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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Ok, listen up people. Their is a systemic issue here that has to be recognized before this behavior can be expected to change. From a very young age, men, have been trained to try and try and try where as females, have generally been trained to resist resist resist. It is difficult for the,male species to switch off genetics. 2 good examples. 1) In the species of praying mantis, the female bites off the head of the male after he is successful, thus making it impossible for him to try try try. 2) in any bar if a man stands up in the bar and declares his desire to have *****(as Sheldon would say) what are the odds? If a females stands on the bar and declares her desire, what are the odds? Thus the genetic challenge of males to have the need to try try try. Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls. So Gov...your mistake is in not recognizing when in charge you morf into a praying mantis whether you like it or not. Say Good night Gracee.
  2. You cannot or should not talk like this. I believe this is ageism. This is wrong. Just because he is older he doesn't have the right to hit in a younger lady??. Come on! If it was an older lady and younger man it is ok? What if the younger lady hit on him? Please please....don't take away my day dreams at the mall!😜
  3. What dogma? Dogma is such an extreme. Is that like anti abortionists who push their religion on us all. In order for North America to save itself we need to middle if the road thinking. Riots and burning does not work. Storming the capital us wrong. Shooting abortion doctors is nuts. Dogma and extremes stops us (me) from being able to change comfortably. I am too busy defending. I have gay friends, I have mixed mix race friends, I have divorced friends, single parent friends, religious friends, atheist friends and friends that drink too much. It took time to accept it all. I cannot now even think of calling the Dolphins dolfags as we did in the 90s.
  4. I get why Seuss is attacked and why limitation of exposing society to the symbolizing of systemic racism is important to changing our culture. Children must be taught hatred and racism. Certainly this type of book may do that. That is wrong for society. Nothing is more damaging to all of us than racism. BUT.... We must ensure that this is applied for society's benefit, not for the punishment of some, it can feel like revenge thus splitting society. Example. Why does Harry Belafonte continue to allow the playing of The Banana Boat song for his financial gain, but the works of Mark Twain and Gone with the Wind are trashed. This is goose and gander stuff. It cannot be ok for some to have permission to talk, sing, or write of history and not others. Remove displays of systemic discrimination for sure. Eliminate systemic discrimination. Educate for sure. It needs to be done without a sense of punishment.
  5. In Western Society in 2021 the disappearance of the middle class is problematic to continued economic success and democracy. Too many of rich of this century make nothing except marks on a piece of paper or a key stroke. There are few Elons and too many Wall Streeters. The push for minimum wage is a result not a cause. Henry Ford knew people who produced needed to be able to afford the product they produced. While I abhore higher min wages, something in our western economic system has to happen. You already have food stamps, meals at schools, welfare, subsidized rent, tax avoidance, free Healthcare, Fanny May, Freddy Mac, indigenous exceptions, etc etc, so the USA is already a socialist country without admitting it. What % of people work for government? Local, county, state, federal, fire,police,teachers, armed forces. Are they mostly good paying jobs (teachers is some locales excluded) Are these not subsidized high paying jobs. Does more unionization need to happen. Are unions the Robinhood solution. I hope not, but the present hate politics, the present rich get richer situation and the poor being better off doing nothing is not working. IMHO. PS Canada is worse.
  6. It was often said Thurman had only 5 rushing plays. Sometimes teams need to establish bread and butter plays that they execute so well they cannot be stopped, then insert Reed, Beebe end rounds or a jets sweep. To me the more simple the better. Every pitcher needs a change up for off balance.
  7. Excuse me! Didn't he stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night? Doesn't he have a name that can be in print and save space on the front page? Give him the money....it helps the Bills, just another team with an overpaid QB using cap space unwisely.
  8. I believe that sometimes coaches over think that 3 game film stuff. Occasionally a play that may be considered "trick" is thought to be easily identified by formation and therefore is dropped from the playbook for weeks. I did not think this sweep by Mac was a trick play. Coaches become full of themselves with preconceived ideas and they become predictable in their effort to be unpredictable.
