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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 73,000,000 people voted for either this type of behavior, or for their 401k. 73,000,000 people knowingly voted for a racist liar, who turned on fellow Republicans monthly during the past 4 years, 73,000,000 people ignored, or supported a man who obviously reduced the respect of the US internationally 73,000,000 people voted for a man who disrespected citizens across the country just because the governor or mayor if their stare or city belonged to a different party. 73,000,000 people voted for a guy who did nothing and even failed to acknowledge 20,000,000 cases and 300,000 deaths from Covid, who disrepected and accused their doctors if inflating the number if deaths Impeachment will not stop this lunacy, it is part of the DNA of the country.
  2. Ok let's talk reality in the US and the state of freedoms. If a private business, (bakery), has been given the rights by the courts that they can refuse service to the public if the customer us gay, then Twitter can stop service to Trump. Seems simple to me.
  3. I swear the guy who sat in Pelosi' s chair is Uncle Eddie. He is a close relative to DR. I was assured that DR was transferred to Lithuania for his failure and lost election.
  4. Don't under estimate Rhino. This coup is not over.... Does Kim fire a missle tomorrow? Does a fire destroy the capital ? Is there a suicide to come.? 13 days to go
  5. Are you sure about that last sentence?
  6. I believe that is the same smoking jacket that cousin Eddie was wearing!
  7. It us understandable how citizens supported the original message of trump and the repub. party from 2016. Frankly who in their right mind could support Hilary. She was always the wrong choice. Who in their right mind would not run from the likes of AOC. What is not understandable is how 73,000,000 people can be so anti Democrat that they ignored the lies, the disrespect, the inconsistency and unprofessionalism of this guy. At least in the final moment Pence was professional. Even the a?? Graham said the right thing even though he is full of shiiit. Trump has cost the USA a major step to the left. He is the cause, not Biden, not Harris. The guy who does not pay taxes. The guy who only supports states that have republican gov. Even though, 50% of the people are supporters of the republican party. To quote Dorothy and the munchkins. "Ding ***** the witch is xxxx". ( mods...I am being careful not to be threatening) If the republican party does not run away from Cruz and Paul they will either lose the next election in a landslide or a 3rd party will split them.
  8. I am more 60s early 70s guy. Also more folk, Dylan, Mitchell, Byrds, Did enjoy Skynard later when I got into longnecks. My hero was John Lennon. I am more peacenik than violent gun protester.
  9. You are wrong my friend. I have stated many times that Trump would try to have a coup, you are seeing it. You my friend are the brain washed culprit.
  10. But you did support it, you knew it was coming. If the left has done the same that has no bearing on Trump doing it.
  11. Turn turn The country is one bomb, one major fire, or one gun battle in the capital away from a coup....anarchy, not seen in the western world since 1933. The President encouraged this with the hope he finds away to postpone Jan 20th in his quest to become King. I think I spotted Rhino, back from Lithuania.
  12. The End of the Deep State. Let's bless that thought.
  13. Not a good day to be repub for sure but Republicans do not hold the only licence for all brainwashed followers. Can you imagine having a conversation with Cortez? Or Pelosi? Trump is the worst liar for sure, and those that blindly follow would rather have a civil war than a civil election are brainwashed and brain dead. But make no mistake...AOC and her crowd are no better.
  14. We may be able to fill in Jan /62021 before the day us done. If he invites and insites a riot in DC or talks coup, TREASON would be on the long list of violations.
  15. I think it is proof that his Alzheimer's or Dementia is past the point of his ability to control. He should be walked kindly to a lockup for evaluation. Those closest to him need to grow a pair and call in the doctors.
  16. Jimmy Carter was a terrible President, but he defeated an untrustworthy Gerald Ford, the public decided Ford should not continue. He was closely tied to Nixon types. Biden may prove to not be a good choice, but he defeated a guy who has lied to the American public more than is imaginable. A guy who openly tried to incite violence against citizens, a guy who refused to support citizens in areas that voted against his party, a guy that is planning a coup and trying to destroy the greatest democracy the world has seen. A guy who made it necessary that 10 former Sec of Defence found it necessary to speak out against use of military against its own citizenry. All the rest of this debate is unnecessary.
  17. Might have something to do with the built in ice chest between the front seats. 🤣
  18. Ah, the ever reliable Datsun.
  19. Not a fun thing, it is an immature act done when his team is on the field only....if he still wants to do it and post on tik tok then do it right after the game...when every one is on the field and can enjoy the laugh with him.
  20. No it is not....but he refused to acknowledge the deaths, basically saying cost of doing business. Couldn't bring himself to say masks are part of saving lives. Etc etc etc. He thought his time was more well spend blaming others. He took the bows for stopping travel from China, then walked away from dealing with the virus.
  21. The abuse of power, the disrespect of your national agencies, and the attempted coup that is going to occur on Jan 6 are reasons to put trump at the very bottom of my list to run anything.
  22. I am not a fan of Joe, but he is far and away the lessor of two evils. Disgusting when a country of 380,000,000 can only find these 2 guys. But seriously, trump, "the liar", untrustworthy to his core, no respect for any person, institution or friend and switches friends to create his own wild theories at the drop of a hat. The ONLY two people he has not turned on thus far 1, Rudy G, and 2 Vlady P. By the way, what touched me off is simple. The world is far to dangerous a place with Putin in charge, with CCP, running lose and the US without any strength. The strength of the US is its focus (now lost) and it's alliances (now broken). You say he makes NATO countries pay more. I say the US stayed in Europe with troops after 1945 to protect its self by controlling the spread of anti democracy so NA was not isolated. Nobody told the US to be in Germany in 2020 with bases, or create Korean war, of jump into Vietnam after France, or expand into Laos or Cambodia. Nobody made US defend Saudi Arabia except US oil companies. Trump is no savior, he is the puppet of the Super rich you never heard of and Putin. Btw, I despise Pelosi, Cortez, Cruz equally.
  23. Sorry about going to the extreme....but it is hard to find appropriately strong enough comparison. Did not want to understate. How about Chavez vs Pol Pot. Point is, Cuomo actions have nothing to do with how trump has governed. Coming up to Jan 6....question is...do YOU stand with trump or the country. Trump has no respect for the USA or the citizens.
  24. The actions of Cuomo do not excuse trump from being responsible for the worst possible leadership in the history of the USA. That's like saying Mussolini was a bad guy therefore Hitler was not.
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