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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. GG, I know you are uneducated except by your basement dwelling agents. You are the lowest basement dweller imaginable. Your mother likely didn't hug you enough... Now FO and spread your hatred and view the world through that tiny little window. Peace,! "And Louis the King, let me think for a minute son, And he said , yes I think it can be done, Just take everything done to Highway 61"
  2. No I didnt Mockery = ridicule =hatred Look in the mirror if your basement has one The more you write the closer to the anarchists you sound, violent, and hatred are the hallmark...you got them big time. Likely your theme is "let them eat cake",
  3. I got what I expected from you, ridicule, and. hatred, the subject you and too many others have. You do not seek solutions only sow the seeds of hatred from your basement. "Old Howard just pointed with his gun, And said " that way, down Highway 61"
  4. I am afraid you are right! So much hatred. " Something is happening, but you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?"
  5. The 60s saw many young citizens around North America and later Europe embrace protests in support of Peace. The hatred of Vietnam War was a leading cause but not the only cause. Kenndey assassinations, dirty politics, the draft in the US, Bay of Pigs, Cuba standoff, nuclear bombs, war mongers etc. Young people, the music, films, art, festivals, dress, showed wanted change. Every hippie loved Hendrix, Dylan, etc. Then came violence, Kent State, Monterey, Democratic Conv., Black Panthers, the FLQ, Race riots, the violence of the drug trade began, and the extreme took over. Suddenly the violent edges dominated and those of us in the middle had to abandon and became disillusioned with the political process. We did want a new world but the industrial war complex, the money and business of war, and the violent fringes sent us packing to live where we still linger listening to the music of an era that wanted to make a difference. The failure of the 60s peace revolution has led to a culture that now features more and increasing violence, gun use, drug, gangs, failed political systems, governments vs the people, and despair in a large segment of us. The beginning of these latest protests are rooted with the right heart, the sincere desire for positive change and the knowledge that our political systems cannot and will not allow the change. Violence is now the news not the movement. Will this revolution again be stopped by the same reasons as the 60s.?
  6. He was always one of the most liked Dolphins ( at a time it was easy to hate them all). I enjoyed the style he played and his class. RIP....
  7. If you want to improve/fix/educate discussion is necessary. The forum at work is important, is it training sessions for example. The type of discussion is also important. If you just want to express your view no matter which side of the issue you are on then you are part of the problem. If you want to learn, solve, enhance relationships then 2 ears one mouth is appropriate use of your anatomy, If you truly want to move forward.
  8. Hey GG, it is your guy Pence who is pro life to get votes from his Bible friends and then ignores 120,000 deaths and refuses to wear a mask or acknowledge to growing numbers. Ps I have no problem with his pro life stance, each life counts, but I do have issues with his stance on 120,000 citizens. And you should to.
  9. Wow, play the socialist card with 117290 deaths. What has that got To do with it. Your citizens are dieing. I am sorry for the deaths in your family. Horrible for sure. Painful. I am not ignorant but you show little sympathy. So much of the postings of Rhino and his friends lack humanity and only are political...these are people dieing and certain politicals only care of re-election. 1968 ...Let's just leave the troups in Vietnam to die for no reason but support the war machine 2020...Let's let 250,000 citizens die so I can be re elected with a good economy I see these 2 items as similar points of history Makes a little sense, protect the vulnerable and let the less likely to die get it if they wish. Fewer deaths, more illnesses but the economy moves on. There is a touch of logic. Hope the stats are true.
  10. Violence is senseless, and most protectors are non violent. Allowing taking over a city is wrong, shooting them us wrong, this is past law and order, like the Boston Tea Party. If you have ever been through a wildcat strike, or such then you know that solutions are the art of the possible not power. If you want to have your society move to the next level then listen and learn, if you want a divorce then attack. It is that simple a starting place. Do not waste your time ridiculing me when you cannot put your position clearly on paper. To divorce or save your relationship.
  11. None of those citizens deserved to die. You are one judge and jury guy. Who made you St. Peter. You make Rhino seem human. 117290 of your citizens have died so far...more than a world war...show some compassion not politics.
