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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Well, we agree on a few things. Poor leadership in Canada, death and disease helped Biden, but trump handed him this weapon, and you appear to know little about patents of drugs and the benefits and problems. Remember trump told US citizens to buy their drugs in Canada. Why. Canada stood up to big pharma to get cheaper daily drugs at the expense of manufacturing of new drugs. Pharma owns the US. Look how far Perdue went without control. Finally, leadership that is good for all citizens and the countries future. Biden, trump, DeSantis, Trudeau, O'Toole, Singh. Not one of these guys could lead a crowd to the beer line at a Bills game. North America has a void. The US has been too focused on Wall Street, Canada has become far to socialist focused. Stay safe and keep your stick on the ice.
  2. We will never agree that trump was successful with anything covid related. He spend 6 months of valued time trying to show how smart he is and putting bleach jn blood. Ok, debate, blue sky whatever but not with the public watching. He did not develop the Vax, company based in US, England, China, Russia, Belgium did. Canada did not because all drug companies left in disagreement over patent terms 15 yrs ago. There was also a US company he supported that screwed up the production. Do you think he was the only country to invest in the production. But he was the only leader to spend the money, then undermind the use of it. Not sure where Cuomo came from but by comparison DeSantis makes Cuomo look like a genius. You cannot play inning one or 4 until you decide the possibility of a max number and time of pitch one, who bats first, how many players in the field etc. Inning 4 will be a duplicate of 1 if you agree to 3 outs per inning. Decent from others helped masking take hold in locations, something trumps friends still try to stop. I really have no desire to debate trump, he is bad for the US, good for the wealthy, good for the gun lobby, good for destruction of institutions, bad for the world. Biden is no genius, infact maybe not as smart as trump, but trump is not capable of leading a country, only part of it. He is only capable of good relationships wigh people or countries or companies when you kiss his a??.
  3. IMHO, if you cannot see a wide view you have no ability to fit in the details. Understand and set broad principles before you try to fit include or exclude from the circle. If you begin the discussion with which song you are going to play for the 7th inning stretch, you will never have a first pitch.
  4. Not talking accountability and position, only RESULTS COUNT, failure is death. No, he created this position of freedom, no masks, unnecessary vaccine, bleach in the blood. Created the politics. War needs cohesion not division.
  5. No he is not, still too political but IMHO, closer to where the right direction. But you must admit, the clash of political wills has led to confused appropriate measures. This isva war of a special type vs an enemy who we are losing to. If this was a typical war, marching in step would be necessary and appropriate to combat the enemy.
  6. I have questioned the politicalized messages from Fauci since the beginning. Although I trust his directional assessments, he and the CDC are not very precise because of the political angles. I am now even more certain of WH interference. In the past month Canada opened the border to US traveller's. Purely political for sure. The US does not allow traveller's from Canada and now has extended the closure and advised US citizens not to travel to Canada due to covid rates in Canada. This was announced by the supposedly non political CDC nit politicians. Covid rates in Canada are 1/7th the average US rate of infections. Many European countries have much higher rates. For months politicians in border states have screamed they wanted border opened. Now silence. This proves the political nature of the CDC and the control the WH uses over the organization.
  7. Cam has been a cowardly player, without a brain his entire career. When he got hit and hurt he became Trent Edwards. The Superman act wore real thin
  8. Is this the same group that called for trumps head? Just sayin'
  9. How legit could this be? 300 to 400 American females disappear and nobody knows, yet they could pinpoint a bad guy driving in a car and destroy him with a drone.
  10. With great respect for the lost personnel, can anyone believe any statement from these guys. I see protecting their butt. 3 days ago they were shocked and suddenly they know a bad guy is in a vehicle...of course to name or confirmation.???? What do you think?
  11. You are a frigging sherpa...look it up! 😂
  12. Go back to the mountains sherpa Not 1 oz of proof. All politics, just chest beating, nothing that can be verified. Embarrassed Biden. The intel has failed 100%. Too many martinis NOT ONE CREDIBLE INTEL REPORT. They are swimming in the dark. 20 yrs...zero knowledge, results in 13 deaths, SO FAR!
  13. So, as the clock ticks to the 31st, all Bidens allies are getting out early. Why? Because Biden refused to take calls from England, France and Canada for 36 to 48 hours so they went out in their own time table. It was reported in Canadian press that the entire Biden administration ignored allies and Trudeau ( I wouldn't talk to him either, but this is different) called Hilary to try and get answers. She could not help as she was shut out. Now reports say military has killed 2 ISIS planners...hogwash. 3 days ago they had no idea who, now they have names and addresses. I suggest this is not true...they just bombed spots to look tough. ( no proof, just suggestion) Biden and his military contractors and generals have sipped one too many martinis in the officers club.
  14. Impeachment is not appropriate, no more than how other wars ended, but Biden is not capable as he has shown. He will not last his term I predict. Then on to Kamala so next election will be wide open. The impeachment process should be applied to the GOP and Dem party for their selection of candidates for the last 3 or 4 election.
  15. When you know your mind is closed, this is the easy out.
  16. It was both leadership and Intel. 20 yrs. They should know what kind of toilet paper the wife of each terrorist prefer by now. Your reports came from the same organization. Every idiot who can read knew that an attack either by the Taliban militia or ISIS was quite probable. That is like predicting it will likely snow in Buffalo in Dec. They had no idea who, where, when or how until it happened. Total intel failure. 20 Flippin yrs Sherpa. Even you should be disappointed. That does not make Biden any less responsible.
  17. This is based on intelligence from an organization that did not predict the swift Taliban take over and did not have enough intelligence info after 20 years to predict the attack at the airport. What if the Taliban cooperates with ISIS K, l,m,or,p,q. It is sickenng to listen to the briefing and listen to the"redouble" game of efforts and "doubledown" of our efforts. Such bs., They are going to have an investigation into the bombing so we can learn "going forward"...20 years wasted, lives wasted, money wasted.
  18. So many details, so little time. What's for dinner Chef?
  19. 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019. I was referring to I terrorists. Classed them, caught a few, learned nothing, no infiltration, they kill dozens on the way out. 20 years taught the generals NOTHING. Now Joe threatens them....what joke. 12 plus killed today by the very people you beat the he'll out of. Look in the mirror next time you think you want you call someone an idiot.
  20. Sorry, no you did not beat the he'll out of them. You are fighting an army without uniforms. 20 yrs and no knowledge of these terrorist groups. No infiltration. You left behind more weapons and equipment. 2 trillion dollars, and they are shooting you in the back as you leave. The money could have built a country not support the military contractors. Now we have more dead military.
  21. My last point on this discussion. So this big, super punk who is being defended by many here us the question. What would you say if the woman was 65, a granny, who reacted to a punk swearing at her and slapped him. Or 15? How tough does this dude look if he hits her? Just because he got slapped. I say he is just one drunk punk, with a chip. NEVER hit a woman. Thank you, thank you very much. I am quite disappointed in members of the Bills mafia who defended this guy. and before you say anything, I know my opinion is not worth poop to you.
  22. Thanks for all this detail YoLoin
  23. So that means she is privileged..sounds like someone has an inferiority complex. Wow, worship a guy because he is so tough he beat up a woman and a 50 yr old who tried to step in. So So wrong on all levels.
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