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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Let's see Dumb used...check Stupid used ...check Ahh aren't you predictable Mr. Secret Agent man
  2. Pick on a spelling mistake and not the statement of truth. Freddy and Fanny make the US government the largest housing landowner in the world. Because of how mortgages are designed in USA and interest deductions the property is actually owned by the mortgage holder. That allows walkways which was a major contributor to 2008 crisis. The rest of the world mortgages cannot be walked away from. The debt follows the debtor not lender.
  3. There you go again Pilgrim. Dumb dumb , so little education...but you can spell. Hard to see the world from the basement so that explains your views. The FBI corruption nonsense is just a good cover...any agent can do that.
  4. 2 skunks pissi g on each other just stinks more. Trump is an arrogant as?. He does nothing to govern for the people only his voters. Pelosi is worse than Trump. Both are elitists. You need a leader...not a religious nut like Pence in the wings. Your country is going to implode, or explode if this continues, and Bin Laden will have won. He predicted this. Throw in the potential overturn of Roe v Wade and guns will be needed to go for a beer. It makes me so sad. It is worse than the 60s. Kent state, assassinations of 2 Kennedy's X! King, Booming economy for 401ks is not the measurement of happiness and success. Stripmalls are not a sign of success. Stop trying to win. This us not the NFL, where the day after winning means Disney and then the tea.ity that what we just did was nothing other than a game and entertainment. This is about life...happiness not battle. Boogie men are not around every corner.
  5. Seriously. The 6 months is right if everyone acted like Florida did u til this week. This virus, sans new drug or inoculation will take 12 months to make it safe to go to a wedding, concert, or major event. Trump said Easter.....the bunny died...likely Labor Day before you can have your full family over
  6. Up yours you arrogant a?? And you have opinions about Canada, socialist based countries and China and Russia. Don't tell me I don't have the right to have an opinion...you are the definition of the local uneducated American. Your type is more rare these days but you must have crawled out from under a rock. Typical Trumpeter.. had to end with an insult. Look in the ,mirror Ned
  7. Yeh I know, my jokes are not often great, but I try. I think people should be citizens of the world as well as a citizen of your country. Makes a broad perspective possible and the sharing and debating events more tolerable. While I am not American I have many friends who are. I hate to see the polarization, the hatred, the divide. I lived the 60s, this is worse. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon never insulted their citizens. Nixon fired 1 prosecutor, Cox, and in the country all parties were not impressed. This guy insults 200 years of history and protocol (often called civilized) processes. By the way so does Pelosi. Reagan and Tip O Neill would hate this environment. You are what happens when the FBI gives you a check and expects you to drink from the tap of the Wizard of Orange. You are not dumb, think with an open mind for all the citizens of your country, not just the 44% that cast a vote for his highness.
  8. Like your CIA BUDDY, this was not your conversation... How many FBI Operatives dies it take to change a light bulb. Answer..who knows..they never tell the truth..but they have a conspiracy theory
  9. Rhino can stand up for himself. He doesn't need a junior agent to defend him. Speaking French is now an insult?. Typical Trumper. I said nothing about a Trump conspiracy just supporters who see conspiracies like McCarthy did. If you must play the game Ned Beatty...state your thoughts not defend your CIA Buddy. At least you show signs of intelligence...not one stupid or idiot comment like you little buddy Rhino..the guy with no sense of humor.
  10. History repeats itself. In the 50s people were called communists by establishment who saw conspiracy on every corner, In the 60s and 70s when we protested against the war we were called communists pinkos by the establishment, we were shot by your own National guard, Troops even protested against the establishment ( think Roosevelt capt.) And ran from the draft. Trump had a hangnail. The fbi infiltrated the youth, the Democratic convention. Conspiracy was everywhere. Fast forward...you are the new conspiracy theorist, defending an administration that has lied, allowed their citizens to die, lashing out at anyone who sleaks up. McCarthy, Nixon had no sense of humor. Your language is like your leader. Dumb, stupid etc etc. You are a bully with no sense of humor.
  11. Now I know you are a CIA plant, you seriously can not take a joke. Way too thin skinned to be human. ? More proof you are a CIA plant. Your knowledge is too great. ?
