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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Little known fact. That was year of the moving mound. When he pitched the distance was 50' 6".
  2. The issue actually is that DR is in his final month of employment with the Putin boys trying to destabilize the US, he will be reassigned to Lithuania. I wish him the best, he could be entertaining as long as you didn't take him seriously.
  3. End of the Deep State.....RIP
  4. There is no room on any board for an agent paid to create chaos. DR in my opinion is one of Putin's boys. He has other posting egos to support his positions. Thank you SDS for keeping PPP for real people.
  5. Eddie just pasted away...Lumpy was never felt devalued by his nickname, and even Theodore's mom June called him Beaver....and served milk to Larry Mondello and Whitey.
  6. The crown of leadership is heavy and lonely. He ask for that role and got it. Leadership comes with the added expense of not allowing you to point fingers, you are charged with creating the best possible outcome. How many would have , speculation maybe half as many at this point considering the greatest nation in the world, with the greatest healthcare system is at the top or near the top of deaths per million citizens. The scaredy situation is that there appears to be an exceleration of cases. Deaths per illness has dropped because older people are now staying out of the mainstream for protection of their lives. But where does this end...300,000? 400,000? We're others involved? Yes. Many governors opened sooner than they should and carried trumps message, masks? only for the softies. Mayors allowed riots and protests ? The message people like Cuomo delivered were often so countered by presidential messages. Cuomo like many blew the issue of seniors homes? Thousands died as a result. But he was at least in there fighting each day, making consistent presentations, some good decisions, some bad. Trump played politics with your mother's life. Whether inflation is there...people would have died anyway because of pre existing conditions...yes certainly, but they may also may be understated for the same reason. Sorry for the rambling...
  7. Other = 208,000 dead Millions who lost loved ones, Staff who were required to be macho All those who suffered through Covid as a result of being infected during events when masks not used All the people who lost work when they were ill or their loved ones needed care All the front line workers who suffered, missed there families when being working hundreds of hours in danger and could not go home Etc etc. His terrible leadership, lack of consistency in his message, his defiance of professional medical advice, his mocking of others etc etc caused prolonging and excessive suffering with this virus. Sorry I was not more clear. Oops sorry I did not mean to re-apologize, oh FI, I did mean it!
  8. Sorry for saying I understood your anger. You don't need by sympathy that is ok with me. You knew who the others were, you were just being an ash. Enjoy your anger.
  9. Sincerely sorry for that situation, I can sympathize, but your leader failed lead. The lockdown is necessary to help get a killing disease under control, but when not insisting on clear steps to control ie masks, and then openly defies ( not wearing mask, rallies without masks etc) those needs, the others created the a wave of cases. The continuing duration of this virus has a greater financial effect than what the short term did. All the best to you...lots of bureaucrats in schools, admin etc have no idea of the suffering
  10. Yes you can, he did not show leadership or respect for others..I do wish him a full recovery
  11. Wow, many died because he did not insist on people be responsible and they past on the virus.....quit defending the k defensible.
  12. Glad you know hitler well...serves my point on what the trump organization is thinking...and I will keep showing everyone what a treasonist sob you ate, supporting the undermining of the US systems of justice.
  13. Do you mean Rhino the secret agent...?
  14. Same thing you ash, except the president in power is doing it...can you actually understand that...duh...he has the military and numerous agencies and police forces but yet wants illegal groups sent to the street.
  15. I did not parrot hitler, I only mention the development of an internal political army like the Poor Boys, and militia groups trump covers as supporters.
  16. Because the city is not liberal, they may have a dem. mayor , a repub council, a repub judge, an independent Sherrif? ..there are many non liberals and they are your fellow citizens. Show concern..for them..
  17. Please, do not fire Base, as long as he is coaching we get 2 wins automatically. Then on the off season they cut the wrong guys and we may get a good player...all is good...
  18. Of course it is ashole...you are the friggen idiot...look in the mirror... You have not got a friggin intelligent thought...stay in DC with your fellow gold diggers.. Never read it but you have so what does that say about you...trump wants to be dictator, all powerful Laguna...you ate part of the armed guard... Your country is in jeopardy...wake up!
  19. Wait and see... Yes, but the Gestapo took over and I am sure you do not agree with the results...right?
  20. You showed you did not care about fellow citizens...plain and simple...typical anti politics Think for a change...stop reacting
  21. The only real thing that came out of this debate is the real possibility that trump is trying to create his own internal army ( this happened in 1930s in Germany, later called Gestapo). ...Poor Boys, White Supremists etc...to intimidate at voting booths and rallies.
  22. So disappointed Rhino...grabbing at straws...Putin will be disappointed Well your Poor Boy gang obviously has no education...
  23. No irony Agent Rhino. I am definitely not a leftist but I do dislike any position that is so politically strong that many citizens are pigeon holed and punished because some jackash has an IQ of less than his squirrel gun. You I get, you get paid for that stuff.
  24. Actually Americans like you watching American cities burn which contain many different citizens, military vets, aged retirees, disabled, young children, first responders, homeless, rich, poor, pizza makers, etc, and all your flipping mind goes to is a few politicians. You actually hate anyone who doesnt agree with your politics. I hope the next time you get ill, the doctor you visit tells you FO because he disagrees with your right wing hatred.
  25. So it now appears that The President of the USA needs underground militia to help fight left wing radicals. The FBI cannot. The National guard cannot. The Sherriffs service cannot. The State Police cannot. So the Law and Order President....the guy who use to hold the most powerful seat in the world (he is still there but he lost the power) must rely on the Poor Boys militia...stand down but stand by. ...anarchists, ....and Rhino wants us to believe the Deep State exists on the left and the right is clean... So Poor Boys, get out the long neck bottles, the squirrel guns and the ***** skin hats and get ready..
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