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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Add a great glass of Rose when eating....Great match... Some very very fine people live in NY AND CALI, and you desire to punish them for the sake of politics...
  2. So use Trumps logic, 1 in 66 people in the country have tested positive so fill up the stadium and only 1000 people will test positive and 30 will die. They likely vote dems anyway. Or stop every 66th person from entering...?
  3. Garth, Friends in Low Places! Bocephus (Hank jr) My own way to Rock, Burton C and so it goes....
  4. Ralph Lauren is very wealthy...so it could be called the Rich Ralph Stadium.
  5. So, Dabol , here is the challenge...if you are such a good OC find a way to have a 6 wide receiver set! ?
  6. You can see the earth is not flat at The Ralph, stand on the sidelines and look across the field, it curves!
  7. Great character in WWF (E) history! RIP
  8. Actually he doesn't need to talk at all. All most Bills fans want him to do is play the game with skill and effort. His mouth has always been bigger than his game. He has 2 strikes on him now and his mouth cannot save him. He hasn't made this team better yet, frankly he has not made the starting team yet. Josh N should STFU and play ball.
  9. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ No gf is going to tell him he cannot play, Every player on this team has family to worry about, children, mothers etc. He has never quit on a team before. All $$$$$$$$$
  10. Seriously! The NFLPA is taking a very responsible position. They are protecting the majority of their members, they are protecting the game that supports their members, they are supporting the families. One idiot who wants to party and endanger his team mates needs to be stopped. Oh, unless you are one of the non believers that thinks Covid19 is a hoax.
  11. So they can refuse a Muslim? Or a Catholic, or a gay, or a Puerto Rican or a Hispanic, or a bald man because he us private company sealing to the public. Public means public. In my view I have the right to enter his business since he is open to the public, I also have the right not to enter, but he does not have the right to refuse me.
  12. I girl I talked to at a party says she knew me from the Vegetarian Club. I swear I never saw Herbivore! I know a guy who is addicted to drinking brake fluid. He says he can stop anytime.
  13. Their corporate purpose is to glorify God by being a faithful steward. They hold group prayer meetings in training and management meetings. I believe no corporation who makes it living serving the public at large has the right to be religious. Corporations should never present themselves with religious or political views to the public or their employees. Religion is personal not corporate. Whether they close Sunday or not is not part of the issue.
  14. Popeye's is a simpler taste, Chick fill A comes with a side of preaching their version of religion. Makes their food hard to swallow.
  15. Marv was and is a sanctimonious (spelling?) SOB, and I love him for it. Happy Birthday Marv. You are the Standard for a man! Only you can curse out someone with 10 + letter words As Thurman said...What did he just say?
  16. Milano could be Talley type, very good player making all others better playing around him. But never to be the over paid superstar. He will never be spectacular...Talley/Hansen. If wants to be over paid...bye bye. As for Clowney he has only proved himself to be a greedy wanta be star. The media anointed him a star, coaches and most GMs have not. The league would not miss him. IMHO.
  17. Who axe that question?
  18. Hey Ed....I was listening for the other shoe to fall, it never fell,. Thank you for being an outstanding young man. This incident brings you a .ot of credibility and boasts BLM position as well. Now go beat the sh!! out of a qb.
  19. I only meant that I do not take all articles and studies as fully truthful. They often have very narrow approach (necessary at times) and self serving. Even Fauci said masks were ineffective at one time. That was one of the dumbest things said ever from a scientist. Why he said it,? Politics? The protection of supply for workers? Who knows. But we all knew that wearing a mask would help stop transmission, even if it was 5%...or 25%...or 50%. Your hand in front of your face would be helpful if someone coughed FFS. Is a vaccine coming? I would take it, I am one of the vulnerable, do I think it will happen? My guess less than 50/50.
  20. Your take is interesting and perhaps some truth involved in some articles. We have a lot of opinions in the news, way too much politics, fake news by politicians, Wall street money betting on one vaccine or another, early tests positives, yet we cannot even convince people to wear a mask. If a vaccine happens many will resist for sure. I have my doubts that a long term vaccine will occur. I hope I am wrong.
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