than their best on a given week, because they're either overconfident after a big win, or because they're mentally unfocused due to already starting to think about the following week's matchup?  Yeah, that's possible.  I would imagine it happens some of the time, to some of the players.  (Not necessarily the same guys every time.)  Is that enough to produce a quantifiable statistical effect for either "trap games" or "letdown games"?  Clearly not, because we can't find either!  But there's a lot of noise in there - these guys are professionals, most are capable of fully focusing on the upcoming opponent with no letdown or distractions, AND crappy teams don't always play well enough to take advantage of a mental lapse by a favorite.

  9. 12 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    You'll have a happier life if you stop looking over the fence into the neighbor's field and performing comparative analysis of his pasture quality.  In the two games we played, the Bills have 59 rush attempts (58%) to 42 pass attempts (42%).  


    The reason is, the Dolphins were vulnerable against the run, and Joe Brady seems to live by the mantra "if it's working, we're gonna keep doing it until you stop it".  So he kept running.  You can see this in the fact that Knox (who can block in-line and downfield) actually had more snap counts than Kincaid (whose blocking is improving, but still mostly limited to being in the right place at the right time and giving a little shove.

    Look at the snap counts, which are out already.  They're interesting.  91% is "I played the whole game" because they pulled the starters after that.  Keon Coleman basically didn't come off the field until they pulled the starters at the end.  I would love to know what routes he was running because unlike Hollins, who had the second highest snap count among the WR, Keon is not in there to block.  He can block, but like any rookie he's learning how it's done in the Big Leagues.

    Samuel saw 12 snaps in last night's game.  MVS saw 4.  So I'm not sure where you're seeing "they didn't get separation downfield" because, they were barely on the field, and sometimes when they were, they did; MVS had separation on a dangerous off-platform pass from Allen which he shouldn't have thrown.


    Great post!

    RE: Samuel - I think some of it is gameplan specific, but I also think they’re trying to limit his snaps to give his turf toe the best chance to heal fully. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:

    It looked to me like it was thrown to the outside shoulder and MVS looked inside after ball was in the air.  Right read since it looked like he was behind the defender in a cover 3, but inside shoulder invites another player to the party.  


    Agreed.  It looked to me like QB/WR not being on the same page, rather than a missed throw.  Without knowing how they're being coached, there's no way for us to know if it was someone making the wrong read or just two equally valid but different reads.  A missed opportunity to be sure, but not shocking considering the lack of preseason time and MVS being new to the team.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 10 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    He was explosive off the snap tonight to my eye. Sunday was a lot of just pushing guys backwards which... I mean sure, has a value, but its a bit capped. Tonight he was beating people and looked explosive. In fairness Austin Jackson stinks, but even so.


    The speed rush that got him the sack looked great.  And the spin move the replayed, though it didn't quite get home, was an absolute thing of beauty and forced a rushed throw.

    • Agree 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Logic said:

    As a guy who didn't want Coleman (which doesn't mean anything, because I didn't want Allen either), I will say:

    Impressive day for the rook. If he contributed like this all season long, it would equate to 85 catches for 867 yards. That would be a very good rookie season.

    The "***** it, Keon is down there somewhere" ball he heaved down field, where Coleman big boy'd the defender and got the Bills into the red zone? Awesome stuff. Josh hasn't had that kind of receiver in...um...ever?

    Great start. Can't wait to see him grow. I hope he makes me look as wrong and stupid for my draft day take as Josh Allen has made me look for that one.


    Exactly!  I was saying this during the game.  The guy next to me at the bar was moaning about we "could've had Worthy", and fine, whatever.  But he did concede that we've seen guys make those contested catches against us a million times, but we haven't had one of those made for us in pretty much Allen's whole career.  It's nice to have a guy who can win even when the corner has good coverage.


    I was also pleasantly surprised by his snap count - leading all Bills WRs.  I think the coaching staff has a lot of trust in him already, which bodes well.  He's a good blocker, a potential deep threat (as we saw on his big catch), and can chip in some RAC as well.

    1 hour ago, Success said:

    Well, since America did a group hot-take after Worthy's game - I'll do one here.


    If that's how both WR's are going to be for their teams - both teams got "their guy."  Worthy would not be what WE need - he is more a complement to their offense than a guy who could be their #1.  Coleman WILL be our #1, and is capable of being that kind of player. 


    You can tell JA trusts him already, and he'll be at the top of the "trust" list when he's throwing the ball, even if he's covered.


    My guess would be that it will be evaluated as a good trade for both teams when all is said & done.



    Agreed.  So far, Worthy seems like mostly a gadget guy, and a really good one.  Andy Reid will make great use of him, I'm sure.  Having that speed to keep the safeties deep wouldn't be bad, but I think the Bills had an even greater need for a guy like Coleman.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 22 hours ago, MPL said:

    wtf does the leadership council do? Do they, like, vote on if Josh is being too nice or too mean in his leadership style? I'm going to need some clarity here. 


    They wear cool robes (red & blue, of course), talk about the direction of the team... and of course they perform the Initiation Ceremony whenever a guy is signed or called up from the practice squad.

  14. I've been seeing a bunch of other teams releasing their announcements of team captains, and I'm jealous now.  What's taking the Bills so long?  Need a couple recounts on the votes?


    My guesses are below.  Of note, McDermott went with 6 team captains from 2017-2019, then 7 in 2020, 8 in 2021, 9 in 2022, and back to 8 last year.  I feel like we might be back to a lower number this year with all the incumbent captains departing?



    -Allen and Dawkins are locks IMO, although Dawkins hasn't been a captain since 2020 I think he's such a veteran leader he's gotta be one this year.

    -Mack Hollins.  Everyone on the Bills appears to be obsessed with this guy.  He might also count as a special teams captain.

    -Dalton Kincaid?



    -Bernard.  He's the QB of the defense.  Edmunds was a team captain basically every year till he left.  Now that Bernard is the established starter, he'll get the C.

    -Von Miller has been a captain each of the last 2 years.  Hard for me to think they take it away this year.



    Special Teams

    -Mack Hollins? (see above)

    -Casey Toohill?


  15. 37 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:



    Due diligence would be conducted by an impartial independent third party. This is like hiring the owners to do an inspection of the house you're about to buy


    Terrible analogy.  This is a leader asking for input from his front-line people, and doing it in a way that makes honest feedback more likely.  I've seen plenty of leaders who have no clue how things are on the front lines of whatever they're leading, and it's not a good look.  Granted, some of them are able to offset that weakness with strengths in other areas, but the best leaders have those other strengths AND encourage feedback from their front-line people.

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  16. On 8/30/2024 at 12:58 PM, GASabresIUFan said:

    Thought this was interesting.



    Cbs needs a better editor.  Cine has played 10 NFL games not just 10 snaps. 

    That said, I agree with their overall comments.  

    The International designation for Jonathan is really smart on Beane’s part.  Nice way to add a 17th PS player.  Many of these guys have NFL experience.  I can see Gouraige making the team as a backup in a year.  I can also see Cine making the Bills by mid-season. I saw him often in college and he is a terrific athlete.  If McD and Addae can get him back to the player we saw in Georgia, we have gained a future starter for nothing.


    Agreed on Johnathan. Seems like a calculated move, combined with putting Clayton on non-return IR. 

  17. 24 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Belichick (who didn't always call the plays, but he always was hovering)


    This is pretty much the ideal model for where McD should be on gamedays, IMO.  Not directly calling the plays, but working with Babich and jumping in as needed. 

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