  9. Of course there is a secret order, Tom Hanks knew that. The Illuminati has control the world since Ceasars. The only real issue with the Bay of Pigs is 1. You are virtually at war with an island country 90 miles of your coast. The US has fishing boats big enough to destroy Cuba. 2. You have a sneak attack....BECAUSE??? The mob wants you to?? 3. The leader of that nation, Fidel Castro hates America. 4 60 years later the US still has a military base on the same island. Both countries hate each other yet the base remains almost neutral. Not even a sneeze. The president has his own countries government officials attacked in the congress, 5 people die. 5 more than have died since 1961 between two bitter enemies who share an island. Stranger than fiction.
  10. The Buffalo Theory according to Cliff Clavin In the wild, a herd of Buffalo can only run as fast as the slowest member of the herd. They then become the most vulnerable, are killed by enemies, and through this process the herd actually gets faster and stronger through the generations. In a similar manner a man drinking beer is killing off the slowest and least performing brain cells, thus his brain is actually getting smarter and better performing. This is demonstrated by how smart you get and how many problems you solve when you are drunk. Seems so obvious.
  11. Hope you are correct
  12. Today will be seen in history as the day the republican party died and the rise of the republican/qanon party began. The largest change in US political history since the Civil Rights Act. Politicians voting out of fear for their job which is only suppose to be temporary. Where is the bravery of Davey Crockett, Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman, Abe Lincoln. Hope it all works out.
  13. I fully understand that. Socialism is a word that raises the ire of most citizens. While the US has many socialist programs, capitalism is the driving force, and it many ways it has worked.
  14. trump ran trade with smoke and mirrors. For example. He put a 25% tariff on certain steels and aluminum from Canada based on National security. He also did the same with certain softwood lumber. The only affect it had was 1. Increased new home prices in US 2. Increased prices of washing machines and dryers made in US. , which is about 20% of the sales. The US citizens paid the price and the the US treasury got an increase. 90 days later he quietly reversed the policy. Trade practices between Canada and US had been negotiated thru NAFTA and new nafta. Mechanisms were in place. Smoke and mirrors.... 73,000,000 people accepted he was doing his job...
  15. That would be socialism, a terrible word in the USA.
  16. Nice! Peace and Love!✌ True world values. Thanks
  17. You will likely piss your pants when you see that shark.
  18. Ok you covered your butt.... Surfs up... Watch the sharks....
  19. Who said I was black? You are becoming a pain in the butt. Of course people care about skin color. Maybe you don't follow the news. trump cared....he loves the clan, proud boys, supremists. Charlottesville proved that. Jan 6 proved that. Nov proved that. 73,000,000 voted for that racist. Many people do care about skin color. Obviously you do not understand. Surfs up!
  20. Well there you go....we have things in common, adults and I also hate extreme politics, either side, any country. By the way, Greene is not gossip, trump is not gossip and as long as the mods and SDS allow me to be on this site, I will participate. The US has a great effect on the rest of the world so interest is natural and when the world has just put up with trump's reactionary approach to world trade, climate, pandemic and security interest is high. Your country almost had a coup, that would have destabilized the world, and people like you either took part or sat back for the past year and said nothing. All the world heard were nuts talkng deep state crap, trump encouraging racists, administration firings, impeachment, ignoring 400,000 deaths, etc etc. I may be at the back of the class, but I will participate. If you choose to ignore my input, your choice. By the way, I am at the back because I choose to not because you said to and not because of my skin color. Surfs up SoCal...
  21. Love You to😁, I like the Beach Boys and they were from SoCal like you, and I especially loved California Girls. Cannot imagine how a Proud Boy lover like you can exist on the left coast.
  22. Biggest lie to date. "trump left me a respectful note!"
  23. Dems have not shown public support for such nonsense and divisive statements but the national leaders of the repub/qanon party have shown support for Hawley, Greene, Buffalo head, "poor ( proud to some) boys". They are even eating their own like Liz Chaney with the public support of party leaders. The nuts are running the asylum but 73,000,000 supported this. Very scary.
  24. I didn't call 73,000,000 people racists, I mean they supported a racist and nuts like Greene If this is the case then repub/qanon are responsible for calling Parkland a hoax and 9 11 a hoax.
  25. Sorry? Trump create Anita as a diversion. Your party, the repub/qanon attacked the capital were prepared to kill and harm members of congress and even your own party. Your president incouraged and approved. All of that us on you...no matter what you think the others did. No matter what you think BLM did. No matter what the police did. 73,000,000 supported the racists liars. You could have made it 72,999,999. You are the coward fir being a sheep
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