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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Now now now! Such a thin skin....you should be proud of Surfin USA, great music, along with John and Denny, singing" and no one getting fat except Mama Cass". Dude, didn't know surfin was a protected class. I always thought Moon Doggy and Gidg were just plain middle class. Always had the greatest respect for Haight Ashbury folks ( know that is NoCal). Thanks for letting me know that I am stereotyping someone who calls himself SoCal. Now don't you dare tell me to jump over the falls. 🙃
  2. Actually, not worried about how you deal with the virus. A surf board seems like a safe place with no mask, "Surfin USA", or "In my Room" for SoCal dude and his "Barbara Ann" know what's best. I was responding Chef J.
  3. Not that I wish him bad results, but Ted Nugent, the guy who denied the pandemic, who hates vaccines, is very very ill with Covid and changed his position. So Chef, Nugent had no fear, 'til now...please stay safe. We need the humor your opinions bring😁
  4. I would not know what to vote in US election. I am fiscal conservative but could never ever vote for trump, Cruz, Jordan, People like Pelosi, Cortez, Waters are equally repulsive. Both parties have been kidnapped. In Canada the Conservative party is fighting the ultra right, but may lose the battle and the Liberals have given in and are owned by foreign politics as the party of immigrants and so called marginalized groups. (give them money and they vote for us) without accountability. Some elections feels like a good bottle of wine and bbq steak and stay home. 😁
  5. Fewer words could have been used. "TRUMP"
  6. Ballot boxes are fixed so all trumpers say. That only leaves the street protests if you listen to the trump. Remember Jan 6.
  7. You must denounce it because she is 100% wrong. She is doing what trump and his "poor boys" did, you know the huys who say they are patriots but are really just anarchists. Waters is no patriot, she is an anarchist. Take the right side of the law and reason and turn on anyone, either right or left or black or white who invites violence and hate. Do not become a Cruz, or trump, or stone, or Jordan, etc.
  8. This did not occur. It was a proposal that never happened. Police forces refused to accept the temporary laws. It was not a country proposal, just a provincial proposal, Ontario, due to a major third wave. I understand the logic but it never got off the ground. My opinion, stay the frig home and stop the spread if you have no need to be out. I am not "its my right" kind of guy when emergencies occur. We have less than half the vaccines of the US, so a long way to go. Our cases are primarily UK variant which spreads 5 times the original covid.
  9. Sensorshop and impeachment. Any politician who turns on citizens and invites violence to occur is not fit for office. Turning citizen against citizen is the lowest, whether that be for party vs party, or race vs race.
  10. In her position what she said is wrong and inexcusable. She should be sensored. She has joined the lowest, dumbest ranks of the many Republicans like, Jordan McCarthy, Texas and Florida governors, Cruz and trump. They all should face charges. They represent law and order, not anarchy.
  11. As reported in the NY Post, a teen who was caught in the Times Square subway station with an AK 47 was defended by his lawyer who said " he was confused about the NY gun laws". Hmmmmmm. Somehow I think the point was missed.
  12. Impossible. Too many people still living in 1780. (Yes I know 1776 but let's let the ink dry)
  13. If there were no guns available thd mental situation would be less concerning
  14. Just the thought of Schultz and Dooley makes one smile, you see (UC)
  15. There is no possibility of realistic change. Even when background checks were made a requirement numerous exceptions were then granted. There is no appetite for control. Can you drive a car legally, then pass a test at some later date. No!, But you can buy and use a gun. (Charleston exception).
  16. So, when people were hungry and went to Washington they got food stamps, so will they get discount coupons from the gun lobby and Washington to get a gun for protection? Either dramatic gun control is put in place or more guns is the answer. I am sorry if I misrepresented your position, I think I may gave been wrong looking back at your statements. Mea culpa Chef.
  17. No the incident is not funny, what is funny is your concern about a gun incident, either accidental or deliberate.
  18. I may be heading to your view Timmy. After Indy issue I think FedEx should be charged under OSHA for not allowing employees to carry guns for self defence or having armed guards through out the facility. If you cannot be safe at work or in church then let's just get it on. Gun control is impossible!! Shoot first, ask questions later. Any solution is better than status quo.
  19. Then how do you combat it? Zip code = poverty, drugs, gangs, single parent families, education challenges, high density, ???
  20. The US already has the greatest percentage of citizens in jail in the world. Increasing that number may help, but it does show a societal problem that needs to be understood. Then what is the solution? Status quo is not working!
  21. Agree and trump gave it to them because of the opportunity fir blackmail.
  22. I have thought if this type of situation except there are many neighborhoods where this would be suicide in 2021. Cops have become a military unit, trained to attack their own citizens. The disrespect of the law by many gss led to this. Many societal issues must be fixed simultaneously. Lessening the danger from police would assist in creating a better relationship with all citizens except the criminals. The solution to fixing the gang, drug and criminal issues are way past my ability to try to explain. Very complex.
  23. Ok, here is the reasoning. 7 am to 12:30 pm beer costs $0.05 per oz Bourbon costs $1.00 per shot As of Tom Donahoe era paying customer passes through army of security, pat downs, no bags and no hidden cans in your pant legs, inside your hat, inside the hood of your coat, no flasks, 12:30pm to 3:00pm Beer costs $1:25 per oz Bourbon not served to cheap seats. So my guess is the study in Buffalo only takes in pregame or we would be number 1.
  24. Fake news I guess. Must have been some kind of BRIAN SICKNICK joke.
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