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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. This is great. Coming to the Bills I could not accept. My reasoning.... Diggs is a questionable personality to add to this team. Diggs wanted Gurley, his buddy. Diggs insults Singletary without even a thought. Diggs needs to be shown he does not run the team. A team he has never met. Diggs, shut up. You are a great piece to a team, not a savior, Beane runs this team.
  2. This guy is only half Mario Williams...and look at his value for money spent...
  3. 3800 people got on a cruise ship Sunday in Miami, without testing and without testing equipment on board. This makes it very clear that THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IS A TOTAL FAILURE. A few folks who obviously had superior intelligence refused to board. There should be a survey done on this group before it is too late to determine what schools they attended, if any, federal funding should be immediately stopped and all grads should be stripped of their degrees. Just sayin'.
  4. And this is why virus and bad bacteria spread
  5. He swore at a boss/owner who deserves to be sworn at. Not the first...but he is still the owner....
  6. Letting him test market is the only way to get the information for resigning him. We should not over pay for Shaq. We should learn our lesson from Dareus. Shaq has some of the same historic troubling times. He finally got serious last year. He wasted at least 2 yrs of his career and we paid for it. Keep him for a goid price. Let him walk if offers are extreme. He is not a saviour
  7. Where is this ban... Sweden, Alabama, Texas? Is this approved by NRA?
  8. Should we ban Miller beer because some nut killed 7 people in the factory and we may be sick of gun toting mental nuts. I am not Asian...but I know some incredible Chinese people who I would defend from this type of discriminary rhetoric.
  9. HE FELT BETRAYED. Every Bills fan, every Bills season ticket holder was betrayed by this piece of work. We held his little hand to get him through a crisis paid him for a future he promised and then he did nothing except smoke weed and ate munchies. HE BETRAYED THE BILLS AND THE FANS.
  10. The number 1 issue here is, who gives a rat's a?? about anything the USA Today says. They put out a ranking and we listen....? Some sleazy reporters think they can compare a db to online tackle or a wide receiver and suddenly Ford's ability is questioned. These writers don't know how to spell schemes or consider team strengths, or coaching philosophy on development. These are same guys who kissed Josh Rosens butt.
  11. Every time I see obvious bad calls at critical times my mind goes to gambling and payoffs or drug debts etc. Reducing the fine, mea culpa, only makes the concern worse. I hope the NFL is on top of it.
  12. We have all seen the video of some guy banging on the back of the airplane seat, presumably because he is pissed at the women for putting her seat in recline position. She said she waited for the meal........He said yada yada...everyone debates the 32 inches between seats, is it proper to recline during meals, or only on overnight flights, or flights longer than 4 hours etc. etc. Here is real issue. Would this punk have the balls to do that to a guy. It looks to me like he is a bully to the women in front of him. My glass of red wine would have been all over that sob if I had been in that seat. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
  13. He was sitting on the dock waiting for Brandy. She a fine girl, and a good wife she will be. Such a fine girl.
  14. Great show when we were young....but never made it to the moon and back and they never said what happened to the first 6 rocketships. I was always disappointed that Captain Kangaroo never lived in Australia or actually lived on a boat. The only real constant was Bunrabbitt who loved carrotts such things left many with scars for life,,
  15. That will be two beers for you. Foolhardy is not being able to see that both extremes are dangerous and equal. I'll pass on that beer with you.
  16. I actually believe much of what you say, except I am not blind. The left is the equal to the right in terms of hatred and bullying. Both extremes are relentless and pius. Both are dangerous to democracy and freedom. This all started with an opinion that Trump will want to extend past 8 years. I still think this is possible and if so you owe me a beer.
  17. Express one opinion that goes against the extreme right and the anger, bullying and name calling starts. I am more fiscal conservative than you will ever be, I just see right extremism as damaging as left extremism to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. AR 15s are as dangerous to my freedom and happiness as are subsidized housing and food stamps.
  18. Block me for expressing an opinion that an illogical man will take what appears to be an illogical direction to logical people. Seriously. Not surprising that you revert to name calling and bullying within 4 words. ?
  19. I am neither a supporter of Trump or detractor but he has entered into many controversial directions so term limits seems a logical direction for a man with this huge ego.IMHO. Revenge is a powerful force for him.
  20. Trump has managed to ignore the constitution and avoid the law for 4 years so his logic and public support will allow him to fix this injustice.
  21. IMHO when Trump wins in 2020, you will begin to hear talk of ending 8 yr max. Congress has no limits. Senate has no limits. Supreme Court has no limits so why should 1 branch of government be restricted. Trump, Putin, Kim rule the world.
  22. Once again, why. He is a piece of sheeet as a human being and team mate.. Unless you are Sigmund Freud his behavior should never be rewarded.
  23. 24 pages wasted on this piece of sheeeeet, less than one page on Bills TDs in 2019, 2 topics below. Says a lot about all of us. Antonio Brown is not worth a single breath. I apologize for these 41 words.
  24. Chrissy Everett should have taken the mic and beat him with it. Rome is a coward, hiding behind a mic taunting people who are 150lbs bigger then running. We all know those types. The mic is a replacement for his mothers skirt. He thought he was the Stern of sports but he is nothing but a punk. When he was on GR55 I wrote them and pledged to never listen to the station until he was dropped.
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