Niagara Bill
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Everything posted by Niagara Bill
Ask Agent Rhino , Putin wants the chaos that trump brings, he loves poor boys and white supremists. He loves left wing anarchists as much. He wants the USA weak, in turmoil, and you have been duped into it. Trump is his man...the election if trump loses will be a shambles because trump and Putin want it that way. The cliff is near. Strange how you support the deep state bullpoop but fail to see Putin uses both sides. This is not McCarthy commies. They do not spread communism...they want power and the best way is weaken the US. So if the shoe fits...stick it.
Poorly informed....seriously! Your mind has been closed since mama sent you to the cellar. If you actually believe trump on anything you are part of the cause of the violence and protests. Those camps will be controlled by Putin's boys, supported by agents like Rhino and followers like you. Bring on the American brand of communism baby, you are headed for it.
Your proclamation is at least partially correct. Rioting and looting in the streets...while many of the protests may have left wing groups, many regular citizens who have affiliation are protesting as well. In some cases Putin's boys who care little about politics have got right wing groups to help insight violence. Their goal is destabilization, not politics, like some of the protesters goal is a new tv and a bottle of bourbon. In any case trump has done nothing except point fingers, and encourage his ultra supporters to stir it up. Sad time for a great nation.
It happened because trump needed headlines...then like a scolded puppy licked his butt in the corner so no one could see. He even had his butt kicked by China in world court over 2B in tariffs. He wants his own laws...the world hates him, distrusts him, all except Putin... Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou 18 months ago at trumps request...now he has no idea how tondeal with it. The trouble with being president...people listen to what you say and do. He gets caught in his own bs.
I am not suggesting any of the choices are good. Not sure who I would vote for. Yes I see things different looking over the fence, I see the destruction of institutions and respect that are essential in a free country. I see the undermining of stability by Putin and his agents...seriously the deep state thing is as crazy as Area 51 and the p,and load of thugs. The conservatives see a commie in every democrate, but the commies have hijacked the right and they don't realize it. By the way Canada has many racial issues, different proportion for sure but none the less shameful. In many cases Canadians see increases in drug trade, violence guns in these immigrant communities and like the US every one gets tarred. The government is often blamed for poor screening. Sometimes our world is sad, but we cannot let dictators win.
I can only suggest to you your opening paragraph makes it impossible to have a conversation. You will defend combover no matter what. You enjoy your leader calling people names, acting like he has diminished capacity like some school yard trick by a 10 yr old, making up stories about thugs on a plane, 210,000 dead from Covid because of his policies, putting a 25% tariff on aluminum from Canada due to national security when all that happened was the beer industry suffered from increased costs of cans and washers and dryers went up in price to his own citizens. He then drops the duty 3 months later...such a know it all. His own wall he paid for on Mexican border is being stolen by the Mexicans...and nobody even cares? He has fired generals, laughed at your military leaders, called the FBI his enemy yet in 3.5 yrs did nothing to fix it, called dead servicemen losers and he avoided serving due to a sore foot. If you can say he is a leader you are proud of....wow. No need to continue this conversation. 5 weeks from now the destruction of a once great if not the greatest nation in the world begins to be torn apart by Putin's would be dictator. I am fearful for my neighbors
Of course trump dud not kneel on Floyd's neck, nor did he cause it, but he has done nothing to recognize all the issues, to show leadership in this time of chaos. Strange that citizens, repubs included, blamed George Bush for 9 11 for not protecting the country and had nothing to do with flying those planes...but trump is never responsible ...??🤔 I call this the Rhino effect, the success of Putin's boys. Chaos reins supreme....he loves it.
I see your issues as not being a choice between Combover Joe vs Combover trump, I see a longer issue as a divided nation, so hateful and fearful of their political parties that living in harmony is becoming impossible. You need a LEADER. Half of the country has decided to try and re elect a man who has lied and created false narrative every day for 3.5 yrs. The ultament CON. Joe is not the answer, BUT, the country cannot survive 4 more yrs leaderless. If citizens actually believe that riots and racial tension only take place in cities where democrats are in power....wow. So punish all to get back at a dam mayor??? Makes me believe that much of these damaging riots may be part of the bigger Rhino buddies destabilization effort. The USA is losing world respect and influence due to domestic problems and inconsistent leadership, ...who gains the most as a result.?
If you pass, then I respect the fact you understand what is actually happening and would risk the country to return to more conservative positions. However once the direction changes the pull back may not be controllable. As for Rhino....without a doubt he is an agent, paid, and likely duped by the commies. There are many who see commies as leftists, but they do use the rightwing to destabilize. This is Rhino.
You are the delusional one, believing that the deep state exists, that the commies are not trying to destabilize the US, that the right has not be highjacked by Putin's boys, that Rhino is not a paid agent, and chaos is not about to take over the USA. Seriously..you are in trouble...we shall see by January. If you think trump is a leader...wow, I thought you had some brains.. Thugs in airplanes, virus under control, riots are dems problems, Obama and George Bush caused it, I am the smartest Pres. Etc etc etc. . Please please please...just open your mind, laugh if you wish at my rants, but open your eyes...for the sake of your country... President for 3.5 years is time enough to have influence...he cannot just blame everyone else....you blame Obama for plenty...deservedly so, by this clown should not be Teflon.
