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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Ok, time to be honest if you have a significant other. Every woman that comes into sight is judged... What is the risk, what would I give up for this... For some, many of us would say I would never chance it for certain ladies. Then judgement starts....if I was 1000 miles from home and did not know anyone and my identity was secret I would. If I was 500 miles from home and my best friend was with me and knew what I was doing it is worth the risk If it was in my home city... If it was at work If it was in my neighborhood If it was the next store neighbor If it was in my own home If it was in my home and my spouse is home Dua...if my spouse was asleep and Dua came into into the same bedroom to ask me to join her on the floor beside the bed it is worth the risk. Just sayin
  2. Attending a game without a vaccine will never happen. Suicide.
  3. Milano I would compare keeping Talley over House Ballard.
  4. Wow, a football discussion that turns into hippy debate and tearing apart a guy who reports 2 teams are concerned about an injury. What is the big flipping deal. Whether a team is worried about an injury, a weak arm, poor wonderlic score, contact lenses or acne how does the reporter become the target. Thurman Thomas....end of discussion...
  5. The warmest place was in the " labatt blue" fog in the mens washrooms near the troughs, Could hardly see...indoor fog....
  6. Some significant change in North America will be 1 what is more important, your neighbors life or money. Do business that create potential for virus transmission trumps lives as only 2% actually die. 2 health care models.... do certain poorer areas of the country have hire death rates because of poor medical access. That could be a huge voting block. 3. How does this pandemic affect the illegal drug trade and use.?
  7. By the time I get to Phoenix Isaac Hayes 18:35 HOT BUTTERED SOUL... All you need is someone to love to this one
  8. You secret agent guys are a joke. You cannot possibility not see how embarrassing Trump is to the USA. You must see the damage. Not to say he does not have good ideas at times, or his economic directions are bad, in fact he can and has driven a positive economic direction, but at what cost. He sh??s on everyone eventually. He is harming the USA in the .long term. The alternative is Pence or Biden...no thanks. Do you need to fix the border issue...yes, but not all Mexicans are criminals.. He just signed a new trade agreement with Mex and Canada yet he pulls another insulting stunt..publically treats Kim better than his friends. This has been some fun ,leading you around by the nose...you made it easy because of your one sided view. Len ard..you are ok, sense of humour( Canadian spelling) in case Rhino does not understand that other thoughts outside of the USA TODAY exist. I managed to keep secret agent man busy so the cpp could continue with their coup....haha..what a true joke Rhino is... Let's went Cisco...ahhh Poncho... Time to listen to some Dylan...Positively 4th Street maybe
  9. Junior agent in training...you know Rhino sends in his evaluation regularly..
  10. They gave trained you well secret agent man...Your handlers will be thrilled...followed protocol...ignore the real issue you cannot defend, and you did it without the words dumb and STUPID...wow You have the might and knowledge of the whole FBI...wait until I lock my front door...
  11. For all those..Rhino who said I was an idiot for suggesting the firing of Capt. Brett of the Roosevelt was ridiculous, chain of command etc etc, well the real nut case is a Trump clone who said the Capt. was naive and STUPID. Where have we heard that before. Well the acting sec just was fired oops resign over this because the troops ate pissed off. Their capt was called stupid... Sound familiar secret agent man Yeh, right, no secret agents...haha, now who is naive... Or does Trump just use the Russians to do his wishes...
  12. Another secret FBI agent, reinforcements that Rhino needed
  13. People don't care who sec of this or that is. Your country is judged by its generosity AND respectability of your leader. Part 2 is gone. The world loved Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, even Nixon, Bush 1. Trump ***** on his friends and loves your traditional enemies...and you know that. Travel through Europe and see what they say...they love your money, and hate you when your back is turned. And you can say I don't care, then I say see what I mean... He just said publically, said fuchhh Canada, do not ship masks, he did not say I will talk to my friend so we can we work out our needs...he is a piece of shi? He has right to do as he wishes, Just don't tell me he anything except a pig. Another secret FBI agent, reinforcements that Rhino needed
  14. There was a lot more in that post... Typical FBI secret agent, select words and twist...the very thing you say dems do to Trump... Did your papa break into Democratic headquarters in 1968...is that how you got this job...
