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Posts posted by mellaman101

  1. I really dont read about it anymore man. Its way out of anyones hands at this point. I will say this though, they day the Bills leave Buffalo I will never watch or support the NFL again. Thats the way it goes for me. As far as Mr Wilson goes, he owns this as a business and owes nobody or any fan anything. We chose to support or buy a ticket to fund this thing. Business is business and it sucks but the mighty dollar rules all in the end. Enjoy them while we have them is about all that can be said at this point.

  2. I live in the Pittsburgh area, Ben is not liked here very much at all...


    Yeah, he is a real saint.


    Banned from eating in most places in Pittsburgh because he refused to pay the bill and gave a hard time about paying when the police arrives.


    Banned from both Casinos in Pittsburgh for his mouth and degrading of casino workers


    Sexual battery of women in public restrooms, lied and said he didnt do it, but took the NFL suspension....



    Any woman would marry him, he has a 150 million dollar contract..... You really think she is in "love"?

  3. I have linked the Buffalo Bills with the following which caused last nights performance....



    OJ Simpson Murder (The gloves fit Ralph)


    Russian Civil War


    Napoleonic War


    World War I


    World War II


    Jimmy Hoffa's mysterious human remains (Buried under RWS or stored at Duff's Wings)



    Get over it guys really, its the first Preseason game!


    I know, I know, the Bills should take the field and expose their season game plan and open the play book right?



    Go Bills and see you all at the opener!

  4. Was at Buffalo Wild Wings here in Pittsburgh today. Sitting at the bar wearing a bills shirt and hat on and a couple of Steeler fans were talking to me about the Super Bowl loses.



    I didnt say much until this comming season got into the mix. I said to the guy, "yeah, we picked up some really good players and have a solid D now so the sky is the limit for us" He said "well New England is the class of that division." So I said, well, the Ravens have your number and you guys lost alot this offseason. This jackass in front of everyone says this and this is no bullcrap


    "Were going to rebuild for this season and sign guys after the June 1st cuts"



    I had NOTHING to say and the people around me just looked away laughing... Unreal...

  5. AFC East

    Bills: $9.7 million

    Jets: $7.8 million

    Dolphins: $6 million

    Patriots: $10.7 million




    AFC North

    Bengals: $19 million

    Browns: $18.5 million

    Ravens: $1.7 million

    Steelers: $4.3 million




    AFC South

    Colts: $10.3 million

    Jaguars: $19.3 million

    Texans: $2.9 million

    Titans: $17.2 million




    AFC West:

    Broncos: $10.8 million

    Chargers: $3.8 million

    Chiefs: $18.1 million

    Raiders: $29,341




    NFC East

    Cowboys: $2 million

    Giants: $2.6 million

    Eagles: $12 million

    Redskins: $4.9 million




    NFC North

    Bears: $5.8 million

    Lions: $4.4 million

    Packers: $3.4 million

    Vikings: $13.5 million




    NFC South

    Buccaneers: $16.7 million

    Falcons: $1.7 million

    Panthers: $5.1 million

    Saints: $1.7 million




    NFC West

    49ers: $4.6million

    Cardinals: $8,795

    Rams: $4.2 million

    Seahawks: $13.7 million


    Wondering on some of these numbers how teams are going to sign their picks? Or does it count?


    June 1st cuts should be something special

  6. It's a little late for him to develop into that type of player considering he is 32 years old and in his 10th season.




    Thats true man, I met Chris and he is a really nice guy. Spent time with my kids throwing ball and we didnt even ask him to. I would like to see great things from him and there is a chance here he can shine. Even if its comming off the bench.

  7. I am just as excited as anyone that we got Mario! Who would ever think we had a chance to land him here.



    But come on guys, Mario is great, and will be great for us but we need more help and the draft alone is NOT going to do it.


    Im not a GM or a football expert. I enjoy the game but have some street smarts too.


    We dont have to break the bank on another FA but what Buddy should do is bring in some above average talent. There are plenty of players out there looking to prove something.


    One thing is a fact is this guys. You have have all the talent in the world, but chemistry wins championships!



    On a good note guys, please be safe this weekend! Its a drinking weekend and the weather will be nice. Keep you and your families safe from the drunk drivers!


    Go Bills!

  8. Living here in the Pittsburgh area and tuning into the local sports radio 93.7, there is more turmoil behind the curtain that what is being said.


    That team is a mess behind closed doors. Ben and Harrison have WAY to big of mouths and its funny, they both hang out together. Ben, who I have met before at the casino here, is a world class !@#$. You can take white trash out of the trailor park, but you cant take the trailor park out of white trash.

  9. Why? Ralph tells us patience and we don't have a single non-injured Pro Bowl caliber player on the roster. Good players don't get injured at the rates that our supposedly good players seem to. This should be a wake up call to all the fans that think we are one or two good players away from making it.


    We aren't even close. What a waste the past ten years have been.




    Making what? Love? This team is a owner-on-down from making anything....

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