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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Who knows. The Russians and the Chinese and others just want seeds of discontent. He is not one of Rhinos. Their political agenda is to divide
  2. He seems like a plant...another paid troll
  3. That is because most of the trolls support Trump and paid to infiltrate sites like this and assist you by putting thoughts in your mind
  4. Typical once again change the narrative. Trumps best chance is to hold up the Nov process, stop absentee ballots, blame terrorists, subversives, the Chinese, hanging chads whatever. Maybe use the military which is is trying now. Just admit you were duped. Do what is best for your country. And by the way, being a Canadian is nothing to be ashamed of, and never an excuse. Not angry at all, just cannot understand why you blindly support a guy who obviously has past the best before date. Let us be clear...wake up, you were duped and do what is best for the USA.
  5. Typical Trumper, bully, change the subject, my dad is bigger than your dad, etc etc. If you cannot face the obvious move aside. Yada yada...more of your b.s. Trump is better than Obama...you are right, but Obama was batting .196 with no he and 3 rbi. Trump still can not play the game. He is fuuuuc.ed
  6. Point is he is a lame duck in the voters minds and his own party. He was strong enough to win but not to govern. Loners cannot be leaders only dictators.
  7. So his own hires screwed him proving he is a terrible judge of character. If Bill Clinton hired a pro he would not have the issues Monica gave him. Trumps hires 100 people, 99 are bad... You should consider the evidence. You have been duped. It is not his idealogy, it is him. Nixon was a great President..except he was paranoid and needed to dominate. Winning 49 states was not good enough. Trump is done. All the bible pictures will not save him. The NRA is broke. He has alienated to many people. The guy at the top always creates enemies...He has created too many. Donald should just get in the limo with Gary Busey.
  8. Do you mean Rhinos? ? So be to a real conservative you must be so stubborn that you cannot admit you made a huge mistake and were duped.
  9. So now the soy boys, and the military are out to get him even if they are conservative. He even isolated some of the Bible boys and girls. He is running out of friends. Whats left?
  10. Why does it have to be left right. Can not someone just love their country. Tell me truthfully that of all the presidents in history, Trump is the most likely to try to be a dictator... Did not the right love Mad Dog...suddenly not...maybe, just maybe, he along with others are reluctantly giving a warning.
  11. They would think I was a big enough person to apologize and admit I over reacted. Imagine a commie mentioning Satan, Vlady would be proud you through that in.
  12. You are correct, I did sound like that. My apology. I have a great deal of respect, I just react to people who set themselves up as judge and jury. I reacted and she is not even a commie like you.?
  13. The bitc? does not decide who is a martyr or not...but she is correct. Floyd was not perfect, few are, the circumstance created the status. The creater in this event are the cops. Floyd gave his life reluctantly not as a hero.
  14. But you are communist, that is established, now you are an official agent and infiltrating America.
  15. Ok Rhino, we have disagreed, but I see kneeling as a symbol that you understand not apology. I think people should be allowed to breath and if some folks feel they cannot, I suggest a symbol that you want to allow a breath is wonderful. If you and I can find common ground then anythi g in the great country of the USA is possible
  16. Ah, the typical chest pounder, my dictator is bigger than yours... Is this Donald Jr., or one of Vladys kids... People like you are just simple entertainment, since it is obvious you are just an employee paid to spread your drivel. What name did you use before taking on this job. Oh by the way, is it treason to tell the President I would not use the arm as Sec Gen, or is the aptly named Mad Dog being treasonist. I know Vlady wants a dictator in the US, and that appears the only way power will be maintained. This, you vodka sucker, is your job...but on this site whether we support Rep or Dems we can spot you a mile away. Now crawl back to the Volga. Since Reality works for the motherland he is both a commie and racist. McCarthy would put him at the top of the blacklist. He didn't even offer to sent us some good vodka...proof he is an Agent of Putin. ?
  17. So, do you think your handlers pay you enough. Interesting you think I am a Trump supporter, Agent Rhino would not say that for sure. I think the World was shutdown for valid reasons, and almost 2 million cases inside the US and more than 100,000 deaths are part of that reason. Vlady failed to shut his country down and now they are paying for it. Even vodka didn't help. Of course like typical leader from your country they care little about their people. Quite similar to Trump at times. I know you are not American, a real American would never agree to divide the country into us and them, like other Agents on this site. Real Americans have always put country first. Even the real protesters right now put country first. Something your motherland know nothing about. Now take your paid propaganda and go back to the Volga.
  18. Is Vlady your daddy.? Yes I have a job, and I didn't have to bow to Vlady either. Watch the guy with the umbrella behind you...he makes the Covid virus look week. But...actually, I really do think you are part of the same paid Agent's as others on this site.
  19. With the use of the commie card you sound like Rhino....or maybe this IS Rhino developing his new identity. At the very least you work for the same people. Time will tell.
  20. Trumps kids are all from broken homes...did they go to the riots and loot the stores? I just ment that the home breakup is no excuse to loot
  21. With respect explain how riots and broken families us significant. Broken families can be used to explain a lot of society ills. That was my point. For 1 minute I do not think broken families has cnythi g to do with riots.
  22. Why do people insist on comparing Trump to Obama. That makes the assumption that Obama was something special. HE WAS NOT A GOOD LEADER. The world gave him the Nobel peace prize when he was elected. Why? He did nothing except get elected. Giving him that was close to being racism. Trump is questionable as a president ( I would rather have Nixon) and Obama hardly is a candidate for Rushmore.
  23. Not sure why this is significant or actually effective. Could say Speeding on highway up as a result of broken families Murders up as a result of broken families Drug use up as a result of broken families Broken families up as a result of broken families Church donations down as a result of broken families The art work is better than the message
  24. Your point is valid. Those who choose to inflict damage and lawlessness need to be dealt with. Those who are honestly protesting should be heard. Strange, one of the few who wants to force stoppage is the President...Trump is so far but of touch.
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