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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 200 lbs 6,2 is certainly different that this situation. Most often the man is bigger, always except. I did not know the exact situation but a huge percentage of people were taking his side because of the slap. I was trying to change the dialog. My seats were in the aisle. I gave had wrong section folks 3 or 4 times every game in 3rd quarter. Some are cool, some are idiots, some say sorry, some stand in front of you for 5 minutes trying to fiqure out what to do. Some spill their beer, some spill it on others. Easy to see how this circumstance happens. Most people are polite even when drunk. Some are not. Some have thin skins. Some are regular fighters, some are not. He'll, the guy sitting there may not even know the women and maybe felt compelled to jump up when she was hit. If the dude in the aisle had 1 oz of class, he would have walked away from a drunk women.
  2. I loved the Duke. Rooster Cogburn was good but Rio Bravo was the best. "There ya go agin"
  3. He was in the wrong section, blocking views, she asked him to please sit down and said FU. He continued to stand there and she told him he was in the wrong section, he was too stupid to listen and began to swear at her. Is he still so right and tough. She may have been drunk. He may have been drunk. Never hit a woman.....unless she has a gun.
  4. That us not her boyfriend, and the black dude told her to go truck yourself. When he drilled his beer on her. Different circumstance Mac but maybe fact. Rule 1. Don't hit a women
  5. What if I told you this was not her boyfriend, just a guy sitting there who spoke up to help a women. The other guy cursed and called her xxxx. No excuse hitting a woman
  6. Let me list the reasons that justify his closed fist punch to her face. 1) 2) 3) 4) Zero. If he was a player he would be suspended....period. since he is a fan it's OK? Good thing they have checks entering the stadium or someone would be shot. You are right about the wrong man, except he is nit a man...he is a punk.
  7. If not drunk why pay attention to the idiotπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  8. Big tough guy.....f him. He punched a drunk women.
  9. Watch for Stevenson today. He is possibility for this team. We need a back up kick off specialist. If Mac is getting reps in the O, we cannot risk field position.
  10. Stop being a bigot. Trans people can be wonderful. Go Bills
  11. Ok, this is getting Flippin personal. The sob refuses to open the border with Canada because he wants to open Mexican border at the same time. 1. Canada has far less covid cases and higher vaccine rate 2. The Mexican border is open, he just refuses to acknowledge it 3. The border to Canada has been open for US traveller's for 3 weeks. 4. I need pizza from LA Hacienda, NF 5. The Flippin Bills season is about to begin....I have tailgating responsibility Fy Joe....git er done
  12. During the past 4 years I cringed daily over trump, his total off the wall reactions, his constant humiliation of people, childish insults, unpredictability in negotiations, the love of Kim, the hatred of 1/2 his own citizens, his manipulation of the justice departments, covid handling, his support of people like Proud Boys, his encouragement for people to be violent (Michigan), and finally his made up election fraud and disrespect for a voting result In a country who is the standard bearer. He made the US less respected. He disrespected his allies and loved his traditional enemies. Now you have Joe. I listened to all the chatter during the campaign about his age, mental and physical limitation. I listened to the chatter about the VP, and how she was incapable. I am watching performance or lack the of. Well I am hear to say, I could never support trump as a person or candidate. I was wrong on Joe and Kamala. They are not capable. In the end....citizens of the US had no one to vote for. Don't feel too bad, we are having elections in Canada in Sept. We may be jn the same situations.
  13. I hope he does...but unlikely, the press would see it as passing the buck. Glad we agree ....πŸ™‚
  14. Of course he is responsible....he is the man. But in reality his production Mgr, sales Mgr. , quality Mgr. Paid consultants all with 20 yrs on the job said that the Afghani army was trained and capable, the enemy was not able to respond quickly and the sales goal was a piece of cake to reach. So pres, after a number of question to his staff, including his trusted friends he took their advise. Bang, sales missed, stock price drops 45%, he is responsible. But the rest should be fired.
