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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. And you my friend are a true as?. Trudeau is an idiot...but by comparison he is a genius leader to trump. Today trump said Canada is anxious to open the border. I can say without a doubt...no one in Canada wants the border opened, not one politician, no citizens unless they own property in Fla. He made this statement up for election propaganda. Frig him. Why would anyone one in Canada want to take on the burdens.
  2. By comparison, Canada is 1 /4 the deaths and cases if you compare per capita. Wisconsin who has a population smaller than the provi .ca of Ontario had 1600 cases yesterday. Ontario had 400 and has implemented tougher standards immediately restricting groups to less than 10, bars, events to 30 people and mandatory masks. $10,000 fine for violating gathering guidelines, $750 per individual. Also trying to open schools safely. No burying a head in the sand because the friggen virus is going to disappear. Suddenly trump talks vaccine for all by April...I thought it was going to disappear....the man is delutional. I for one do not want this virus, no my wife with asthma or my grandson at 4 months old. Stay safe...the assault rifles don't help against this enemy.
  3. Your view of what trump has said is typical of one defending how the Titanic was built. Giving help is not leadership, it is duty...what the frig would you say if he didn't give help to NYC....he may say one day to social distance then do the opposite and reverse he position. Just face it, you do not have to publically say it, but trump is a total failure in this pandemic 200000....
  4. Yes masks support is leadership, not calling his experts idiots, yes showing restraint by not holding indoor rallies violating state laws would be leadership, yes encouraging distancing across the country would be leadership, yes consistent messages would be leadership, yes leaving the blue red position out of the fight against the virus would be leadership, treating all citizens regardless of who their governor is, or who their mayor is would be leadership, taking the high road would be leadership, yes treating all citizens as equals in this fight would be leadership, etc etc etc....how many more. Do you even know what leadership looks like. This is not the time to blame Obama, or Hill, or whomever....just friggin lead all citizens, rise above....that is LEADERSHIP. trump has no idea how to lead...he us the Rex Ryan of politicians , all friggin mouth.
  5. Ya know that Obama was so inexperienced and young he hardly had time to be corrupt, his family was not rich and did not travel in big circles, part of the reason he was so unsuccessful as a Pres. A pres must have friends and contacts, but also must have integrity to not abuse his position, after office he will make enough money. A waste of energy blaming Obama...time to stop reliving Superbowl XXV, trump performance is the issue for the electorate, whatever Obama, Bush, Clinton, or Washington did has no bearing except to support the deep state BS. Rhino's job is to deflect and change focus from the reality of 2020.
  6. OMG...dan bongino...such an impressive witness, ...he came down from the mount I am sure, saw the firery fleece, carved the tablets in his spare time...the ultamet bearer of truth, the twin of the Wizard od Oz, the all great and powerful. We all must bow ....just another friggin double agent from the deep state...
  7. Can you imagine living with Jarvis and OBJ in a meeting. They could possibly be sincere about their role....they could never be part of the team...way to self centred and selfish. As often occurs some success , then the money fills the pockets, then the mouth takes over the talent.
  8. Every scientist says masks...accept that they have a big effect...really simple. Scientists are not part of the great conspiracy around the globe to overthrow trump. trump has now put the economy in danger with another potential shutdown. Isn't Caputo proof enough that the advise trump accepts is ridiculous and radical...please, a virus will just disappear!? Agree, the nursing homes in NY are not on trump, but he did not lead he has flip flopped for 6 months, misled his peeps, overruled science, and promised the virus would just disappear...when do you question this type of logic? 200,000 deaths, 300,000 deaths, it does not go away...this enemy does not give up.
  9. This is not a lazy Take!....sometimes you should just admit you are wrong and move on. This is hardly falling on a sword ( just a little dramatic)...it is a lesson, no one got hurt by good luck. You sound so angry about a little ticket, I hope you are just as angry when someone really gets hurt because of this violation. Suck it up cupcake and confess, it is good for the soul. You should have thought of all the costs before driving the car.
