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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. OK, so Gillislee is gone....another hole to be filled in the draft, along with CB, safety, LB, O line and wide receiver...4 of the areas created by our own action of lack of action. RB, could have been set, CB, could have been set, WR, could have been set LB, could have been set. Not to mention QB which many seem to consider a must.


    now we have more areas to fill, however here is the question.

    more than 50% of the people on this web site believe Whaley should not be the GM. (just observation).

    He has created these many needs.

    Why do you follow the draft.

    Those who do not believe in Whaley must already know the draft is a bust. (See Watkins and the trade up)

    Nothing good can possibly come from the weekend .

    But wait maybe Whaley can get us out of he!! with a trade of Dareus for a 5th rounder. The ideal situation of better by subtraction.


    That makes it worth following the draft.


  2. 600+ total yards and 9 total TDs is worth the higher tender OBD chose not to give, despite knowing of the possibility of an offering team structuring an offer this way because OBD did that with Clay


    If Gillislee, as he is now, were available with our 5th round pick, then I take him over any other HB who figures to be available

    Exactly . this is what happens to a team for 17 years that has such terrible decisions on the cap by Overdorf and the rest of the idiots who decide that poor risks like Dareus should be signed to screw up our cap room. The Pats let these type walk and keep the Gillislee types who play the game properly.

    The Pats tell B Spikes to take a hike and we sign him, over pay for a one dimensional player, a troubled player and then allow him to infiltrate our dressing room and not even play him.

    Only the Bills would sign Spikes and Percy Harvin in the same year.






    And it gets much worse when you're in cap trouble. That's when teams like the Pats can swoop in and structure offers to make it hard for you to match. $6 mill for two years isn't prohibitive.


    But when you have at this point in the year around $10 mill left and around $5 mill of that will go to the rookie draftees, $4 mill this year - which is how the Pats structured their offer - really is very difficult to match.


    We screwed ourselves by getting in this cap situation.



    It's not a Herschel Walker type deal. But yeah, they fleeced us.

    exactly my point. To create cap space get rid (if possible) guys like Dareus who kill the cap space and don't play so you can keep decent players and keep a unit in place. This is always the same management issue, fall in love with a Dareus type ( high risk from the day they drafted him, like using his mommy as an excuse) rather than build units with character and keep them together. You cannot draft to improve your team when you draft each year to replace what you lose by your own stupidity in both Dareus types and bad cap management.

    Management in the past did know how. I recall when Jim K and Bruce and Thurman convinced future hall of famer Andre Reed to take an offer far less than he wanted and come to camp. That was team leadership and facing reality.

    This would be a better team without Dareus and with Gillislee. Now we have to draft a RB and a D lineman (you cannot count on Dareus and Kyle is getting up there)

  4. As many bangers appear to believe, NOT AFRAID TO DIE, JUST AFRAID TO LIVE.

    ​The next thing you will hear is someone quoted saying he was such a good boy


    I do not wish ill on anyone, including AH but I have no idea where this type of illogical action comes from. Too easy to say mental health. We know that since he killed someone in cold blood. It is more than mental health.

    Sorry if some of us think murder is terrible.



  5. If we allow the Pats to walk with our running back we continue the pattern of reducing strong points of our team which stops us from working on weaknesses successfully building a team. Consider 2 years ago when people on this web site would have considered our Receivers situation to be good and getting better with experience. We have destroyed that with coaching change of philosophy ( see Chris Hogan) and cuts, our LB corp was stronger that we imagined. DB's were set and with Gilmore allowed to walk now becomes a huge weakness of the team having now to replace A cb and safety. Injuries are a part of the game, self inflicted pain should not be. This is a management problem.

    So this draft we now must deal with these units, rather than working on improving the team with the strongest, best player or even a QB. When you now draft a QB project it comes at the expense of strengthening one of the units we destroyed by our own hand.

    WRs, LB, DB, should be set and through our own acts are not.

    17 years of starting over again....

  6. This article should not be a surprise to anyone. What it does show is the incompetence and useless staff at the Buffalo News. Skurski, Sullivan who have such little insight, little concern other than laziness. There is no one on this board who did not see Rex gaining weight. There is no Bills fans that did not know the brotherhood of the Ryan's was more important than the Bills. Does It really take a national reporter to undercover the underlying issues. Come on Sullivan, you should be totally embarrassed.

  7. This is an interesting topic that needs to be explored.

    Are Canaidian fans important. Well, this is quite relative. I submit that if we must do the nazi thing and rate then I suggest that Canadian fans are more important than say Saudi Arabian fans. Canadian fans have better beer, the women wear clothing that shows off their curves, and they are more likely to do ribs on the bbq during tailgating. Certainly Canadian fans would complain more about the price of beer in the stadium as all the Saudi's are so rich they would not. The Saudi's would buy more club seats and boxes than Canadian fans. So the Canadian fans are actually taking seats from Americans , so that is a negative I am sure.

    Saudi fans usually ride in limos so they do not take prime tailgating spots at Hammers Lot, so once again they are more important to Americans. Of course Americans must bow to the Saudi's for supplying the oil used to make the gas to allow the tailgating, and you don't want to piss them off and not sell the oil to you.

    So in a round about way Saudi's are more important to the Bills than the Canadian fans.


    However, finally the true test, as a Canadian Bills fan, who tailgated every game for 17 years, who shared many many beers, shots, ribs, jambalaya, sausage, chairs, fires, tents, high fives, tears, joy, hugs, ticket lines (before the on line sales) etc etc, I never once found a true Bills fan, even concerned about the question of where I was from. We were and are united under the banner of the Bills.

  8. I don't understand these comments about leakers. Leak what to whom. Certainly not leaking to the local media. They have not had a scoop in years and years. Even the chaplain would not speak to Sullivan.

