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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Ok, here is a take from a Canadian. Trump is right about the border, about migrants, about illegals, about Islamic extremists. He is right about military spending. He can use tariffs as leverage, good for him. I welcome this pressure But, I do not believe this is the end of tariffs even if Canada does fix the border issues (and we need to) and increases military spending and NATO issues. Tariffs are a source of short term government income in the US, he needs that with his tax reduction plans. His biggest income grabs are Canada and Mexico trade tariffs. Will it help US industry in the future, yes, will it hurt the US taxpayers, yes, will it isolate the US, yes, will it hurt economies around the world, yes, will it lead to WW3, yes. Trump needs no friends. Never has. Isolation didn't work in 1940s, when every invasion, every naval attack, every air attack took weeks. It will not work when attacks now take minutes.
  2. This is hilarious since the US has been unable to take over Cuba for 80 years. Yeh, let's buy from Venezuela and Saudi. Let's give Islam and commies more control...hmmm
  3. Just think Bryan Cox....in pink and teal....
  4. There, I told you Gaetz had some intelligence. It just took time to shine through.
  5. Over the years there have many plays that can make you hug the complete stranger 2 rows behind you just because of the color of his/her coat. That can make you want to throw a cross body block to the garbage can in the parking lot A big Bruce sack causing a 15 yd loss with 1:15 on the clock, Thurman squirting out a pile to gain 22 on 3rd and 7 putting us on the 3 yd line with 21 seconds to go, Jimbo in the Kgun, Sestak, any number of plays in the comeback game, But none bigger than Josh's. Watch at least 20 times
  6. Bernard's interception in the last minute or so was, to me, one of the most incredible defensive plays I can recall. Yes he maybe a little under sized, a little injury prone maybe. But few people in NFL history could react and close that fast and make that play. In my mind, equal to Josh's great play that few QB can make. He is a pleasure to cheer for.
  7. And you call Josh Allen by his last name and Jackson by his first. That is an insult.
  8. You mean L Jackson of the Ravens. F...the Lamar bs
  9. His name is Jackson. Why does he get first name status? That is bs. Even Mahomes doesn't get that. Jackson is a good player, but he ain't no Lebron.
  10. Without the immigrants then wages would go up,to attract workers or employers could apply for workers imported legally. Many do in the farming business. It is honorable work, deserving of a decent wage.
  11. Point, when you openly create an environment that harbors 1 or 60,000 people from federal law enforcement because you disagree with the law, you lose the right to criticize others (Trump in this case) for being a felon. Do you think this hotel worker is paid less than a local American citizen (assuming this worker was not a citizen) doing the same job? Is there not a minimum wage standard? Would a national public traded hotel chain have 2 wage scales?
  12. How can people vote for a convicted felon. This is hilarious. The dems created sanctuary cities to help illegal criminals escape federal law enforcement, created bail laws to that allow career criminals to walk. Then they wonder how people can vote for a convicted felon.
  13. Gaetz tells the story. He is positioned with the judiciary, the congress , and Musk and Rami to removing enemies, creating new enemies, controlling the bureaucracy. When you see pro government marches, you know you are in trouble.
  14. It is impossible not to imagine what could happen here, the extremes of persecution, the unchallenged power, and along with Elon M, the proclamations, the speeches, the blame pointing , the desolving of institutions, and the civilian armies of support. The left, the woke have dragged this nation, and other nations to the point that this can happen. Tradition in democracy is the have marches, and demonstrations for a change of policy, for a recognition of a need from minority interests. I fear that now we will see marches supporting a direction that will be in support of strong policy and direction and be anti of the minority groups. We have the situation of total government control, we have a group of internal enemies, we have the vast majority of citizens who have been frustrated now with the ability to react. The country faced and extreme attack on its future direction from Harris.. where sanctuary cities, drug support, crime, pronouns, giveaways, migration, illegals, devaluation of citizenship, taxes, the citizens responded. But never could any but a few imagine Gaetz. We have seen this before in history. I hope this dies not go too far.
  15. Accept a flippin joke....you are reacting like the elitist left who was called her when he/she was a they.
  16. Spend a few days in Manhattan, walk thru Times Square, try taking transit, stroll a few blocks from River Cafe, cross your country and take a nostalgic visit to Haight Ashbury, walk King Street, or Queen Street in downtown Toronto, review the crime stats in Portland and Vancouver. Count the needle giveaways sites, the drug sales on those corners, the violent car thefts gangs in major cities...if you don't see that it is hard to imagine how wonderful that life must be for you. Police forces have been forced to become army units, cannot have a traffic stop without vests and fully armed, the growth of agencies and programs for mental health, which is just code for drug use. Please let us know what Utopia city you live in, please. ps. I never mentioned blue cities, just cities.
  17. Drug store chains are closing because of theft, you cannot walk in many areas of cities at night or day without worrying about your life from some wackev out druggie. More pllucdmzn hzfd been killed prf year than in decade totals up to 1990. NYC subways have more cops, less ridership because of danger. Whole stretches of San Fran, LA, Chicago have boarded up stores and restaurants do to safety and robberies. Mass shootings are regular. Protests about foreign wars we are not involved in are far more violent than anything from the 60s and Vietnam. Children cannot play in parks because of druggies, drugs and needles. Shootings are so common papers don’t report them. Gangs from Mexico, Central America, Columbia are ruling areas of cities. So unless you are living in a village in Idaho it is hard to imagine you dont see it, read it, hear it. Stats produced by self serving bureaucrats are not to be believed.
  18. I am not a US citizen, so I know my opinion plus $2.50 will get me a coffee, but at the risk of being told to f off...here goes 1. Illegal migration must stop and immigration from countries that have historical conflicts are putting conflicts on US streets that are deadly, costly and not essential to your society. 2. Biden, Obama ( and his stupid Nobel Prize), and Clinton did more to weaken US power around the world while Russia, China, India along with 20+ more aligned countries now pose a very credible and immediate threat, far more serious than Cuba missile days. Every Prez since Reagan have hurt US authority, NATO Power and created threats to peace. Putin will escalate, he is not Kruschev. Trump and his administration must deal with these threats. WW3 will be on NA soil and airspace. 3. Sanctuary cities, the crime that goes with them and the drug culture included are destroying society. The mayor, the council of those cities, the governor of those states need to be charged with failure to protect citizens by refusing to enforce federal laws. There it is..my 3 from 1000 ft level...
  19. Never give up....seriously, she sounds like she is running a social agency, a minority rights organization...oh right, she was.
  20. She can stump for Hamas, run for mayor of sanctuary city like San Fran, campaign to defend police, start an immigration law firm...endless
  21. Harris couldn't bring herself to protect actual American citizens giving cover to illegal migrants, criminals and sanctuary cities. The rule of law is the desire of most citizens. Congrats Trump. Now, can we stop the pronoun nonsense.
  22. Let me understand this, a squirrel (goes by the name P-Nut), got the death sentence and the drug dealer doesn't need bail money for the 34th time. The woke culture can be confusing. Did P-Nut not use his pro nouns correctly?
  23. So which outlet, which government agency, which person and you going to believe when the election results come out?
  24. On election night, or the day after, who does the American public trust to tell the truth about the election results. Fox...CNN, NBC, NY POST, TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, certainly the state election boards cannot be trusted, the VP is an obvious out, the Republican party? The Democrats? The electronic ballot machines? KPMG, the Jeopardy judges. Seems like this may be a problem
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