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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Some truth to this statement, trump was a wild card that he waited for him to leave is a real possibility. There will be another Cuban type crisis...with damaged relationships between US and France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia, Poland and others getting co-ordinated response will be difficult, and the US people gave no appetite to singularly help Ukraine or Sweden etc
  2. For sure Russia has eyes on North Canada, but first an island in the Baltic belonging to Sweden is next on the list. The last 2 presidents, Obama and trump hurt world solidarity. Putin pushed this, Obama yapped and did nothing, trump hugged him and Putin continues on. Biden is over his head.
  3. So says he...he loved Putin and sold out others. He also loved North Korea and that went no where Rodman did more.
  4. Biden will not allow it....frankly he cannot prevent it. The US has not got the power or position. Putin and China have effectively weaken the US over the years. They used Afghanistan on the US like the US used Russia for 17 years in Afghanistan. Other than kicking sand in Sadams face the US has no gecsuccesdfjl militarily for a long time. Can the YS zctusllh design a plan. Hackers shutdown the Pentagon as I recall. Reagan owned Russia, Nixon owned China, but Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump all struck out swinging in dealing with the 2 world powers. Russia will do as they please until the rest of democracy gets our act together. IMHO
  5. No, the same, but it is ridiculous to test people daily etc. If you have symptoms it a good step, but unless there are specific circumstances to test asymptomatic people it is a waste of time. 1,000,000,000 tests that Biden supplying will be ineffective in 90% of their use. They may cause a false sense of security
  6. Ok, so you all is tough mf. I only want you around long enough to see Bills win Superbowl this year. So I will amend, stay safe until Feb 20, 22, That gives you all time to celebrate.
  7. Did you just fall off a stump. I said a room like air traffic controllers, engineers at nuclear station etc, where interaction and safety are necessary to protect each other and the public. A closed environment. A donut shop has many people in it if it makes good donuts. Daily rapid testing makes no sense. It is not designed to protect you, it is designed to protect others from you...duh so says Homer. Or maybe Homer never heard of rapid testing. Very common in concerned areas of the world. Kramer would go back on strike over this. Momma was wrong and the flu is not nearly as severe or transmissable. Oh by the way, people often take flu Vax annually. Without all the anti backlash crapola. You do realize that there are 850,000 dead in your country...right. Stay safe Chef.
  8. And you never mentioned lines around the block, just that testing was pointless. When you have a contained environment, ie air traffic control, nuclear power engineers, where proximity is necessary then daily testing helps wipping out an entire shift. So allowing it is not laws or government rules, but survival to keep the power on in your SoCal residence.
  9. Testing Asymptomatic makes sense if you trying to stop transmission in a location. Example, long term care facility, certain hospital situations, new borns or critical staff in industry. Daily or regular testing is designed to allow people to work in close proximity without contamination. Example in a nuclear facility or military, or air traffic control. Makes no sense in surfing😆
  10. No the flu does not FREAK me out... Hope works out for you. I will decide when I stop, even if not required. That is my freedom to decide.
  11. Houston comeback game. Scoreboad end, I think section C. Guy in front of us with his girl friend, wearing Houston gear, cheering as the score increased, standing in the aisleway. Near halftime I reach forward, fed up, grabbed him by the collar of his sweater and pulled him towards me. I said, either you sit your zss down and shut up or someone is going to embarrass you in front of your lovely girlfriend and beat the crap out of you. After half time he never returned. Either someone did the beating or his gal talked some sense to him. Always wished I had kept my mouth shut. Missed giving it to him in second half.
  12. Hope not! By I will do what is necessary for me, my family and community. If it becomes apparent meds improves the situation I can make a judgement. Strange that many think wearing a mask in public is like a lemming, but many of the others think talk of freedom and not wearing a mask is like a leeming following Repub governors over a cliff without thinking. So I assume you have stopped wearing a mask.
  13. So as a Bills season ticket holder I am not allowed to comment on Orchard Park and Ond Bills Drive. I have historical interest, I worked for a US Corp fir 37 yrs, so politics interest me both sides of the 49th. This is a GLOBAL forum, not that you would understand or have interest of anything outside your borders. Oh, gee, China is a favorite subject, and Putin, why would you have any interest. So you grew up in WNY, I sure hope you refuse ranch. So, surfs up dude, I gotta o patch my igloo, extra cold tonight. By the way, internet chatter led by plants like Rhino got trump elected and almost a second time. So while you think chatter, I think not.
