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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. It does not mean acceptance, it means I want to hear what you have to say. That does not mean everything they have to say they believe. Their are blacks protecting cops, their are black business owners who are trying to stop violence, there are people protesting peacefully. Until you stop defending yourself (not talking physically), they believe you are not listening. " Yah buts " stop conversation and growth.
  2. Yes in the world today listening is important. To help resolving you must learn the real problem...it may not be violence, or only violence... anti poverty, education, etc maybe solutions but not the real problem. I do not understand enough personally. If we did understand why for all these years have we not been able to unite our family. Maybe we do not want to? That is another line of discussion. Like I said, first decision, do you want the relationship. It took Goodell a long thoughtful time to open his mind. He saw problem, control, solution. Now he sees he may not have control, so he has learned. Thank goodness. Before anyone says anything I support the respectful for flags and anthems as well, BUT, we are approaching a key time in our lives, let us take the opportunity to really make a difference.
  3. Of course not. Listening is not silence. Ignoring is silence. At this point your opinion on the meatloaf is not important. The US and Canada have a social family problem. Listening will help you learn. Silence through ignoring gets you same old.
  4. So some want to say things on their minds in a different format and strength. Maybe Greg is an Agent like Rhino, maybe he is SDS, or Yolo in disguise. Strangely he has increased the quality of discussion to relevant issues as opposed to the underground politics, illuminati, communists, ccp, socialism, religious babble nonsense that enters each thread for those who want a a Trump reelection or Dem success at any cost.
  5. You move way to fast. No one even suggested psychological pain. The world has not even listen enough to determine that. Healing must start by the validation of those that are in pain first. I never suggested ignoring the pain of the rest of the family, but dealing with that initially leads to breakdown of the process and back to the same old and tired debate. You sometimes have to tell your wife you love her and understand and then listen with love and real attention for days before you discuss the bad meatloaf. That is if you really want the relationship to survive. A question at this point is more important that a position. Unless you are black in America today, your thoughts on solutions are useless until you first listen. You have 2 ears and one mouth...use them in that proportion. You will hear some shi?, but sorting through to clarity takes time. Start today. It has been too long.
  6. They are still relevant, who do you think pays some of the posters on this page
  7. From a socialism standpoint a fee would be inequitable. Only the rich could join. From a communist agitator standpoint people like Agent Rhino would have their handler/ pay for it From capitalist standpoint Reality could have advertising on his byline or the Trump banner could be on the heading. So confusing. ACTUALLY When reading some of the position on this site we all pay the price. PS when SDS started some folks did chip in as friends...seems like a nice approach that has been lost...
  8. I find these threads incredible. Everyone fighting over 1921, Civil War, WHarding, etc. Just a thought for clarity. If a family has members who are expressing pain, do you tell them they have no pain or the reason for the pain is invalid. Seems to me the only decision is do you want to stop the pain and if you do, then discuss that. The cops in Atlanta the other day must have an IQ of 13 if they could not understand that sleeping in a car, drunk or not is hardly worth death of him or themselves. I use to tell my employees who had alcohol issues, the reason why you drink too much is not important until later. Just stop drinking, concentrate on changing from this point on. Once you have a state of mind you can think rationally, then revisit the past when there is perspective. The black community needs to be understood by the family. The cops which represent the rest of the family have lost perspective. It is a complicated relationship but stopping the pain is step one.
  9. Ok, so Greg is actually Clarabell the Clown. He needed a new gig. How does that explain allowing Agent Rhino to spew his drivel.
  10. I introduce to you the world's greatest electric guitar expert player of all Time Les Paul
  11. I never suggested Clinton created Fred and Fanny, but he did recreate their targets. Medicare is socialistic if you believe your citizens are not equal in their need for medical assistance, regardless of income. Fred and Fanny makes the US government the largest land holder or guarantor of land in the country, perhaps the world. US mortgage documents make the holder of the mortgage the land holder until it is paid. In most countries the mortgage holder does not control the property unless default then they must apply to gain control. Thus in the U S people can walk away from the property, in most countries if you walk away you still owe the loan repayment. Social security is less socialist since people actually contribute through a tax.
  12. Fair, you likely know more than I do...use to stay in hotel across from Lehman in NYC Times Square
  13. Do not forget the role Bill Clinton's administration played and Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The US us the single biggest socialist programs in the world with those two government organizations.
