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El Presidente

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Everything posted by El Presidente

  1. Wait a minute...if you have another place to go tailgate why don't you tell everyone already...we will see you there!
  2. Let's call our new offensive line... THE PORKCULLIS! btw...Komillionaire is True Brilliance....LMAOROTFL!
  3. I disagree because it's another of those rules that puts too much power in the hands of the ref. Just wait and watch Pats not get called, while the Bills do. If the game wasn't rigged, they would make holding a 5 yard and loss of down, but then the refs wouldn't be able to control the outcome so well. Sorry, but color me cynical on this new handy tool the refs will yield.
  4. Someone may have already pointed this out...but the Cowboys have always been "South America's Team" More lines in a Cowboys locker room than a baseball diamond...
  5. At Least Jauron hasn't said Mission Accomplished...
  6. Ahhhh that was GOOD... to think of the Cowboys HOFers and fans...watching something on par with Dallas at Buffalo last year. The Lords Of Football clearly disapprove of closing a perfectly good stadium out of GREED. This game is my 2008 highlight. TAKE THAT you f$c$1ng Dallas fans...btw...YOU STILL have a CURSE on you. It's name is THE CURSE OF THE SON OF BUM! Hope he's with you for the next TEN YEARS! WARMEST REGARDS, ~El Pres~
  7. CORRECT ANSWER. but when are we going to have a trainer that understands the 21st century NFL? Take 8 starters off any team and tell me how much of the 2008 slide is coaching... Thank God Stroud is for real and Kiwauki is too. Ralph all I want for XMAS is a Pro Bowl Ultra Durable Uber Smart Center...now is that really asking to much???
  8. AMEN Brother! (Glad someone else is throwing pessimism to the wind)
  9. I hear a few Dolphins fans piping out their blowholes about how this year will be different... All I have to say to any Dolphins fans is...BAWHAHAHA! To think the forecast says there's a break from continual thunderstorms on Sunday...and a high of 81 This is Not the Jaguars in 100 degree weather...and this IS the Jauron Era which is... 4-0 verus the Dolphins. We expect 6 and 1 ~El Presidente
  10. BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't wait for Sunday either. BTW- Deer and Dolphins Fans look sort of the same from a scope...
  11. Ummmm...you saw it on the eastside...with all due respect. We had ound and about 60 people...too bad the defense stunk
  13. I could die in peace.
  14. How many people go to sullys? Can they fit 35 more?
  15. Hello, if in SEATTLE...join us at Jillians on Eastlake. The food sucks...but our club has about 3 dozen people week in week out. Contact me directly if needed. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&clie...t=directions-to Cheers, El Pres
  16. Agreed...What Would Donte Whitner Do? WWDWD?
  17. Thanks for the email...here's what I wrote him (are my martinis showing?) SUBJECT: Math lesson...round up when half or more BODY: Attention Math Challenged Journalist: As the president of the Seattle Bills Backers, it is my duty to inform you that the western world rounds up only when half way to the other point. Until the BUFFALO BILLS play 4 or more home games in Toronto, you are not rounding correctly. A reprimand has been entered on your file. My minions are everywhere, and they are observing you. You are advised to avoid communist practices in the future, with the sole exception of paying fealty to me. With Velvet Gloves... El Presidente Your Benevolent Despot
  18. Here's when the games are on if you live in the Pacific Time Zone... I LOVE THE SMELL OF GUINNESS IN THE MORNING! GO BILLS!!! ~El Pres~ BUFFALO BILLS 2008 SCHEDULE IN PST: DATE TIME PST HEATHEN NETWORK 09/07/08 10:00 AM SEATTLE SEAHAWKS FOX 09/14/08 10:00 AM @ Jacksonville Jaguars CBS 09/21/08 10:00 AM OAKLAND RAIDERS CBS 09/28/08 1:00 PM @ St. Louis Rams CBS 10/05/08 1:00 PM @ Arizona Cardinals CBS 10/12/08 BYE 10/19/08 10:00 AM SAN DIEGO CHARGERS CBS 10/26/08 10:00 AM @ Miami Dolphins CBS 11/02/08 10:00 AM NEW YORK JETS CBS 11/09/08 10:00 AM @ New England Patriots CBS 11/17/08 MON NIGHT CLEVELAND BROWNS ESPN 11/23/08 10:00 AM @ Kansas City Chiefs CBS 11/30/08 10:00 AM SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS FOX 12/07/08 1:00 PM MIAMI DOLPHINS (Toronto)CBS 12/14/08 10:00 AM @ New York Jets CBS 12/21/08 1:00 PM @ Denver Broncos CBS 12/28/08 10:00 AM NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS CBS
  19. How about a daily vigil kind of daily thread...
  20. I bought the direct tv BIlls remote...it's lame 2b honest...No Color Red...don't buy it unless you need it...
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