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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. I loved Ralph. His biggest flaw was loyalty to some of the wrong people. His biggest credit was his generosity and love of family. Terry so far seems like a good man and Kim is his equal. NICE!
  2. When Trump is re elected and he will, in the first 90 days you will here talk of increasing time limits past 2 terms. The founding fathers agreed that citizens could carry assault rifles, and did not say 8 yrs max. An internal enemy will be identified, Duck Dynasty guys will blame this group for loss of hunting grounds, Taco Bell will be punished as being non American and Rush L Will be made US Ambassador to UN. Putin will coach him and Kim will party in the Whitehouse. Trump will proclaim his border wall is greater than the Berlin wall. Or the dems win the election and Bernie bankrupts the country in 24 months.
  3. As a non citizen of the USA I should not have a take on these proceedings but I will take the liberty of 1 comment. When did elected government officials, and many appointed officials become only loyal to a fukkin political party and not their country. The US is not far from a coup and dictatorship. The polarization from AK 47 carrying citizens, extreme open the borders and hug the world liberals, cops trained as special forces driving tanks vs minority groups, news shows who long ago gave up being neutral for the entertainment value and $$$ reporting on people who have not told the truth in their life. What use to be spin is now fake news and open lies. The pride and strength of a great nation who once talked down the Berlin wall now parties with communist leaders and praises dictators and shiiits on your friends. This whole process feels more like the Kremlin than the Hill. Again I am not a US citizen and post this with the greatest respect to my many US friends.
  4. R R is a d-tackle in a linebacker body. He needed a golf cart to go sideline to sideline. I wish him well and a ring this weekend.
  5. Yes, produced by Scott's. It clears the soil in about 6 weeks, then you reseed. Crab grass grows each year from seed, so you need to stop emerging seeds then thicken lawn to eliminate.
  6. Takeaways...what a lazy corporate buzz word rather than proper English
  7. Corn gluten stops crab grass seeds and all seeds from germinating
  8. He ain't no YA TITTLE.....his stats may get him recognition eventually, the NY press will finally push for him, but his leadership and personality come up short.
  9. I live in a society that military trained cops shoot their own citizens far too often with immunity. Hide behind the terrorist threat if you must to justify that cops are now in the military side if the ledger not the citizen side. In this case they should have been outside the room controlling access if necessary. The school officials should be responsible for the cigar issue, not a rent a cop. Don't justify para military police with the " with the what would happen if the superdome burned down card ". You sound like an 8 year old. It is the school who should be charged. They allowed the cop in. They allowed the idiot in. They allowed the cigars and the booze for minors. They allowed the ego centric celebration on public property.
  10. The school should have quality student athletes as roll models not idiots list this guy. Typical of these programs to worship ego and $$$. Cops should not be in private dressing rooms. The idea of a quality resolution like LEN-NERD suggests above would be incredible.
  11. Society issues in a micro second. Para military police training when they are suppose to serve and protect. I am sure they have riot gear at the ready when the cigars breakout. Cops who have a relatable index of zero. Citizens who push every envelope because their contribution to society is undeserved fame, stupid money, and an over the top ego. The parents of these kids cannot get on the sidelines or in the room, but this piece of shlltt can. Nothing right about any of this. This school allows this idiot to show their student athletes the way to the future, and cops reinforce the already broken trust between them and society. WHAT A TEACHING MOMENT.!!!
  12. They need to be willing to sacrifice
  13. R&R hof choices are a joke.... Music hof ok, I get it....but R&R Where are Los Bravos, Desi Arnez, and Judy Garland.
  14. Redouble....how in he?? do you redouble your effort....
  15. "RECORD" Is there a holiday travel season, a storm report, a stock report, a sports event that the national press doesn't call a record.
  16. Immediately made me think of Vegas effect, he did not seem to try. WAS there a pay off
  17. "WAS" a fake cowboy. Unique, controversial, consistent, longevity, at a time when this was important. Now we get instant success on social media and rich overnight. The same people who think Imus was a no talent bum likely think Kayne West is great.
  18. Seriously. Has tv not reached your hillside yet? I would suspect even Christ had a sense of humor. The only thing being denied here is smile or laugh. You can " this "AND " that " as long as you have a set of rules.
  19. Time to get out the aluminum pole, have a feats of strength contest and air some grievances.
  20. By the time Bruuuuuuuuce was celebrating like this he had demonstrated his ethics and dedication (which he inially did not have). The concern is that Shaq is a one time contract driven player to fall back into his habits of the past. I will take what he is doing if he has truly made the change.
  21. Cannot resign Shaq He is not trustworthy after he gets a big contract. He has shown his character over the last 4 years and this incident. Without the carrot of a big payday he would not be performing.
  22. Tell Sullivan to go back to Boston....he has consistently been the most negative depressing writer, broadcaster I have ever read or heard. Bring back the good old radio guys. Where is Artie baby when you need him!
  23. The best step Daboll has made is to developed the ballhandling skills for Josh. He is very comfortable with various handoff styles and hiding the ball. In the long term this will play out well.
  24. Been a Bills fan since Kemp and Lincoln days. Loved Lustig's soccer kicking. Never missed a home game tailgating for 17 years through 80s and 90s. Hated many Mondays but loved Sundays. Still have the first t shirt from the stadium wall tailgate party. All that was ruined first by Donahoe then Dick Jauron. Could not put up with lack of passion and the diassappointment. Today I read about Bills everyday. I follow Twobillsdrive. I even buy jerseys ( got Josh's this year). I even have 2 copies of the Canton newspaper from the day Kelly was inducted. I struggle to watch many games because I hate dissappointment. I p.v.r. every game on tv and watch only if they play well. Call me fairweather fan, that is ok but I have found that life is too short to feel that much dissappointment. It does not make me less passionate. Go Bills.
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