  12. A few interesting events Atkinson gets fired in the dark of night for doing his job. The captain of an aircraft carrier gets tossed for trying to make people listen about the virus. His crew cheers for him. His bosses toss his butt for breaking a rule Dr. Fauci is being pushed aside and not being allowed to comment and he is the expert Last week the Surgeon General who couldn't decide if a mask was good or bad because of politics is now demonstrating how to make a homemade mask. I guess the Wizard of Orange came up with this idea. Such strange events from this administration
  13. Socialism is a word that venture capitalists want you to think as evil. Danny May and Freddy Mac are socialist programs bigger than anything other countries have
  14. It also shows unhealthy masses requiring the need. With many if these countries having open healthcare not a lot of private, it also demonstrates where private healthcare makes its money. There is no money on sending people home when capable. There is money in private healthcare keeping you in the critical care bed... The US private system also has a big focus on private and semi private rooms
  15. Maybe you should read first before jumping. I said it would likely be ineffective. Is that dreaming. I went on to say that it may be pressure from many countries. Did you even think about labor laws...and patents?
  16. Reparations thru a court that China will not recognize would be an interesting challenge and in the end be ineffective, but can play a role to bring collective pressure. The real issue with China will be as always, patents respect and labor laws. It was and is the same with Mexico. Until manufacturing companies insist on these nothing will happen. Ask yourself this question, US dept of labour insists that companies doing business in Mexico adhere to the same OHSA standards as US facilities. I have lived thru that. Sub suppliers do not have to adhere. US companies with China .locations do not have to adhere because the Fed. Govn does not apply it. NAFTA was the catalyst for Mexico. Trump and the republicans have no desire to press this position with China. Canada is the same position. You have to ask politicians, why? The answer $$$
  17. Amazing when a person who considers themselves to be an intellectual with big words like draconian...is so engulfed In hatred they can no longer see when they are flying up their own a??. By the way no one who knows me would ever say I am a leftist... I dislike Trudeau...just hate to see a society that was just and caring and honorable become Trumped and spiteful and hateful. Read your own posts and tell me you are proud....if you are....my sympathies Say good night Gracee. And good night from Texaco. You are out of your league puppet...
  18. Awe yes...another bully... My offer stands that if you can actually express you thoughts without quoting stereotypical Trumpisms people might listen. I noted how you jumped in with your buĺly friend to gang up...cannot even think on your own. Easy eh. Watch the movie 12 Angry men, learn something about yourself. Such intelligence .....
  19. Love when you know you are wrong you revert to Trumpisms, .like idiot and stupid...typical bully, bleeding from her face, short and fat...soooo intelligent. If you had a point the world now discounts you....like I now do.. Your hatred and love of Trump covers up any potential intelligence. Good night my good man
  20. That's what the Chinese said and you judged to be wrong. Interesting that everyone on the Roosevelt supported the Capt. Open your eyes and ears and make intelligent observations. Are you truly worried that your contrived enemies may find your aircraft carrier...this is 2020 not 1942. His superiors did not lose faith he ,lost faith in them, so he took action.... Think my good man....stop protecting your dream and face the facts.
  21. If you could read I mentioned days ago I did not trust China, we have no reason to trust them over the years. I have only pushed that you and others are blinded and unwilling to even consider that the bs coming from The Wizard of Orange has been harmful. Thank you 3M for standi g up to the bully Justified removal....seriously, keep on marching to this Trump drum my friend. I am not a leftist, but I do try to make honest and informed opinions. Stay safe
  22. Good luck Capt. Brett of the USS Roosevelt. You spoke out, didn't follow protocol, how dare you try to warn people, The truth must be controlled. Just like those Chinese who tried to speak the truth. Lucky you are still alive.
  23. This from a country that is the biggest supporter of Saudi Arabia , the killer of journalists, degrading of women .....glass houses. Your pres says he believes them and likes the Leader of China (today) You are typical holier than thou...xxxxxx The wizard of orange is taking you from admiration and respectability to blowhard bully.
  24. This is a joke...I hope you survive this bad leadership. I hope we both are here 6 months from now so we can consider China's role, but for now leadership is the issue
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