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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Can't watch it. I tried to watch John Wick 3 movie a couple of months ago. Still have flashbacks. Never seen anything that bad. I am afraid watching Bill and Ted would bring back the nightmares. But Party on Dude
  2. You are such a simple single minded person intelligent discussion is unlikely. Hate is such a strong point in your life that actual thought is impossible. Defend, hate, attack...so be it. Enjoy your miserable existence... I know it cannot possibly be in Sweet Home Alabama....
  3. It is not HIS department of Justice....only he and his peeps believe it is his. It belongs to the third branch of government.
  4. Not an idealogy...I tend to think through issues. Just because a rich draft dodger, ex democrate, now says the right words to join the repubs you forgive every negative step he takes. Enough of this. Enjoy the election
  5. There but for the grace of G we all have been. Totally wrong, unacceptable any time. Done in open mic by a pro...wow But tell me, who at a tailgate party has never used a slur in the past, who did not refer to the Dolphins as Dolf??s, even on this web site. What did you call Bryan Cox..certainly not sir! He is done, shame because he may be a good person..who knows, but in a strange sense we all are learning to look in the mirror.
  6. And what about the issue of trump. I obviously do not vote in the US, but this is coming down to the lesser of 2 evils for the next 4 yrs. I suggest if you pile up all the shi! from both side the pile from trump will far surpass Biden. It is unbelievable that such a great country would elect and then re elect a person who spends much of his energy ridiculing others. That such a great country now laughs when their leader ridicules other countries they have been friends with for hundreds of years, standing shoulder to shoulder in war, depressions, terrorism etc. It is interesting to try a different approach with North Korea, but then what us the point of ridiculing New Zealand...this is a real sickness. Conflict and disagreement with a friend happens, but why the ridicule, why the bully play, ? Sad...so very sad this has become standard.
  7. You do not even know our trade reps name, and by the way she is famous for working for FT and Wash Post Just admit...trump is a bully, with no ability to concentrate for more than 2 min. He has accomplished nothing....except make the world laugh and hate the US. Good luck
  8. We will give you Trudeau for a bucket of pucks...or are you insisting that trump is part of the trade...
  9. So the most important thing trump has to do is ridicule the leader of a friendly country...are you serious...because she has to learn to take it....wow The man is sick... Ridicule Putin, laugh about his hair cut, or his false claim of a virus vaccine, but the Prime Minister of New Zealand...?? This is not about Biden, Harris, or anyone else... Just trump. What kind of a person thinks this way. What kind of a leader do you want to live with... I do not suggest Biden, Harris or Pence is the answer, but really!
  10. 3 out of 4 isnt bad eh! You know that they are true...but your stubborness will not let you moderate your perspective. Ps...any good hints on bbq pork ribs Chef??
  11. For sure...agree 100 %, then why ridicule her for doing something he talked of doing? Just sayin
  12. You have to adjust the balance on the radio to get the true affect
  13. Thanks Rhino, coming from you I didn't expect such a compliment. Easy to have the moral high ground when trump is involved. You should try it...might be reinvigorating for you.
  14. For sure...cannot defend a guy who ridicules women simply because they are.
  15. Just a laugh, smile once in while .... oh right a 2020 republican, laughter not allowed, got to find another friendly country to screw for Vladdy P. You guys and girls all sound like KGB agents like Rhino
  16. You do know what you agreed to right...free trade is not open trade, but it is duty free exchange agreement...unless you are trump, then a midnight tweet in his sugar overload state reneges again. This man ridiculed New Zealand leader for postponing an election 4 weeks when every political party in NZ supported it. To protect her citizens. Does he not remember what he talked about....? Or is it because of gender? Why would be find it necessary to comment? Did Putin order it? In any regards you will defend the draft dodger to his death...but the rest of world laughs. Obama weaken the US internationally, trump has continued the downward trend...
  17. Based on this logic, if trumps friend Jeff E and friend G Maxwell are guilty of child endangerment then he must be to. Cutting up Trudeau, who is questionable leader most days hardly defends trumps bully tactics on Scotland France England Canada Spain, Japan and on and on. Trudeau is corrupt, almost to the point of Trump but he is not friends with Putin, Kim, etc. Yes Trudeau mom was once a good night time with Mick Jagger...but he was not an underage child. Glasses houses young man, glass houses...
  18. Remember the US was 100 percent responsible for The 1910 Fruitgum Company ...that is fact....or was that fake news to from a Republican state.. Own it!
  19. Haha haha...China China China...you must be afraid of them... Screw countries that can be real enemies like...Scotland with huge tariffs in whiskey...France...wine tariffs...Canada....Spain...England...Australia. Italy...all your enemies right....fu!! trump, who is next.. let's go after Andorra, or Costa Rica... the US..the great Republican support of free trade...except now...trump is a gutless bully....
  20. Let me make this clear....fu!! trump and any of his trade policies. He has stuck it to us too many times. We sign a new NAFTA and still sticks us because he couldn't stick to his threats....in the end..gutless, he caved to a female negotiator. Your country no longer protects its own ass with him as leader. He has no friends...He loves Putin, North Korea, China, Saudis. He has no policy, listen to your own Generals. He has fake wars, he runs from the Taliban, he threatens Mexico then runs, no wall just more illegal drug trade, he says please to Putin. oh Kim, please stop the middle tests...Even Dennis Rodman was tougher...Trump was afraid of that little country...or maybe not enough power behind him You are stuck in the 3rd inning....the game has already moved to the bottom of the eighth. Remember who supplies you with more raw material than any nation on earth, His fake news and lieing BS is done...aluminum is a security tariff...BS, it makes washing machines. ..go back to the basement because the rest of world is done with America until you get a leader who is trustworthy. He has not fulfilled 1 military threat in 3.5 years except on his own citizens...all talk and hair... By the way neighbour is the proper spelling... I await more threats and insults from you..the world expects it from Trump supporters.
  21. Interesting rant. My friends would tell you I am very right wing and conservative. I am not a liberal supporter and have never voted on that side of the ledger. If I lived in US I may have voted for Trump in 16. But we have come to find a lying pres. Untrustworthy to friend and foe. A dictator in presidential clothing. He has destroyed US rep in the world. He creates hate, he cannot lead because of his daily change in direction. He is the most despicable man in the world. Not because there are not worse people out there but because of what he has destroyed. The master of the semi truth, not one ounce of decency, just arrogant power. Unfortunately, he may win again, the dems are so far left much of the middle cannot join them.
  22. No excuse...taking an approach opposite to Trump is rewarding and logical. Clear conscience on that one.
  23. No body has taken on China more than Canada. Read or perhaps your school didn't have books. Trump is a China patsy compared to Canada. Did you arrest the 2nd most powerful person at Huawia. No. Canada did. We banned their g5 before you. Lol....I would worry more about your Putin's boot licking pres as the commies take over your country..
  24. You forgot that the majority happen in the city and thanks to good work by the peeps was contained pretty well in many areas. Don't be so cocky like you know something. Wear your mask, wash your hands etc. Stay safe, help others.
  25. Not over, just contained...thanks to citizens being careful
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