  15. Awh, the kind d of video only a secret FBI agent would have handy Only an agent would be spending time tracking such things...and manipulating the truth
  16. Typical Trumper, end with a visual insult, I am not a Trudeau lover for sure, my politics are right leaning, Reagan would be my ideal style. I just hate to see intelligent people follow an arrogant bully. Never thought he was stupid but his moral standards are so low he has made America hated throughout the world. If you enjoy that..so be it. He can put a tarriff on if he wants, but he does it for personal reasons with venom dripping. No leader should be using words like fat, stupid, ugly, dumb etc. Look at his lack of character...He threatens 3M if they ship to Canada...maybe your last friend on earth and then runs and hides as they ship anyway...just a bully. By the way, don't care if they shipped or not...but toilet paper comes from Canadian trees..and your leader is full of sh?? Have a nice day defending Rhino
  17. Strangely enough I think he will win...what other choice is there. Certainly not Joe or Bernie.
  18. Let's see Dumb used...check Stupid used ...check Ahh aren't you predictable Mr. Secret Agent man
  19. Pick on a spelling mistake and not the statement of truth. Freddy and Fanny make the US government the largest housing landowner in the world. Because of how mortgages are designed in USA and interest deductions the property is actually owned by the mortgage holder. That allows walkways which was a major contributor to 2008 crisis. The rest of the world mortgages cannot be walked away from. The debt follows the debtor not lender.
  20. There you go again Pilgrim. Dumb dumb , so little education...but you can spell. Hard to see the world from the basement so that explains your views. The FBI corruption nonsense is just a good cover...any agent can do that.
  21. 2 skunks pissi g on each other just stinks more. Trump is an arrogant as?. He does nothing to govern for the people only his voters. Pelosi is worse than Trump. Both are elitists. You need a leader...not a religious nut like Pence in the wings. Your country is going to implode, or explode if this continues, and Bin Laden will have won. He predicted this. Throw in the potential overturn of Roe v Wade and guns will be needed to go for a beer. It makes me so sad. It is worse than the 60s. Kent state, assassinations of 2 Kennedy's X! King, Booming economy for 401ks is not the measurement of happiness and success. Stripmalls are not a sign of success. Stop trying to win. This us not the NFL, where the day after winning means Disney and then the tea.ity that what we just did was nothing other than a game and entertainment. This is about life...happiness not battle. Boogie men are not around every corner.
  22. Seriously. The 6 months is right if everyone acted like Florida did u til this week. This virus, sans new drug or inoculation will take 12 months to make it safe to go to a wedding, concert, or major event. Trump said Easter.....the bunny died...likely Labor Day before you can have your full family over
  23. Up yours you arrogant a?? And you have opinions about Canada, socialist based countries and China and Russia. Don't tell me I don't have the right to have an opinion...you are the definition of the local uneducated American. Your type is more rare these days but you must have crawled out from under a rock. Typical Trumpeter.. had to end with an insult. Look in the ,mirror Ned
  24. Yeh I know, my jokes are not often great, but I try. I think people should be citizens of the world as well as a citizen of your country. Makes a broad perspective possible and the sharing and debating events more tolerable. While I am not American I have many friends who are. I hate to see the polarization, the hatred, the divide. I lived the 60s, this is worse. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon never insulted their citizens. Nixon fired 1 prosecutor, Cox, and in the country all parties were not impressed. This guy insults 200 years of history and protocol (often called civilized) processes. By the way so does Pelosi. Reagan and Tip O Neill would hate this environment. You are what happens when the FBI gives you a check and expects you to drink from the tap of the Wizard of Orange. You are not dumb, think with an open mind for all the citizens of your country, not just the 44% that cast a vote for his highness.
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