  12. As for being Canadian, I am proud of that and also proud to have many US friends, I worked for a US based company for 37 years and get concerned for my second favorite country. I do not dismiss Cuomo from some responsibility, we all play a role and his was both good and bad. As for Rhino...He is a basement dweller. Politics is so important that he has lost real perspective. I still think he is a paid agent, anyone who posts that much is paid. 117290 deaths and he feels nothing but to defend his position. He is as much of the problem as those who are extreme left. Time for people to put friends, family, citizens, first. Stop looking for aliens under ever word. Ps Rhino has no sense of humor, a definite sign of too much basement time
  13. I am outraged by protesters being so stupid. The protests are are different issue than the virus. Troup's vs your own citizens is wrong...looks like something the CCP may do. The social ills of the world, not just US is an issue that needs patience and a true understanding. Extreme positions are harmful. Leadership is not about power, today the politics of both parties is about power. There are citizens of the USA and the world who are hurting. Are they part of your society and future or not. Do you wish to save your marriage? I hope so.
  14. And you keep hiding in the basement. Suggesting I support CCP is ridiculous and you have played that card too many times. But from the basement that is what you can see. You fail to see your over the top politics ignores 117,290 of your fellow citizens have died, some, maybe many as a result of the politics you support. If you feel necessary to call me deeply stupid...from the basement, feel free. Your view from that tiny window is not clear. Your humanity has been lost in politics. You are safe in the basement but you are irrelevant without some humanity. He killed none. The virus did. He was not perfect in his response for sure. I see few politicals that were. But they tried, more than I can say for many politicals. Pence is the biggest bible thumping piece of of st?? Imaginable. 117290 of you citizens and you still listen to guys like Agent Rhino....politics before humanity.
  15. Your support of a policy that has helped spread this calamity and caused 117290 deaths to date shows your lack of humanity. Your idealogy supersedes any human realization. Hiding in the basement is easy. The nose keeps getting bigger. You are unable to have compassion because of politics.
  16. When the Agent with the growing nose, speaks he defends 117,290 deaths so he can kiss DT and MP. Too busy looking for conspiracy to care about citizens dieing. Idealogy is more important. Blame is more important. He hides in his basement and defends the indefensible. You sicken me and many others. 117290 citizens.
  17. Overstated USA Mar 17th, 2020...100 deaths USA June 17, 2020...117,290 deaths In spite of all the declarations, ignoring of data, bold macho spin, chest thumping, blaming of China, defunding of WHO, admonishment of CDC, taking a bow for stopping flights from the world, miracle drugs, army hospital ships, more ventilators etc etc....clearly this virus which has now in 3 months killed more American citizens than died in WW1 is winning. By Sept 1 more deaths than WW1, KOREA, and Vietnam wars combined. The blame game and ignoring clearly is a bad strategy.
  18. Does hand sanitizer become the new stickum for receivers? It would help Knox.
  19. Compare Trump to an actual good President. You keep picking the lowest measurable. Biden might even look good compared to Obama.
  20. Noted...no agreement, no disagreement, ask questions, ask reasoning, ...part of discussions but like all negotiations at some point you come to the wall on both sides. Finding what the wall is made of is the art of the possible. But too soon to not listen. To soon for quid pro quo
  21. You assume BLM speaks for the black community. They are loud, so we're the Black Panthers, so is Al Quada but they do not speak for all Muslims. The journey if you really want to .I've with each other will seek out those who can speak. Trump..never, Pelosi never, Sharpton, never, Maybe Oprah, Tyler Perry etc. Maybe Joe Scarbough, maybe,Bill Gates
  22. If your belief is #3 on your list then you do not want to move to a new level of trust and relationships. If you believe because all blacks believe in attonement and penalty then you are not understanding. Stop the Yah Buts. I would not generally accept that Christopher Columbus had to be stricken from the history books as some white and black suggest. The Pyramids were built by slaves...that is history. If something they do then that is debated able. But one does not have to undue the past to fix the future. I would not suggest that Al Sharpton had to be demonized, even though he maybe should be. Some people cannot be satisfied, you just have to get the majority moving in the same direction, details will be dealt with as your journey goes. Buying your second home starts with the agreement to move from the first. You do not need to burn it down. You are right, but both sides have people that take extreme positions. Getting past that takes time to sort through.
  23. I definitely do not think screaming racist is acceptable or right or even reasoned. It maybe just anger, discussed, frustration, like some who use the "n" word. It is meant to hurt..to inflict pain. Some know that many of us hate being called a racists, it does not define us, it is hurtful and we fight it and fight back. So the battle rages...none of us win...only those who want us divided. .
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