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Posts posted by mellaman101

  1. Maddog Sport morning NFL weekly is a great listen if anyone has Sirius.


    Topic on Marrone was suppose to be 10 minutes but lasted almost 45 minutes.


    Major reason for not being hired


    VERY combative with General Managers and "disliked" by players everywhere. Buffalo's GM is said to put the word out about him. They are saying that Dareus and Woods got into Marrone's face when he degraded Hughes in practice one day.


    Zimmerman called him a huge cancer. Said it was a dream come true in Buffalo upper management to get rid of this guy at any cost! All said that if Marrone is not hired this season then he should head back to college ranks. Zimmerman even said that his trust and credibility is so bad that Eagles owner Jeffery Lurie stated that the only way he would consider Marrone is if he would sign a deal where pay is based on his ability to preform, coach, and his ability to get along with management/players (Yuck). Also it was said Eagles were the ONLY team to take a serious look at Marrone because he is unproven and hated by staff/players in Buffalo. Buffalos D was mostly in place before he arrived and had nothing to do with Buffalo's D anyways.


    Bottom line, they went off on topic by saying the guy is a proven micro manager and cancer.



    Good luck Mr Marrone.....

  2. I love my Sirius for Howard Stern but also tapped into Maddog sports for their sport talk. I will say this, it is a well put together program.


    This mornings debate was the Steelers game from last night but the Bills were brought in the mix with the issues of Jerry Hughes costing us dumb yardage on his antics on the field. Funny thing was brought into question was coaching and how much rope Rex gives his players with their mouths and actions. One guy said there is NO rope or discipline with his teams. Also I though was great. Andy Reid. EVERYONE agreed that if Reid was the head coach of the Bills, this team would be unstoppable at this point and well into a superbowl contender. Jack Stempy from Pittsburgh said with Reid, there is a great chance Buffalo would of been on their second SB. Everyone said we are OVERLOADED with talent but its not the computer that works, its the brains behind it.....


    Just thought I would share this with you all



    Go Sabres and Bills guys.

  3. Having the NFL in San Diego is the same as Jacksonville having a team. NOBODY CARES! WORST NFL stadium in the league and college teams flat out refuse to play there because of the conditions. I was stationed out there and I have been to games where there was not more than 30000 in the seats with the entire upper bowl tarp with Geico advertisements. Horrible place to have a football experience and the fans/people DO NOT CARE and the players DO NOT CARE to stay there

    Cities that deserve a NFL team....


    1. San Antonio


    2. Portland


    3. Salt Lake City


    4. Louisville


    5. Omaha


    6. Austin

  4. What is going to be the worst thing..?


    An expansion team winning a super bowl before us


    It was painful to watch Carolina and Tampa Bay win Cups...


    But hell man, this team and its excuses just get worse and worse by the year.....


    I see a lot of topics about our GM and who should be canned...


    First off.....


    Our GM is young and is a draft master! He build Pittsburgh's team and he was just some scout and assistant down there.


    We have a fantastic GM


    This leads to one thing about today’s game and most of the season..................




    Rex and his trash bad assistance junk from the Jets are to blame


    Rex should see yellow flags in his dreams (that is clearly his fault since this team has no discipline)


    Roman is a fool and idiot….


    Did I mention the Jets are in playoff contention?


    Enough bitching I guess, nothing will change with my gripes


  5. Never have I staggered in quitting on the Bills! I will be the first to spit fire and get man but.... Since I was born, I lived in Quaker Meadow Apartments right down the road from ole Birts Bike Shop. I use to walk to the stadium at halftime back in the late 70's and 80's and scream and cheer for this team..... When I went in the Navy, I never once missed listening or watching a game unless I was on deployment


    I ask this finally.... Whatever curse hovers this team, our stadium (if buried on native burial lands), or just the kiss of death for fans of this team and depressed area to finally turn things around Monday night and give us something to grasp too.....


    I really believe, if this team can win on this Monday night, it will change the course of Rex Ryan and the Buffalo Bills for years to come.....



    Good night, Go Navy, God bless our troops, our families, fans and the Bills!

  6. I think out GM is great and he did some great things in Pittsburgh when he was down there.


    This teams needs a QB. Im not sold on Tyrod yet but we do play better when he is in. Jim S. should of never been given the door and should of stayed on with the D or head coach, he deserved it.


    Rex Ryan and his staff are the issues. These guys were ran out of New York and the Jets are playing a hell of a lot better than the Bills are. They played the Pats good and I can see them beating them at home this season.


    I have given up on this team and I really have not cared much about the Bills for the past 8 years. Ralph was not well to do anything, our GM, coaching, and staff have been the joke of the town of this team for 15 long years my friends.


    Wade Phillips was our best coach since Marv. Hands down.....


    I hope with new ownership, this team can do something positive and really build something here. That is a dream, and things right now are not good with this team.


    As far as I look at it, Doug is a good GM and it doing his best.... Rex needs to be canned and there is no excuse about it. His players are turning and questioning things and the fans cant keep doing this...

  7. We just lost 3 of our last 4....


    This is a well before preseason team....


    Corey Graham.... Hands down...


    McCoy because of heart....



    and a ball to Rex Ryan - you did bring a bully here and made us victims. There is a reason you were fired from New York and with those Jets playing well with the #1 D.... There is the reason you need to go and go NOW



    Yeah, to the first poster with the "the jets have not played anyone post" we just got our asses kicked by the worst team in the league....

  8. Ill be honest and this is my opinion...


    Rex Ryan is trash. Im not saying that out of anger but seriously folks. This team has no heart and sucks. This team is a CLEAR reflection of the coaching staff and the only thing that man brought with him is his big mouth. He was fired from the Jets for some reason right? Not because he won there.....


    I would honestly fire him if I owned this team. Let that fresh tattoo haunt him because this is the last team he will coach in the NFL.


    Look at the Jets everyone..... Not bad..... And we still have to play them --- TWICE



    There is nothing scary about this defense and the drive that the D did have got their paydays and really dont care. No heart, no drive and once again... Their coaches suck.







    Game Balls


    McCoy.... Only player that has a set of balls on this team. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING TODAY LeSean!


    Rex Ryan, already worn out your welcome here in Buffalo



    Be safe in your travels everyone. God Bless America and the fans of the Buffalo Bills

  9. Ronald Darby and Corey Graham - They held their own and Graham was great....

    Ronald Darby is first round material that we are very lucky to have fallen to us!



    Tyrod Taylor..... This kid is for real! He made a couple of mistakes but was CLEARLY the best player on the O! Clay dropped balls, piss poor turn out from the running game and also the O line. We had 2 big plays created by Taylor called back because of his line today.



    The rest of this team is just a damn joke and should be clearly ashamed but I ONLY BLAME THE COACHING STAFF ON THIS TEAM!


    Sorry to say this folks.................. Last seasons staff is CLEARLY better and more prepared for Sunday that Rex Ryan and his Big Mouth Circus.


    We dont want "Bully Ball" in Buffalo Mr Rex, the fans of the Buffalo Bills WANT TO WIN! The Defensive line is playing like they got their money now they will do nothing. Hughes needs to be suspended! He make a total ass of himself today!


    This team is not playoff material and 8-8 is a true reality... Sorry guys, this team is a real joke and it starts with coaching... Our GM is not happy im sure.... We should of made Rex keep our old D-cord.....



    Danny C can not kick a beach ball.... Cut him and suspend Hughes and make a statement that todays events are not accepted!

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