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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Confidence. A man walks into a bar and sits down beside a beautiful woman. He looks at his watch and she asks "is your date late". He replies, "no, I was just looking at my new Apple watch." Oh, she says, "what is so special about it" He says this watch is telepathic and can read your mind. She says "what is it telling you" His reply, "you are not wearing any panties" She giggles and says"your watch is wrong, I have panties on" He taps his watch and say"damn watch, it is running an hour fast"
  2. They were in Fredonia 19 years
  3. I am concerned Rhino, while I do not agree with many of your posts, they were constructed and articulate, now you sound like Reality Check, lazy, videos, .are you using a new identity? Are you 2 Marxists the same poster?
  4. Marxist a?? Hahahahahahaha Find a good comedy club, you have a career
  5. I listened and heard...which sets him up for being the biggest loser, lier, in the history of the presidency.
  6. So let's consider who has a disability Woodward writes junk, hit jobs. Terrible writer, past his prime....but wait for it...the man holding the most important job in the world meets with him 18 times...time well spent?
  7. What has death got to do with it. Christopher Columbus died 500 years ago and still some idiots want to take his statue down.
  8. So you are suggesting Nixon and Reagan were not successful republicans in the world diplomacy. That is the definition.
  9. Remember when the USA had a strong foreign policy, independent, fair, bold, realistic and successful. Nixon, Reagan, even Jimmy Carter tried bless him. Today policy is based on, hey Vladdy, what do you think!
  10. Some people have love and understanding for things other than the mighty dollar. It does not mean that they dislike customers, it does not mean this was not important to them, but they see bigger issues.
  11. Can we ship the Fosters back to you.....please...And the proper spelling for draught (draft) too...impressive😁
  12. A Bills fan who doesn't know what Genesee Beer is? Holy croc Aussie... Genny Cream, much better than your Fosters or the infamous Yellow Tail.
  13. Need a little humor in our lives...let's not take everything to serious...Jeepers
  14. Sorry, too many Genny lights in the old days and way too many Seinfeld episodes...but I wonder if I folded the Bills flag wrong causing us bad luck, or should I have listened to the cop at the cross walk on Abbott road when heading into the game because I was hiding a beer. When I put the flag up at the game, should I not have opened the beer before or waited until the flag was displayed? Rituals...that is what the 12th man does. Was it our fault for wide right? We may see this year.
  15. Imagine, the season ends with a Josh 26yd TD pass to Diggs with 31 seconds to go for a 4 point Superbowl win. We have not been able to attend a game all year due to covid19, Does the 12th man take the blame for all the years of failure? Did we bring bad luck all those years, did the football God's not like the broken tables, the ketchup brand we used or the Genny beer? Did we sing the shout song poorly? Were our pregame rituals all wrong. All these questions to answer when we win the Superbowl this year. Will the 12th man survive our win?
  16. 6 am Sunday Morning...and a salute with a beer...
  17. Early morning some hot Italian Sausage cut into small pieces and fried in pan on the Coleman stove ( or kielbasa covered in Frank's hot sauce roasted on the bbq), lots of beer, while the bbq is on low with baby back ribs for the next 4 to 5 hours until hopefully just before kickoff. In between, beer, nachoes, Bills pregame radio, and some Hank jr.
  18. This qb battle reminds me of the good old days of Flutie/Johnson. Or was that Johnson/Flutie.
  19. I've considered the idea that a team who plays in an empty stadium for safety reasons will wildcat going to Dallas where Jones to support a political agenda will invite 60,000 people creating danger for players, staff etc.
  20. Another Marxist.....? Where is McCarthy when you need him... But the guys from Artic Air do trust me... Only a Marxist would have this type of material....!
  21. Marxist, you made my case....now you are showing child molestation on this sight...I will report you!
  22. Hey Marxist, are you suggesting I am a racist. I know you are a commie, and everyone else now knows you are as well, but I am the farthest person from being a racist...but I am a great Bills fan. Many of my tailgate friends would back up my statement. But as for you Marxist..do you actually know who the Bills are? Oh I forgot, you cannot write English.
  23. What Marxism looks like in the US. Guys like RC hiding behind a phoney name, unable to write English, taking direction from his handlers.
  24. 4Billsin makes sense. The main issue for me would be in the attic with the roof tresses moving. That would create plaster cracks...huge sign for stability. I would also worry about a support wall that may have been removed to open space for selling appeal. You may not know this. Have the basement support posts traced up thru the roof supports. If that ok, just pretend it is the ghost of an old drummer who lived in the house and open another beer.
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