    Maybe they were whiners, giving excuses for lazy players. Maybe they supported the pool table deal. This team for many years has been a failure, rotting from the inside, so someone has to get the house in order. Someone has to fix the water cooler stuff. When the location of your parking spot becomes important that shows the lack of focus on the task. This Padre has been unable to rid us of the demons, time for another to try.

    I don't understand these comments about leakers. Leak what to whom. Certainly not leaking to the local media. They have not had a scoop in years and years. Even the chaplain would not speak to Sullivan.

    Maybe they were whiners, giving excuses for lazy players. Maybe they supported the pool table deal. This team for many years has been a failure, rotting from the inside, so someone has to get the house in order. Someone has to fix the water cooler stuff. When the location of your parking spot becomes important that shows the lack of focus on the task. This Padre has been unable to rid us of the demons, time for another to try.

  9. Sure, also notice that he didn't dismiss the possibility that they're still going to trade Shady, bring in Revis or make Cardale the starter. Also, he did not directly deny the notion that he may be into women's feet more than his predecessor. And why no direct stance on the existence of Big Foot? You've just got to listen between the words for the truth of silence. :)

    I am not sure I can support a head coach who doesn't believe that Bigfoot exists. Who does he think drags the car into the parking lot for Pinto Ron every game.?

  10. Overdorf hasn't left and Ralph's trash is still running the team. Of course the Bills aren't winners.

    Amen....he has had far too much say. according to TBN he was the guy who had Langston Walker cut days before the season started without telling Dick Jauron. He thought they were paying him too much and we went into week one without a starting right tackle. Overdorf has gained too much power over the years. Not that he is a bad guy just should not have the ability to shape a team.

  11. wish skurksi would have looked a little deeper than "just" the Bills. How many teams have any draft picks hanging around the NFL - what a mess that year was. But of course it's TBN so why do research?

    absolutely hit the nail on the head. TBN has no journalists, just some guys writing blogs from the basement, Haven't broken a piece of news from One bills drive in years.


    currently, on our team


    whats hard to understand about a restricted free agent status? We put a contract out to him, he is forced to play under that contract, if another team offers him a contract instead, the Bills have the right to match it and keep him - which I would fully expect us to do...


    Use a tissue and sop up your tears and fear not

    expecting us top match and doing it are different issues. The point is we have a long term habit of destroying good units before we fix the poor units and thus can never get ahead.

    I have wiped up my tears of laughter from reading your postings. You must be once miserable SOB

  13. This should not be an issue for the Bills, but once again they create an issue.

    You cannot rebuild every unit every year.

    example....Seattle has kept the majority of their D backs in tact through out the past 5 years and worked on other areas each season.

    We had a good D back field coming along and suddenly we now have only of the 4 left. regardless of reason (salary or injury) you must keep your strengths to allow you drafting and focus on your weak areas. 3 years ago we had so many up and coming wide receivers and tight ends we cut people like Hogan and lost Chandler and started playing with a strength position to the point we were so desperate we had to pay Harvin $2m for 6 catches (as I recall). That took time away from working omn other weak areas.

    Last year RB was a strength of this team. Now we rip it apart and spend countless amounts of energy and perhaps a draft choice that needs to be spent elsewhere.

    We are doing the same with LB's rather than working on the created wideout weakness and the Oline.

    These constant efforts to destroy your own strengths come at great costs. 17 years no playoffs.

  14. I have often thought while watching the games that many quarterbacks have been the victim of over coaching. They are not given freedom to audible, or given far too many plays and once they lose the confidence because they stop thinking and their mind becomes mush. They have voices in their helmets and soon lose the ability to lead. How can 10 other guys follow when they know he is not the leader.

  15. if a team does its job there is no way short of career ending injury, that a team should have to use a 1st round pick twice in a decade..never mind twice in 5 years.

    We rebuilt the wide receivers to the point we had too many 3 years ago and Rex and Whaley cut the wrong people.

    We rebuilt the DB's with Gilmore and Darby and Williams and Bryd and now only 3 years later it is a huge weakness. This is on management for not doing their job.

  16. He's a kid who smokes pot. And it cost him,more importantly the team and the fans. That's what he did. He is NOT a cancer

    if ruining a teams chemistry and potential by committing selfish acts is not a team cancer then I have no idea wha tis. Do you think he didn't encourage others to follow him to the fun times....he is not committed to team so by definition he is a cancer.

  17. what makes him stupid? Or a cheater?

    He's young still.Other than his suspension, which led to him being out of shape,how is he unreliable? Or selfish? And he is absolutely not a "cancer" to this team. Although,he better shape up,or he could very well ship out. I'm gonna watch this new staff before I think he's a lost cause in Buffalo

    he is stupid for hurting his career and his potential for a little drups and pot. He is stupid for lying to the team and the fans about treatment processes which he had no plan to fulfill. He is no longer a young man looking to find his way. He is the highest paid player (of close to it) and has failed to live to his commitment thus hurting his team, teammates and all the fans. Even you suggest only one more chance, our only disagreement is as far as I am concerned he had his last chance.

    he has been playing beside the most committed player on the team for a few years and that had no effect. By the time he grows up it will be time to retire. We let Gilmore go and he came to work. Dareus is a cancer.

    Good read. I too believe McDermott is taking the right approach.

    True to a certain extent. But a coach can surround Dareus with players that are completely committed to the program and team. In this way, Dareus is more likely to fall in line with those who are encouraging and pushing him to do the right things.

  18. Byrd is a smart player who is a ball hawk, but poor in every other aspects of his game. A bad tackler, not particularly brave and quite selfish all aspects that do not support team play. Also being on the same team as coach Byrd would undermine the dressing room.

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