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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Case in point...the Marxist. The Marxist again
  2. So, most trump supporters are generally seeing Marxist/ commies in the protest groups, rebellious types funded potentially by foreign interests. May well have some truth in fact, subversive. I recall the Black Panthers being referred to that way. How do we know on this site who may also be fanning these fans... A guy like Reality Check, who can in 20 seconds access a video, or article to post..most often with out a comment...who joined us 9 months ago... While he may be a clever 12 yr old off school for Covid19, he may also be one of Vladys friends or CCP. (Before he says it Rhino said I was). Just wondering about Johnny come lately guys with such good computer skills...
  3. True, but the war was ended. Would peaceful protests work.
  4. Not sure if you are serious or humorous, but exactly what you said has happened in the south, including linching if you recall. Just trying to point out the build in differences...these riots certainly create cover for the systemic issue. In the 60s once violence started during anti war protests the underlying issue was missed and abandoned. Did the violence force Nixon to end the war or did the peaceful demonstrators???
  5. I only ask you this question..sincerely. If a 17 yr old black teen with semi automatic rifle walked down that Wisconsin street a d shot 2 white men who appeared to be creating damage what would the discussion be. I think a lot more questions would be asked before accepting the same outcome.
  6. This is where you are wrong about me. I am not a lib or lefty, or socialist. It is my belief that trump is not the man for the job, he is not capable of leading the country. A President should govern for the country not just those who voted for his party. Pelosi is far worse than trump. She even blocked her own guy...Obama. Obama was very weak leader and his own party stopped him. Obama and trump are incapable of development of lasting alliances or building trust. trump is not the man for the job...He is openly untrustworthy.
  7. A step to stop the professionals....good Now address the underlying issues.... trump still has not done anything to fix the racial under tones
  8. Do not misquote me you over reactive as?. There are racists and I never suggest half the country. I said shooting a man in the back 7 times looks like a hate crime to me. If there are Marxists then the FBI knows who they are, they are crossing state lines, therefore this is a federal case.... But yet he has not Yeh, Jeffrey Epstein...good lefty eh...
  9. The difference this time is trump is friendly and may have a relationship...easier today with the web to work the public...a few on this website...(reality check) for one.
  10. Terrific...job well done...now catch a few commies or Marxists who are burning the country. Shouldn't be to hard, according to many they carry signs and shirts that identify them. Don't let a 17 yr old do your job.
  11. Not saying there are no ,readers, but doubt they are commies...just home grown terrorists that the FBI should know who they are. I think this whole thing has been allowed to grow as an election political issue...maybe you should read about McCarthy...and see what your type of scare tactics lead to. Are you saying trump has done something...
  12. McCarthy is running for re election? Commies behind every door. Do you still meet with commies? Have you ever met a subversive? Do you still talk to subversive? Do you still donate to the communist party? ( no, but my President is good friends with the leader)
  13. Maybe so, but the problem is huge and affecting the citizens, safety, business and rights. trump has done nothing. If the FBI know who these marxusts/communists are...then fix it.
  14. And so a few marxists/communists show up to overthrow your country trump turns to a 17 yr old. The fbi dies know who they are? The moment is too big again, just like covid19 was to big.
  15. Then fix it. Move ahead with a plan of equality. A large percentage of YOUR CITIZENS are saying there is a racial equality issue, including rich and poor. The other alternatjve is to repeal all of Lincolns efforts and the civil rights act Either way demand your President do something if he is capable of holding his attention for more than 24 hours. trump has the position and responsibility.
  16. The issue here is that a societal problem exists in the US, much of it in Democratic areas according to some posters, some of which blame the leftys, some do not. It has grown, it has become more violent, radical groups have formed as the result of opportunity because of the unsolved issues. Police have been more reactive, more military like. Gangs grow. Illegal drugs are on street corners. 3.5 yrs...it is getting worse. The moment to begin finding solutions is presenting itself. Major people with influence have become involved. I think the moment is too big for trump, Pence, Navarro and the administration. The rabbit hole is getting bigger.
  17. And you have forgotten what respect, peace, love ,tolerance and civil rights are all about. You are to busy blaming everyone else.
  18. And trump has done what, blame ignore threaten, just like covid19
  19. Imagine all this violence is happening with trump as president and pence as do. They sure are keeping law and order or after 3.5 years is he still blaming someone else.
  20. Wow just read how Peter Navarro said Canada is "out of step" with trump's world. What a compliment....woohoo Just trying to figure out who is in that world... Oh yeh, his friend, Kim and Vladdy and ??. So all we have left in our world to be in step with are, France, Britain, Spain, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, Finland, Costa Rica, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Israel, Greece,....oh I should stop this list, dinner time...to be continued
  21. Such an intelligent response deserves an insult back, but that would fit into the chaos you thrive in. Hope your family is safe. Peace and Love.. Ciao
  22. You have a different view on this. If I was to resist arrest on a charge of running a red light, there is no justification that would make it ok to shoot me in the back 7 times. Cops have enough training and tools at their disposal to not kill a person over a traffic stop. While this young criminal did not die, he appears to be paralyzed, but is either outcome even remotely acceptable. The answer is no. Find another way....has nothing changed since Tombstone. This guy is not John Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde. Unless significant change occurs, and the time is right for it, it appears, can you see where the future is going... Yes you have looters and pros in riots, but change needs to happen
  23. No, never shot a tire...you may be right, but I would hope a cop would be trained on how to disable a car before they were trained to shoot in the back.
  24. Never suggested to shoot into the car...maybe a tire...?he is not a bear, he is a human being, sexual assault is not a reason to shoot a man in the back 7 times, he did not have possession of a knife. Not suggesting this guy is not a criminal, or even potentially dangerous, just saying any good cop would not shoot 7 times in the back unless he is sick, shouldn't be a cop or is a racist.
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