  15. You have not got a clue other than politics. How your country works is no different than others. You are not that special anymore. The pres is commander in chief in title only. He relies on experienced people who in this case were totally crooks, stealing their salary. So, if you think 20 years of military leadership, CIA involvement, state department etc and Biden is responsible. On paper yes. In reality not. So sherpa boy, go sneak up on a pretty sheep tonight, keep warm until you figure out the world has passed your simple views by.
  16. Yes he is and is responsible, but would you not trust a general and state dept who have been there 20 frigging years. Fire them all, embarrass them all publicly. Follow the money. It looks like the trillions were stolen and not used. Must be Mad Dog and trumps boys....😁😁😁😁😁😁
  17. Same frigging generals and contractors that ran this war, 20 yrs and no infiltration of taliban to know what they were planning. Seriously, do you want the Pres to sit at the desk and write out a plan. He carries the can but the military is useless. The CIA spends billions. No info. Someone got pushed under a bus. Every general, Pentagon people and state debt should be fired. They font even know how many Americans are there. Bet the contractors do. Amen, throw in the coach of the Maple Leafs, Neuman and his boss the Post Master general.
  18. Add trump, Obama, Bush, countless Sec of State, Pentagon Chiefs, Generals, and the only ones who get out unscathed is the military contractors. The women and children of Afghanistan will pay the price. But Nancy P will investigate πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…, T Carleson will get ratings, but the ideology has one. Failure means that a repeat of 9 11 can potentially occur. Oh yeah, that is why we were there. hmmmmm
  19. Yeh and the big question if the pentagon press conference was.. There are reports of some Afghani army resistance in a few spots! Are you going to support them? Seriously, 20 Flippin years, failure, tail between your legs and the press still thinks the US military leadership us invincible. Oh yes, the USS Ronald Reagan is there....wow...took it 20 years. Planes over Kabul. Wow? And army cannot beat ideology. Just get the innocents out...the Taliban will give the women burkas, kick females out of school, rape at will and the USS RR will sail away. Git er done.
  20. I started a conversation of events covering 35 to 40 years, the trillions spent the failure to build a country, the industrial military complex, death of soldiers, and terrorists winning. For a while people talked about the facts of the last 20 years...BUT ONCE AGAIN IT BECOMES TRUMP BIDEN. I say, screw both of them, they both did noting right. Time to follow the money...who got it at the expense of dead soldiers. Which generals screwed up. If Trump Biden continues....just end this thread. We all know Biden was responsible for Vietnam, and trump would have won Korea if they listened to him.🀐
  21. Now there us a piece of blabber if I ever read one. You have very selective vision. A homer to use a sports clichΓ©. You could chase the taliban, you couldn't catch them, and then became afraid of Pakistan!!!. πŸ˜… Pakistan was an excuse the generals and contractors and military industry used to keep the money flowing. Military socialism at the expense of front line soldiers lives. The taliban never left, the generals likely made a deal. If they were in Pakistan, it only took a day for all of them to come back. Seriously flawed premise snafu. You never turned over the reigns to anyone in reality. If you did, 7 yrs later they still were not capable. Again the rich contractors and generals. If you believe that there is lots of swamp in Fla. for you to buy. Keep your chin up snafu...
  22. Love how everyone wants to debate small details when the overarching issue it doesn't matter. Different name, same group of terrorists. Same goal, same results. Same bs. The US spend 20 years, Russians spend 12 to 20 then turned the battle over to US. Both superpowers (laughable term after the results) spent trillions....more than just chasing Osama.,follow the money....military contractors and ex-generals getting rich. Socialism for the defence industry, at its best.πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
  23. After 20 years of financing Afghani rebels (taliban) in their fight against Russia over oil and minerals, Russia gave up and short time later the US uses terrorists as an excuse to fight the same group.
  24. Hey hey hey...easy on Zayman. Gruden had him coached up by Maybin. 😁
  25. Joe, yes, but 3 others as well, trump too. They equipped taliban terrorists, created rich military contractors and ex generals with tax payers money, enhanced the drug trade, and further hurt the US reputation. If you served there you should hate the contractors and ex generals who got rich on your life risk. You did nothing for your country or Afghanistan. Not your fault, you did what was asked. The pols bd generals didn't care. Vietnam 2.
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