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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Chose not to vaxxed is your choice, but repeating others by social distance and masks is appropriate. It is not your right to endanger an 18 month old toddler any more than it is my right to beat the crap out of that person for endangering the child. Eat road kill, just don't sell it to me as prime rib. I could care less if anyone refuses vaccine. But with that comes a responsibility to your fellow citizens. Of course avoid the subject dude. Soon Cali will be out of the union.
  2. Your ignorance about how to be a good citizen is amazing. Such a selfish approach. You must speed through crosswalks, red lights and school zones. Children are not forced to wear masks unless their parents tell them and teach them they are. Many students understand how to help protect their friends.
  3. You are an a??. Every country has nuts who believe their right to drive st 100 miles per hour supercedes the rights of other citizens to be safe. There us no way possible to control this pandemic, but you can assist in keeping the innocent child safe. The end may be insight for sure. This may be the natural vaccine. But thatdoes not allow idiots the right to punish the innocent because of their beliefs. My belief is you should help protect the innocent so do I have the right to beat the crap out of the next anti masker I see.
  4. 1,000,000 cases in 1 day...awe the end is near....unless of course it us your 18 month old in hospital as a result if some rights activist refusing to help protect the vulnerable, innocent and defenseless
  5. I had a flash back on this title and actually viewed Derrick Holmes....wooooo. Got to drink a better quality whisky...darn near fell off the stool.
  6. Seems to me that is refusal and in my books discriminatory 100%. Don't care if it is a wedding or birthday cake, of a frigging fruitcake. My religion believes in blood transfusions so should I not serve birthday cake to those who do not. My religion dies not believe in birthcontrol pills or abortion, so should I not serve those who accept it. I believe in God do should I not sell cakes to atheists. A rose by any color is still a rose.
  7. So, a bakery can deny a cake to a gay couple and that is ok?? Trump thinks so.
  8. Today Josh became a warrior not a showoff.
  9. Been to this game a number of times in the 90s. A snowy day for tailgate, numb fingers, cardboard under your feet, Jim K had games like this and Thurman, Davis etc carried the load, and the D took over the game. That why teams are teams. Thanks Mark Pike, Tasker, and Siran Neal and Big M. Thanks Kent and Mitch, thanks House and Dion. Bad wins can be the best wins. An A+ Day.
  10. Opposite end of the spectrum from Ant. Brown
  11. How many teams and team mates has he bailed on with his selfish tantrums. He ain't the only game in town but he us the worst team mate
  12. So what do history textbooks in school say about this day. Almost the new Boston Tea Party.? Trump leading charge to stop spread of socialism? Attempted coup? The creation of a new national holiday? What will be taught in 2030? Or will it be just an embarrassing footnote like OKC bombing.
  13. We have had a good run of ball security. Let's continue because this is THE one factor that can kill us.
  14. Confidence he doesn't need, violent aggressive behavior is missing.😉😉
  15. Quebec can go if they want. At least they had the courage to vote to remain maybe that news didn't hit Cali 20 yrs ago. I predict that TG and trumpers will talk up separate countries in 2022. If the republican party cannot tell her to shut up and ditch her they are complicit and thus supportive. Hope you have a wonderful New Years, safe and joyous. A little cool in parts of SoCal today, so wear your best wet suit when you hit the surf. High tide is coming so wax up quick.
  16. Which country, the old America or the new one which Cali is not part of. Surfs up dude. It beginning to look like the salt water is causing some damage to the old cranium. Sooner or later Cali has got to see supporting the extremes of either of these two parties will destroy America. Good way to look at it. AOC would destroy America just as TG. Biden hugs AOC and trump hugs TG. The media give them coverage and cred. Thus Jan 6th...happens and who knows what else. Hope 2022 is better for Americans to heal.
  17. If Taylor Greene has her way you will not be an American either. Can you please answer the question.
  18. Tibs, benefits during this critical time need to be adjusted. We need not to be at war with ourselves and removing benefits will not change the mind of anti vaxers. They are citizens too. Punishment is not an option.
  19. So surfer dude, I never suggested trump was a complete idiot or failure but certainly deserving of t&f for many issues. So what do you think of his number 1 gal, Taylor Greene wanting California and other dem states to be separate. Does your man support her?
  20. So what does trump think of the break up America chant coming from Taylor-Green. Is this what trumpers were heading to. Is this the goal. Has she gone too far or not far enough. Will all those ex servicemen support such a scheme?
  21. 1st, trump deserves to be tarred and feathered for any number of things. 2nd based on what I saw it appears Biden must get lost just getting to the Oval office. Wow. A campaign is like acting, but now he is in the real world he needs more than the 120 minutes per day he is lucid, 60 of which is spent watching General Hospital
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