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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. This is the ultimate freedom law. For all those who profess freedom for guns, masks, vaccines, etc, the freedom of choice should ring true. Do not suggest that you speak for the unborn, when you don't speak for the same and children in gun control consideration. This is a religious question and the US and most other civilized countries are no longer the sole domain of 1 religion. Let us all learn to live together, respect each other's core beliefs, and share human rights respectfully. This world has so many problems to be solved to help us all survive.
  2. Sounds like the 60s.
  3. I do not believe the report any more than he had nothing to do with deflated footballs.
  4. Nice writing! Appreciate the clear thoughts. I don't agree with the Edmunds part. He does not need to be the guy to be our Watt, Taylor, Erlanger etc. That pressure on him is not necessary. He needs to be real good for sure. But I agree we need someone to be that dominant player....don't care who, Milano, Rousseau, Basham, Oliver, or Edmunds. We do lack that Bruce Smith player.... Thanks for the piece.
  5. Two years from now the US will not be fit to live in, just ask trump.
  6. The only thing I disagree with is the 75%. The US has a two party, therefore 2 candidate race. One person can be disliked by 75% of pop. but because he is the lessor of two evils can be elected. All systems have flaws. Example, Biden just got elected because 51% of the pop disliked the other guy...not because he was a great candidate.
  7. trump is the symbol, not the cause. A candidate based in individual greed and with his insulting style could never have been elected in 50 yrs ago. Greed has overtaken the upper middle class. Drugs have given the poor a way to seek riches. Since the 1980s Wall Street moved past measuring success of stocks and the companies they represent and based the market on only their potential future, creating artificial wealth with no product produced. STOCK PRICE BECAME THE MOST IMPORTANT MEASURE OF CEOS IN PERFORMANCE OF A COMPANY. rewards for stock price were greater than performance. All smoke and mirrors in many cases. Money is the only goal. Yes 90% are good, but there is a rot happening. 10% can bring it down. For example in Germany the Party of Hitler was only 5% of the entire population. Not to say there is anything like that going on in the US, but just an illustration.
  8. I'll see your Antowain Smith jersey and raise you 1 Todd Collins jersey.
  9. Ertz was spotted at the airport. GIT ER DONE Buddy! Ops, that was 2011, not 2021....sorry for the optimism. That was back when if we had heard of him we wanted to sign him.
  10. Being an anti vac guy is ok. It is a choice. No small pox vac. No polio vac. No measles vac. No travel to the rest of the world. Ok I understand. BUT, you are correct when you say a refusal to be tested and follow protocol to keep team mates and staff and opponents safe, then he must leave.
  11. So your answer is the same as Nancy. Legalize, treatment and play nice. I guess you are resigned to having cartel run government. And you want election reform....wow! Soon you won't need any voting hrs. Maybe the cartel already controlled the WH. Some say OC already eliminated 1 president in the 60s.
  12. Your country putting up with this!.? You forget one important fact. It is also their country. Maybe they can't believe what you stand for? Polarization makes it either this or....that, very unsolvable with out a conflict like Jan 6 succeeding. Not sure anyone wants a guy with buffalo horns running the USA. BUT BACK TO THE SUBJECT. Are the drug cartels running politics now? Or will they?
  13. Now you sound like Nancy P. Fentynal for all. What a great election campaign.
  14. I wonder why everything has to be reduced to politics. The question or thought was not political.
  15. My side???? I am far from left. I am the real conservative...fiscal conservative...not a blind religious zealot who does not think for themselves and believes ARs are part of polite society. Some folks are so far out you cannot see the center. It does appear the more we spend time helping overdoses, or providing needles, or safe houses to inject, the more we accept drugs that kill are part of life and the sellers are ok. Thus the money takes over our cities, country and politics.
  16. As an observation, gangs/cartels and other organized violent crime entities have become so powerful in certain areas of the world that government is either powerless or complicit in activities. Mexico has areas that cartels control. Haiti appears to have an assassination of their President, Columbia etc. In US and Canada we spend more and more on preventing over dose deaths which is a sign of resignation of control, the money laundering techniques now build condo towers, bridges, sub divisions, start businesses etc with ammunity. Are we destined to become more violent societies as control shifts to the money of cartels. We are defunding police, unable to prosecute enough suppliers, unable to stop supply, worshipping celebs that use hard drugs, pander to everyone that tries sobriety and fail, not caring that what they do is illegal. Are our governments become more controlled and influenced by this endless money influence.? Is it too late? What do you think?
  17. Red helmets were used to help Jim pick out receivers in a sea of white at times. So the story goes.
  18. I to have fond memories, this whole thread started when I suggested he was brought in to placate fans, was a good runner but we didn't need him to win a SB. We could have used the dollars to get position players, like QB that would allow a stronger future to be built. As compared to other runners we likely won 3 games more over his time here than if we had a much cheaper back. In the end east west runners are entertaining but do not win.😁
  19. I agree they need Josh, but I am saying this admin wants to win, not just be decent, or good and sell tickets and Jerseys. Beane wants ultimate victory. He will not fall in love with a player over a SB. This is refreshing.
  20. We shall disagree on Shady. East west never wins, just excite and disappoint. He was brought here to placate the fans. So many GMs wanted to give hope not win. We now have admin that wants to win a SB. They would trade Jish to win. Shady was a cover good, not great team. A waste of our time. We traded for Keith Lincoln to try and win. We traded for Shady for tickets sales.🥳. We got James Lofton to go to a SB. We got T.O. for tickets and fans. After 55 years we need to win. If that is not our goal bring back Lebeau and Donahoe. We can agree to disagree.
  21. You are correct, I apologize for the comment. Just frustration over took me. I never said he was a bad person, only tried to point out he could never win fir the team. That us why Philly was willing to give him away. Too many cuts, too many runs for negative yards, and no blocking.
  22. Ok, let face facts, you are an idiot, I have tried to explain my idea of shady, not that he was a bad person or rb, but that as an east west back he does not win. He would not help this team. A Lynch may. A North South rb would. Emitt Smith would help. GAYLE Sayers would help. Thurman would help, . You also need a back who has the ability and guts to block. Shady couldn't block his shadow. So I know you love him, I am happy fir you and your relationship, but to win a SB...never, not in his best days. Prime, have a good day!
  23. Yes, a living wage of perks off book, no tax, provided under the table by the president, is vastly different when you view it from a cell.😁
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