  14. You are so kind to think of my safety. The is no misconception here, your name is SoCal, not Napaman or Redwood, or desertguy, Stockton lad, or Saint Andres (that may be a real fault).😁 or nocal. Look, with a name like SoCal it is obvious that folks would assume liberal surfer, driving a Woody or Lil deuce coupe. You might think of me in an igloo, maybe snowshoes in June, driving new snowmobile, with fur around the hood of my coat and 10 inch beard. Ok 1 of 5 true. But frankly, surfer dude sounds like a good life, better than polar bear hunting. Always loved the Beach boys, Jan and Dean, Mommas and Papas, Jackson Brown, Haight Ashbury Venice Beach, and Cucamonga sewing circle and timing association. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  15. Oh sure, this from a dude who spends most of his time on a board in the Pacific. What are you doing, social distancing from the seals. 😅
  16. To make these types of determinations one must review data much deeper than superficially and politically. But frankly, any citizen of any country who dislikes their fellow citizens so much as to refuse to try and help people stay safe by simply distancing or wearing a mask is a poor excuse for a neighbor, or citizen. Call people idiots if you will, talk conspiracy about labs and China, make up stories of holding children down, but do not leave out the footnote of 850,000 deaths ( twice as many as ww2, only 58,000 in Vietnam and 7000 in 20 years in Afghanistan), and millions more around the world. Whether you vaccinate or not, your choice since you likely didn't get any of the other childhood vaccines, but respect your fellow citizens.
  17. So today the NYT reports Putin will place nukes near US border for 5 min strike timing. The US resolve and unity has been weakened by both Russia and China over past years. Russia gains Ukraine and more. China gets Hong Kong full control, Taiwan, and more. Can Biden deal, with this? Is Biden up to Kennedy standards. My answer is no. History shows how weak Russia was after 20 years in Afghanistan. Does history repeat it self. Internal turmoil is rotting from the inside. Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, Co ordinated financial attacks. US dependence on China manufacturing. The role of NATO leader and democracy protector has been America. Putin must have laughed when trump publicly insulted NATO leaders and UN. Just like Putin wanted. Has Russia and China coordinated this weakening ability. I hope my view is wrong...but it is getting a little more scary out there. It is a long way from Nixon-China accord and Reagan-Gobachev when US strength was obvious. Any comments or facts to agree or disagree other than insults. 😁😁
  18. And this week, Putin invades Ukraine, trump couldn't stop and Biden has already conceded. The US seems to be at war between the oceans. I say Russia and China have spent 20 years creating this environment behind the scenes. Democracy is dying, communism grows. Nixon, and Reagan ran the relationships, even Kennedy tried, but Clinton, there after have lost.
  19. I most certainly was....the deaths of the Vietnam era, today wouldn't even make the news. Cronkite reporting deaths each night were miniscule compared to today's domestic deaths. The battles were youth vs the older establishments who were all ex military so naturally supported military aggression. What Nixon did was nothing in comparison to the past 30 yrs.
  20. The split widens in political terms, the civility has been lost, I am right you are wrong is the only position. Imagining this could happen 50 years ago in the middle of the ending of Vietnam and Nixon was not possible. Is this Russia and China Co operating in the past 10 years behind the scene. Have they turned the tables in the CIA efforts around the world by attacking democracy at it's base. As a Canadian I ask, how would we react if the split widens as Putin wants. How would the world react. As home turmoil occurs Ukraine is easy prey, Taiwan is easy prey, etc etc. Russia wins, China wins. Would the US citizens allow a split. (I pray they would NOT and will NOT).
  21. Class guy that helped Joe N be Joe N. RIP
  22. Jim, I apologize if you think I am out of order. I struggle with the "my rights" being more important than being a good citizen and human. To me it is a cross over to trumpism, always a conspiracy. I am sure you are a good person with the very best of intentions and efforts. All the best to you. Sorry for being such an a??
  23. Look Jim, I respect that you protected yourself, but whether one is vaxxed or not you can take steps to protect others. We do that in life with speed limits, safety protocols in food, chemicals etc. Restaurants are required to keep food at temperatures to protect people. So, why not do that in your personal life. If you visit your grandmother do people where a mask. I hope this does not carry over for life, but the US has lost 820,000 citizens, 30,000 in Canada, and until a solution is found is it not every citizens responsibility to help their neighbor.
  24. Your political venom is getting really old. Not interested in reviewing NYT articles, or ABC that you would usually call bs, just your opinion matters. People have no memories? What has that got to do with the basic question. Do you think people should take steps to help protect their neighbor? Your refusal to take a position only shows your politics. What is your humanity? Do you help or not? 815,000 deaths is not hysteria. Show your stripes, Do you or do you not help protect you neighbor?
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