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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. I have thought if this type of situation except there are many neighborhoods where this would be suicide in 2021. Cops have become a military unit, trained to attack their own citizens. The disrespect of the law by many gss led to this. Many societal issues must be fixed simultaneously. Lessening the danger from police would assist in creating a better relationship with all citizens except the criminals. The solution to fixing the gang, drug and criminal issues are way past my ability to try to explain. Very complex.
  2. Ok, here is the reasoning. 7 am to 12:30 pm beer costs $0.05 per oz Bourbon costs $1.00 per shot As of Tom Donahoe era paying customer passes through army of security, pat downs, no bags and no hidden cans in your pant legs, inside your hat, inside the hood of your coat, no flasks, 12:30pm to 3:00pm Beer costs $1:25 per oz Bourbon not served to cheap seats. So my guess is the study in Buffalo only takes in pregame or we would be number 1.
  3. Fake news I guess. Must have been some kind of BRIAN SICKNICK joke.
  4. Seems to me a policeman lost his life.,
  5. Trump and his peeps, Qs and conspiracy guys turned the Capital into a murder scene and a fortress, so it is easy to see how people can turn Chauvin into a race issue, whether it should be or not...just a point on the string of many obvious race issues created by police actions.
  6. A society that is so evolved that 73,000,000 voted for a guy who lied every day, exaggerated every day, ridiculed others everyday, flipped positions everyday and created circumstances that killed 557,000 and the Jan6th riots. For goodness sake leh, just say it us obvious that Chauvin is guilty of something between manslaughter and murder2. Your cred is harmed when you cannot at least move towards a reasonable position.
  7. Nobody relies on the US to do it. Don’t be Wacko, Wacko, Many drug companies do research all over the world including England, France, Netherlands, Belgium etc. Reseach is done in Canada by developing drug suppliers. From another point of view, the tax loopholes for some corporations is so huge in the US that others refuse to compete. In fact, the majority of the drugs produced are manufactured outside the US by companies who you may considered to be American. Canada made a decision on the patents years ago. Every decision has good and bad attached. If your high horse is too big, stop having your favorite defeated president send people to Canada to buy their drugs. We can pleasantly share them with most anyone who doesn't wear a gun. 😉
  8. We are behind in vaccines not because of a Healthcare system, but tax system and patent laws. Ying and yang. It is always a trade off. You financed Astra to take over a producer in Baltimore that destroyed 15,000,000 doses because of bad management. So all Healthcare systems have their issues. That discussion is way to long. Most of the civilized world has a similar system as we do. It begins with a believe that all citizens are entitled to Healthcare regardless of $$$$$. The pros and cons for either is irrelevant. But so be it...let it rain purple.
  9. I have problem with US keeping vaccines at home. Look after your family, then your neighbor. If it was the other way around I would insist we do it that way. May Purple Rain fall on your head...😁
  10. Trump was never ridiculed for vaccine, and he had little to do with roll out. He was responsible for pushing for vaccine and investment in vaccine. Read the post I responded to. The USA has the vaccine produced at home and the results show for sure. Read my post on why Canada is so far behind fir explanation
  11. 550,000 deaths. No other comment necessary.
  12. Ok...you said you know of people who flew down from Canada last Thanksgiving and never went back. I said keep them. I never mention ethnicity, and you never mentioned it either in your first post I joked about. Now you turn it racist. You are a piece of work Timmy. 💩
  13. Where is your sense of humor?
  14. Ok dude. Canada does not have access to production facilities for any of the producers. A long history but the short firm us this. 1. Many years ago Canada forced a reduction of patents on new drugs produced in Canada and tougher higher tax laws 2. The results ....drug companies left for more favourable countries....Canada developed a huge industry of generic drug manufacturers, Canada drug costs dropped significantly as a result ( even trump told Americans to go to a Canada to buy drugs). Often bus loads of US vutuzens came to Canada to purchase prescriptions. 3.Pfizer has openly told Trudeau to fix the tax structure. He did not. Whether that is good or bad, who knows. 4. One thing you never see advertised in Canada is drug companies reducing costs to those people who may not be able to afford the drug. Why? US drug companies make so much money they act generous, take the bows, yet the accepted millions of government dollars to help with this vaccine. 5. So Canada gets cheaper drugs but limited access to these emergency drugs (and others from time to time) 6. Trudeau is still a nut! Keep them there, please.
  15. As I recall the history, ND O-lineman do not have a good track record of success. When you have four linemen likely to be drafted from the same team the question is good coaching, or great players. I suggest the former.
  16. Drugs, guns and mental illness (causes vary) is a deadly combination. Apparently society has not got the will to deal with any of these ingredients. Occasionally the lucky few find a solution to the mental illness portion (usually after a long difficult period of time). The other two contributors, society loves.
  17. Amazing how Georgia Republicans are acting like slaves to "Masta trump". Sorry "Masta" for not being able to cheat for yo'all last election. Won't happen "agin". Yes Sireee, Please please please invite me to Mar a lago.
  18. LB is weak as it was last year. When Milano was hurt we hurt bad. Klein is not the answer to start. Safety is also very thin without Marlowe.
  19. Not the state my friend but your neighbors, fellow workers, other citizens, nurses, doctors etc. The only 2 people who benefit from this activity is the preacher who wants money and the undertaker who wants money. The preacher gets it twice, once at church and then for the funeral.
  20. This is proof that religion is not more than the state....thank goodness
  21. Welcome, brother of Rhino. The fashionably designed fake news has once again grabbed the American political system. The public has discovered if somebody tells you enough times that shtt tastes good they will eat it. While I get fed up listening to AOC and the extreme left, this kind of drivel makes it impossible to support the right.
  22. 1. You are the arse that brought up abortion and parenthood, so you can get off your possum. 2. I agree that lobby money is the big problem. 3. I would never write them, I only talk politics and issues with people. 4. The big issue is, people who belong to NRA need to have policy change to jump start change
  23. Planned parenthood and mass killings are not equal issues and one does not need to solve them together. There needs to be a dialog with a desire to succeed. By the way, I am not an abortionist or pro. I believe religion has no place in politics. If you do not support abortion, don't have one. That's ok. It's like assisted suicide, not for me but not up to me. The lobby group by their lack of action shows support for the extreme, thus no resolution can be made. I spent my life creating solutions, creating compromise, finding a path. Yes politicians are the problem. Yes donations are a problem. Yes extremists are a problem. From my point of view the most influential group in this discussion to save lives is The NRA. Imagine what could happen if they led a reasonable debate. The left cannot do it. They have no one of the influence like the NRA. 380,000,000 citizens need someone to help. Good let them use a knife, bat, electric drill, crow bar....nothing short of explosives can be as damaging.
  24. There you go again, focus on small details not whether to put in real controls and step to stop murders. I am not the Flippin enemy. Special licenses do not work. The proof is on the front page.
  25. Timmy...you seem to make a living calling others ignorant and stupid. You argue about insignificant details to defend the indefensible. Every state has its own laws. Every gun show plays by its own rules. When 4, 8, 23 or 40 people are killed with one of these weapons the issue of whether the gun was legal or not matters little. The people died needlessly. The gun lobby has done nothing to assist in the control of the spread of these weapons. The gun lobby and people like you build barriers to the control of these weapons. Many people have no problem with gun ownership. Many people gave no problem with defending your property and loved ones. But you will never stop these senseless killings until the gun lobby and people like you assist in the control of these weapons and who has access and when they have access.
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