Ok, time to sell stock in Kraft dinner, because Rhino and his basement agents are about to move on to Lithuania. The right has become the arm of the commies to destabilize the US government and institutions. It is obvious that trump is a dupe...if not complicent. trump is either knowingly part of this effort of destabilizing or is the worst leader in the history of the US. Hopefully, those duped to support his takeover efforts wake up soon...or they are treasonist....no other explanation. The deep state crap is like a WWF/WWE plot with Maucho Man vs Iron Shiek.
The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:
Niagara Bill replied to Deranged Rhino's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
628 pages....of Agent Rhino copies of others posts against the imaginary Deep State to rally the right that allows Rhino's bosses at the Kremlin to sow discord in the US. Tear the wall down, let the KGB out into the streets of America, get those kids in mom's basement to believe they are doing good, fighting the socialist hordes, all the time they are doing the will of Putin. Classic US imperialism strategy in the 60s and 70s used against the most powerful country on earth. The Trojan Horse. The weakness was the right, they hated socialism so much every rock contained an enemy of freedom. I pray in Nov Dec and Jan that America can come together for the good of all citizens. If not...just imagine 1861. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You are mistaken. Putin's boys are here to undermine the state not a political side or position. trump creates chaos, it is the same tactics used by many dictators.. many trump likes. What happened to that plane load of thugs he heard about. This is not conservative vs liberal. This is destabilization..blame the deep state on election fraud...where is the leadership.... Nixon had people in the middle of the demonstrators at Democratic convention in Chicago...see John Dean book, Blind Ambition. Someone is out to weaken the USA. Of course I blame those who committ the acts...lock them up, but leadership is needed to resolve and prevent. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You may be responsible or at least partially responsible for not reaching the poor student, or creating an atmosphere that encourages non violence among peers, or perhaps teaching the person you call best how to properly relate. Many opportunities you had...but if you are in charge you can have an effect...you may not be to blame, but you are more than a spectator...and friggen trump is a protagonist, blaming others and stirring the pot. He builds flames. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Excuse me but when does trump take responsibikity for his presidency. He has been in charge for 3.5 yrs. The riots are his. The divided nation are his to own. Obama was bad...trump is worse and has openly and purposely created more chaos. So because I see a bigger picture than your narrow view I am dishonest? The dumb one here is you Timmy. Sucked in to thinking trump is honest. That the deep state is real, that your country in chaos is ok. Yes violent protesters exist in every nation. Remember the black Panthers, You now believe 50% of the people in your country are stupid and secret socialists. Your neighbor is out to take away your freedoms. Remember Putin = commie= his friend trump. Good luck Timmy boy. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is not about trump...he does not even know what's up..he is a dupe. Rhino knows more. Putin's boys are destabilizing USA. The same foreign policy The US has used many times...it works...institutions destroyed..believes destroyed... -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Then without a change by the right and left it is about to be dramatically altered, never to recover IMHO from Putin's influence -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And you are in Alaska, close to the commies...hmmmm -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I do not argue that dems also lie and cheat...I suggest that if you don't stop beating up each other you will wake up in Jan in a shambles a broken disjointed country, easy Pickens for Putin's and China's boys. The right seems to think the dems are all part of the deep state. The deep state idea was put in p.ace by Putin and his agents and tge right and conservatives have been sucked in to be the agent of Putin. McCarthy said leftist are commies. Well the commies escaped the wall and infiltrated the right...destabilization is the goal, not communism. That is 60s talk. Rhino is part of this effort. In the 60s it was communism vs capitalism. Not anymore. Not that cut and dry. They learned from US foreign policy of how to destablize a government and have turned it on the USA. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Depp is not mysterious he is a nut...I think Matt Damon is more appropriate -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Proud of that, extremism was part if that time and the US became great again with compromise... And by the way George had some good ideas like how to change dating room mates. But I digress, this is not foreign policy, it is domestic. Let's see what you think in November 10 days after election. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No, not one way thinkers just temporarily blinded with anger over left issues, but now being used by extremes destabilizing your country. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Kim Phillby was a student and long term British agent who worked for the Russians too. The world is different today, hiding behind numerous names, representing whom ever pays you the most. The right wing has been hijacked by Putin and maybe trump...you are complicient in supporting this destabilization...support your country if you love it...not a flipping political party. If you can support trumps BS you are not loyal, you are treasonist. You are either paid or blind...imagine a president not able to be forthright and direct about having a successful run election, like a boogie man is in ever poling booth...if you are truly a dedicated citizen I implore you to sit back and examine your position. Not about who you vote for but what has become of your politics...think Belarus, Thanks for considering... -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The good side...cannot you see what is happening to this great nation...Putin has used the right repubs to destabilize, the more conflict the more he wins. Rhino is part of that..Vote for whom ever you wish, but this election non acceptance is about to create civil unrest you have never seen. -
Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax
Niagara Bill replied to WEATHER DOT COM's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You may be correct, but that doesn't mean than Rhino and others are not agents....the ultra right has been sucked in.