  10. I am surprised by the number of people who say fight...based on what principle. Do you think school zones are against your rights and civil liberties. Is it unconstitutional. You may have endangered young children. Ask the parents who hace kids in this area. Take it as a lesson. Pay the penalty and pledge to yourself to be a more careful citizen. And call the police chief and report the cowardly cop who just actually told you not to respect the law. Just another point of view.
  11. You cannot possibly support Sweden and those darn socialists. He could have listened and supported science, masks, social distancing instead of flip flopping every day, his peeps don't do what is right and use him as the reason. Remember when Bill Clinton said he did not have sex with that girl, and his preacher agreed, every young man explained to his date that oral was not really sex. The power of his office in just words can be incredible. Do you think the virus cares if you are red or blue. Don't be blind. NY was the first and had to learn and convince people, others should have learned from them...the idiots in Texas, Florida, Cal, etc didn't. For once love all your citizens, not just the ones in your party. It is destroying the country.
  12. Your comments on CNN are quite correct...sickening liberal, anti trump, but that does not change the facts, his performance on the virus has been absolutely terrible, causing more deaths, extending the effects on the economy way past where it could have been. The man is a walking pendulum.
  13. One Sunday a preacher decided to try something new in the service. He said, when I say 1 word I want all of you to sing a song that comes to mind. He said Cross, and everyone began singing the Old Rugged Cross. Good he said try, Grace, and they all began singing Amazing Grace. The pastor then said Sex....and there was silence, everyone looked at each other not knowing what to sing. Suddenly at an 87 year old woman stood and began singing, Thanks for the Memories. Budda bing
  14. Josh will be 24 of 29.....356 yds....46 yds running, no fumbles, no interceptions........IN OUR SUPERBOWL VICTORY!
  15. We ask you questions Rhino and you answer in code and quotes, oh I mean W Zebra, oh J mean Reality...same person. Hard to translate from Russian to English that fast eh.
  16. The new strategy of Putin's agents, no debate or comment just reports of tweets instantaneous to support there wishes...Reality Check, wacko Zebra, Rhino....all the same agent being paid to undermine the election...and many of you have been sucked in...now Rhino will respond with something about CCP or whatever, but he knows he is exposed and will be looking for a new job in Nov....the boy is a double agent 😁
  17. No proof of that claim, but even if true, being better than Hilly is no claim to friggen fame! The comparison is the rest of the world. Look at the stats...nothing to be proud of no matter who you blame..Nancy, dems, Obama, Fauci, Cohen, yada yada..the man with the power fukked up big time and is still unable to stop the macho man immitation and has the US heading for 300,000 if a new wave happens... I pray that this is not true...and in spite of what Pence thinks, prayers without action usually fail...
  18. Bans came late, no formal consistent national policy, under cutting his own experts, putti g commerce ahead of health... You could have kept the deaths under 50000 ... Stay safe
  19. Thanks for the humor....
  20. I congratulate trump on no armed conflicts...that is truly an accomplishment. What a measurement...so in 6 months and additional 24 days of death have occurred, oh but wait, many would have died anyway...so this virus does not really matter. Just blame someone else...those friggin Chinese. Wow! Based on this logic, stop cancer treatments, heart transplants, appendix removals, save some money. By the way, he did get little help, because he lives in a bomb shelter tweeting his life away, never has created any allies from the other side of the aisle as Reagan and many others have. A 2 party system needs someone to span the divide.
  21. Keep America safe...195,000 deaths, most in the world anyway you measure, but that friggen bar in Texas and his indoor rallies continue, even when state law prohibited it. trump has not protected American lives...he is in charge.. he has the power of the strongest office in the world and points fingers...oh he is so tough, haha. And by the way a leaders job is to have strong friends..allies..trade partners, defence partners, social partners. If you do not and others do have friends you cannot survive. You cannot live in a bomb shelter.
  22. What the F is a Bomani Jones... and what relevance is it? Lived my life without ever knowing of this guy...hope to never hear of it again.
  23. I use the word fair rather than say that past presidents never publically shi! on US allies like trump. The only coalition that trump has is with Putin and Kim. You can not live in this world in isolation.
  24. I hope neither one graduated!
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