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Posts posted by mellaman101

  1. Their are 228 million people in this country and so many around that world that DREAM to have a crack in the NFL. So many people out there with more talent than Karlos that could not make it due to ACL's and other health issues. Karlos made it to that dream! Even more, was making a positive strive to be a grinding starter or even the next Bettis in the NFL. Karlos decided to do the dumb thing and not use his brain. You want to earn that big payday? No problem in the NFL, stay out of trouble and maintain your figure..... Same as I had to do to stay in the military for 20 years and retire..... I dont feel bad for his dumb ass at all, because Im one of those guys who could not play college hockey because of my left knee and was damn good enough to have Boston and Pennsylvania take a sniff at me. Enough said...... Piss on Karlos

  2. This team plays frail and fragile. They don't hide their weaknesses they exploit them. The coaching and discipline this team has is absolutely horrific. I understand that this is the only second game of the season but this is also the second year of Rex Ryan and nothing has improved guys. This team is worse than last year. Technically losing the Baltimore game makes us 0-2 because they are a wild card team and that's one less wildcard we're going to win if we tie them. Which we're not going to even come close. I'll be honest we look terrible out there. Yeah I know we're going to have the hip hip hooray is in here ripping down my post but go ahead show me where the light in this team is please

  3. right after the HC change. We should change all operation promotional TV's in the Bills store to play both straight and gay porn. Then, we should burn all jerseys with players names on them and only sell nameless jerseys. I feel we should not wave Bills flags because its offensive to people who also suck in life....

  4. I would bring Hardy in to see what kind of physical shape he is in first, then I would shut the door and have a long hearted convo. I think at this point heading into the season Mr. Hardy knows all too well where he messed up at. We took a chance on Hughes, its paid off (minus his bs during a couple of games last season). It never hurts to look a guy in the eyes and tell him who runs the team and the value of leadership.


    Id bring him in. It is possible he wised up. But what a beast with him and Hughes on the like coming off those corners....

  5. I would be on the phone with the Vikings to trade EJ and free up that cap space. Get EJ out the door for a player or really low pick. At the same time, I would have Greg Hardy in for a visit. Our pass rush with Hardy/Hughes connection would be incredible..


    This is just my take on things. But a one year deal for Greg right now would be a cheap option for him just to play. I know he is a head case at times but he can play, and our D does need the help....

  6. Buffalo will never see a Superbowl unless that stadium in on the falls and Buffalo builds about 30 more hotels. Pittsburgh build their new stadium and the NFL laughed at them when the Rooney's asked for Pittsburgh's turn to reap some awards...... I dont see it happening unless its roof is controllable or a dome. Too cold, too much wind and snow.

  7. I don't understand the notion that the 2015 draft provided any indication Whaley is coming up Large. He hit on Darby and missed on everything else before and after Karlos Williams who looks like he is going to be severely limited in the availability column. He runs straight up and get trashed on anytime he takes contact.


    Miller, Steward, O'leary, Lewis have shown nothing that would make me think we can't upgrade at those roster positions. Whaley still hasn't drafted a starting caliber Olineman. He saved face with the Incog signing which may or may not have been a Rex influence.


    I'm not going to trash on Whaley but 2016 is make or break for a him. He has found talent but is still yet to form a TEAM worthy of anything above mediocrity. Last season we were all excited about how deep and talented we were...only Ryan Fitzpatrick stood between us and 6-10. Talent alone doesn't win in the NFL, talented TEAMS win in the NFL.


    wow..... I would take the time to delete this response and post what flavor of urinal cake you would prefer to eat.....

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