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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. They did, after 20 yrs.
  2. Pot growers...😁 But seriously..this was a 2 trillion dollar boondoggle. Get rich reward for a bunch of ex military guys and contractors. This is not trump, Biden, this is totally inept military leadership.
  3. So dude, the Canadian army was there right up until yesterday, under the overall guidance of a few US Generals who obviously were not capable and could even predict the government would fall in a week, without a shot.
  4. 4 US Predidents, 2 political parties, 100 military generals, 1000 diplomats, over 20 years spent 2 trillion dollars making military contractors very wealthy, making the taliban one of the best supplied military units in the world, let Russia out of their fight of 20 year, allowed another extremist country exist, Then they embarrassed themselves losing and blame the Afghani government for their own failures. BOONDOGGLE. The US military has found itself leaderless. Cannot plan a party. They need Radar, Hawkeye, BJ and Margaret.
  5. People were trained as it was a way of making a living not to defend their country. Just a big social program and all the military leaders in the US, all the big time military contractors...the biggest social program in America, had a gravy train. Terrorists hid in Afghanistan but were not necessarily Afghanies. Just an excuse for military socialism, not nation building. And why would anyone want to take over this dust bowl...and why was it a good place for military contractors to get rich....because it is a big dust bowl and nobody in the world cares, not Europe, not the UN, not China, no one.
  6. Your first paragraph wants someone who will catch a punt. Coach Phillips had a punt catcher named Watson. Maybe he is available. He got Bums son fired.🤣
  7. When MacKenzie gets hurt who returns punts and kick offs? Consider Stevenson stays or Mac will never see an offensive play. Last year you had two capable returners.
  8. Been looking at some of the pics of the Taliban taking over government offices. Looks strangley like Jan 6 at the Capital.😅😅😅😅😁
  9. Peter??. Is this guy a friend?? 🙂
  10. Only question remaining...how to keep the military contractors busy and happy. Employment levels will fall. This is the biggest socialist program in the country.
  11. Recap. First 10 years the armed forces spent 1 trillion on chasing some guys in caves, bombing dust bowls, getting soldiers and airmen killed, got their men, Second 10 yrs, spent 1 trillion dollars to train an untrainable cowardly force, for a useless government, in a dust bowl, made the opposition army one if the best equipped in the world ( except uniforms), lost uncountable number of servicemen, made some military contractors very rich, got embarrassed on the way out, proved military leadership has no effective judgement of the opposition, and LOST the war The next future 10 yrs will be spent in veteran hospitals, looking down on the service men that failed, dealing with Afghanistan immigrants, hoping they are not terrorists, and pointing political fjngers. The military contractors need work so what us next.??
  12. Not sure treasure is the right descriptor.
  13. Occasionally a 55-60 player hits thus cut. 1. Because they have fewer players at a certain position and must keep extra OL for example to insure veterans are not over worked in practice, 2. To hide a real project for our future practice squad so other teams do not take an interest. Ie. They may cut a guy like Stevenson early BECAUSE they like him. Just a chess match.
  14. Now there is a perspective I never considered.....too bad. I thought Joe may have been the better politician and have more success and less controlled by the party. He seems to have made Cortez etc disappear from the public.
  15. I do not understand this thread...about an irrelevant guy. As President he was so inexperienced that he could not control his own party...ie Nancy...and by the time he figured out how to be prez his term was over. He may be a better prez today ...but that is irrelevant.
  16. Thank you 4 different Presidents and 2 political parties
  17. Worried now, but this has been 20 years of this poop.
  18. Trump never did poop, This dirt hole, like all the mid east dirt holes cannot be changed from the outside. This is religion and power, vs death. Not true about the oil. If the US needs oil, they can get more of it from Canada. What they don't want is to give it to someone else. This fight us about keeping military contractors rich and developing weapons Suddenly terrified about someone getting killed. 20 yrs my friend, did you care before
  19. What I saw in Breida is an east/west runner who everyone says has speed to burn, who spent his time trying to dipsey doodle rather than use that speed.
  20. On safari, looking for lions!
  21. It may not be about Minshew, maybe Lawrence has a rather large head? Arrogance is a hindrance to leadership.
  22. 100 % agree. It is hard to imagine for me the possibility that he hugged a coworker and reached under her blouse without some type of tacit approval...if this is true it is about as sleezy as it gets. Certainly only steps from rape. Worse than Clinton.
  23. Charges may be a good thing, or it will never end clearly. The light of day is the only solution. It does trouble me to think how innocent some of these accusations are. I cannot count the number of times I have hugged a younger woman who you felt a fondness to (not sexual, just warmth) or touched an arm or shoulder at a wedding, party, backyard gathering or other events, that this could be taken as assault. Even co workers or subordinates outside of the office that you may greet when seeing them in a different environment. No, grabbing a handful under a blouse is not acceptable and should be dealt with (immediately if possible). If not asap then the incident becomes cloudy unless a true pattern is established. No patting someone on the butt is not acceptable, nor are other obvious sexual touching. Whether it is Coumo, trump or whom ever is in a position of power, they must show respect above and beyond....part of the responsibility and paypackage when they take the job, but some of the issues I have read are a real stretch they harm the young women who have a strong case. If the complaints are accurate, clearly he needs to be charged, but piling on does not help the cause, with Cuomo, or trump. IMHO.
  24. 600,000 deaths Too many gropes to count later Trump the ultimate fiction writer.
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