  14. So in an effort to help me ( and maybe others), understand the criteria and sensitivity, what is the difference between the movement to ban Gone with the Wind, and period movie, in which the actress playing the maid won the Oscar (first for an African American woman) and the exaltation of Roots? I know Roots showed the struggle from a different perspective, but both showed slavery, and in the case of Roots showed black vs black fighting over the issue. We watch the Ten Commandments and the Egyptians depicts slaves building pyramids. This is a genuine question. Just trying to gain knowledge.
  15. There are advantages to athletes speaking out. 1. You at least know that what they are saying (in general) could potentially ruin their celebrity cache so they must feel strongly about their convictions. 2. You generally have known of them for a lengthy period of time so you do know they are not a paid agent of Putin and this is not fake news....I hope. 3. If they signed with the Dolphins as a free agent you know the athlete is nuts and just discount everything they say ?
  16. So if Gone with the Wind is racist, is Roots?
  17. You are not a lion, you are a controlled Rhino with a long nose from lieing so much. Your little play buddies come to defend little Rhino. You may have them duped, but not me. You are so stupid you cannot even have an open debate. All you do is quote your handlers talking points. If you think the volume of cr8p you spew will over come reality again, it will not. You should leave the basement and come to the light of day and see what the world is about.
  18. I said his handlers would deal with him. It is obvious Agent Rhino is a protected species. When he is attacked he needs to be defended.
  19. You my friend have been duped by Agent Rhino.
  20. You have never had a civil debate with anyone. Hope you are saving your money because by Nov you will be unemployed, You my little basement dweller are as simple minded as I have seen. You are single minded, unable or unwilling or dedicated to your trade to even consider options. You defend the indefensible and one day you will die doing it. It may not be raining but... Soon [yeah, let's not do threats or things that appear to be threats - mod]
  21. 1959 is not so bad, be just gets pissed sometimes, but you are right on Rhino, he is a paid Agent and his answer to any open discussion is you a so stoopid, or intently stoopid because all he can do is quote the notes he is paid to use, he can not have a civil debate.
  22. I agree with you but I said police need to stop the problem but I also said it was a societal issue causing untold problems. Treatment is an issue but the growing numbers is like the covid19, we must stop the growth as well have treatment. 13 year old making money selling dope...ouch...how to stop, I have no idea...but it must. I have been taught this, society has taught me.It is one of the big roots of racism and stereotyping. In the parking lot in Paris Tenn. sits a Prius, Camry, Honda Accord, Ford Escape, and 2010 Ford pickup. Walk into the bar and a guy with t-shirt, dusty ball cap, jeans, and a long neck Bud is leaning against the bar,. Stereotypically which vehicle is his. I don t want to be prejudice but I have been taught..TV, music, movies, etc. The good guy wears a white cowboy hat,
  23. Feel compelled say that his love and respect is incredible. For those who returned it, superb.
  24. Education need not be a PHD. Smart is not the question, smart in what area is the key, engineer, plumber, Store mgr. Trucker, teacher, printer, programmer, farmer, Drugs and gangs are easy money and recognition for all youth.
  25. I do not have the opinion that this should be anti police. Frankly it may mean a refocus. 1. Police need to be close to the community. All citizens need not fear the police. I am not smart enough to know how, but I do know the criminal element will replace the police if they do not fix the relationships. Example, the mafia developed in Sicily because the government was so untrustworthy the mafia created a protection and aid for those in need. Today the drug gangs are doing similar activities but with more intimidation. There was a time when cops did not carry guns...now today that is impossible but weapons create opportunities for violence, but cops should be problem solvers first, not force first, not tickets and not arrests first... 2. Law enforcement must stop the drug problem. Now I know it is not just the police, but society has a huge unspoken plague that is a root evil creating conflict and stereo types. The underprivileged see that business as a way out of their situation when racism is holding them down. This circumstance now creates systemic stereotypes...it has got to be fixed. 3. Education...good education, equal education, more education, a reason for education, new methods of education, with opportunity not handouts. 4. Mandatory anti racism training for every employed person...there is a difference between overt racism and systemic...People must understand it. I have been involved in helping develop and implement this type of initiative and helps people see how they contribute to the ongoing systemic problems. People do not need to be chastised, just educated. 200 years of racism is not my fault, the future is our responsibility. 5.There is nothing wrong with a global anti racism symbol, and kneeling seems to be catching on..why not. 6. Any public employee who demonstrates racism....termination, period. Without a doubt I am part of the historic problem, I am listening and trying. This list likely shows my built in prejudices, sorry for that, sincerely! And many more initiatives...
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