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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Such a choice of words, beginning to sound like you are just a computer...same shyt different day...sounds like you are running, realizing that you SOLE supporter is falling fast... Too bad, I often thought that you had some valid posts, but then realized it was just regergitated nonsense you were required to post from your employer. Agent your paycheck is coming to an end...with all these new posters sent by your handlers...the end is near...time to change IDs Been a pleasure my long nosed friend
  2. Support your employer Rhino by comparing him to Bill and Nancy as equals. You are slipping my man, but then you have little to work with. I am sure your handlers have disappeared. Agent Rhino is Bri g left out to dry...You have run out of words. Leave the dark side my big nosed friend and join those of us who try to be open minded
  3. This is not fake, it was set up by Pence...the preachers son Even as a young man I thought Nixon was a good man and very good president...And I supported his politics except the war. He was good politician and repub, just paranoid. Trump refuses to recognize anyone who is not a supporter. Nixon landslide showed how to play politics with a weak opponent. Trump has a weak opponent and he cannot bring himself to embrace the majority of the population. Easier to become a dictator.. Stay tuned, same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel
  4. What was the purpose of the photo op at the church. He is trying to rally the Bible belt support? Is Pence calling the shots? Even the Church Bishop turned on him. For every positive step Trump has made ( And there have been many) he then decides to shoot himself in the foot. WTF this is not a reality show with an edit button. If anyone has a possible reason I would like to know.
  5. Being a better President than Obama is not much of a standard. Nixon forgot he was President of ALL the people. Trump is exactly the same, just as paranoid.
  6. It is beginning to look like Trump = Nixon. As long as you are absorbed protecting your butt so only good things happen Your handlers are getting pissed People do not have to read your drivel
  7. The Gospel according to Agent Rhino....haha,what a pius a?? you are. Your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance. You are a self absorbed bore.
  8. Do not put words in my mouth A??. You have been successful making others on this site think you are one of them, but you know that I am right that you are a paid agitator and propagandist. It is easy to see by the quality of the language you use, when the talking points are given and when you have to think for yourself. Soon you will be found out by others and once again be forced to change your name, as you have done in the past. I am sure your handlers will insist.
  9. I knew you would be recalled in a crisis....must have been a good bonus Agent. How is the nose. Looks much longer
  10. Whether Trump is a terrible President or not can be difficult to judge. It is a complex world....but what is troublesome is the debate as to whether it is best the he remain silent in trying to sooth the public or not. Would he create more polarization or not. And your nose is getting longer....and longer, Agent Agent Rhino would have first hand knowledge of these type of events.
  11. This is so much gobbley goop, only a trained Agent like Rhino can understand.
  12. Do not allow anything in this next election that allows Trump the opportunity to cry foul. No thought of maintaining power due to fraud. Make it so clean that it stops legal battles. No hanging chads. Biden would cry foul to but by then his voice will be so weak nobody will hear him.
  13. Sorry man but some of them need to cross the blue line and speak up about the internal police problems. Often trained to be para military and some come from military backgrounds so the strong reaction has been bred in. Stop protecting their own when they know better. Where is Scerpico when you need him.
  14. You are exactly correct, but the sad part is much of the black community has such a bad relationship with the police and much of the populous they do not assist. Many feel it is a little get even with the man....and Floyd is dead. But these professional agitators need to be stopped now by any means.
  15. You do not live in a bubble. You defended your country, the whole country, 380,000,000 citizens, diverse in every way. When you do not listen you are ignoring a good part of those fellow citizens. Your obligation to fellow citizens is to insure they have opportunity and respect. You do not have to give handouts, but life and respect would be nice. Glad you are good person, you can be a role model, and a good one. You are watching thugs?according to WH sources, but there are many others who need your ear, they have concerns and need help. These days are just a symbol of the underlying issues. Keep up the good work.
  16. Well said, an understanding without an agenda to sell. More thoughtfulness and less tablethumping. There are people from all walks of life hurt by the underlying problems.
  17. All the rioters should be punished...legal process of course and there are professional agitators now in control for sure. But do not let that blind you from seeing the issue that need to be dealt with. Poverty, education, drugs, gangs, racism, healthcare etc. That creates this cultural divide. For how many years did violence happen in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. Professional groups made money, it was an industry but many people died. You can not have your culture face that type hatred. Learn from them.
  18. You focus only on the criminal behavior, all sides do, but there are under lying issues that need to be listened to and only open minds can listen. Maybe you think I ramble..but I am likely one of the few who does not have an agenda, or a strong position that I am determined to sell. I can only say in 50 years some progress has been made, but there is a percentage of the population left behind. Reasons ??, don't know, but troublesome
  19. The penalty for not taking it seriously and looking past the Bud Light (And who doesn't want to do that) is a culture that will continue to deteriorate. I could see the fires burning in Detroit in 67 from Windsor. I was in lockdown in a bar in Niagara Falls NY during a riot, looking out through a window onto the street. Is 2020 going to be the same. Another generation and the same results. That is called FAILURE.
  20. And you are all part of the culture and therefore play a role in determining the outcome. Strange how libs, trumpers, minorities, professional agitators, all demand to be heard and demand their rights and freedoms. Complaints that someone else is stopping their right to freedom. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS, OR SAY THIS ETC. THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED ETC Most of us were born with one mouth and 2 ears. They should be used in that proportion if you want to change the situation.
  21. This is nothing but shear drivel from one who spews hatred every day. If you could only see what you have become. Not the possibility of reason, understanding, sharing or commonality. You gain by fighting, a solution would put you out of business. Don't blame others. Leaders never point fingers. They are too busy leading.
  22. I respectfully disagree. Never would I paint an entire group...good or bad Just go to youtube.....Youngbloods, Get Together.... Come on People... Railing is Agent Rhino and followers...single minded, focused on supporting their position, defend defend, attack attack... Peace....It is time...
  23. Come on billsfan. You can be an intelligent poster. How many cops knew this guy was a lose cannon and did nothing, so they get tarred with it too. Of course most officers are not racists and all blacks are not violent and dangerous druggies. BUT, if other officers know, which they do, and say nothing, or the command know and the blue line blocks the truth then should all be tarred. I am not a religious guy, but I pray that the US can just find a way to understand and respect each other. It is hard to imagine with the leadership you have today
  24. Even a perceived issue is an issue. Empirical data only ignores another problem. It needs to be solved. Building barriers does not. You actually believe that only pros are behind this? Ok I will agree with you. Floyd is dead, Minn is burned, you still have the problem
  25. Then your real world will continue to have cops who kill, buildings which burn, violent protests, divided citizens, huge costs, You often quote the constitution, it does not mention real world, it talks of a better place to which you seem to say...f??? It thus is good enough.
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