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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. And I will refer to you as DR Jr.
  2. You don't debate, you build walls. Hundreds of thousands died of cancer, during WW2, but I think most people would suggest that ww2 was worse. Suggesting covid 900,000 added on deaths in US was not the biggest newest enemy is ridiculous. When one cannot acknowedge what the world is and has gone thru in 22 months, then there can be no debate. Move on, have a good Ground Hog day
  3. Brady, great great player, great professional, great leader and if I can say, an authority is fine looking women.
  4. You are a fool. Move on.
  5. He did say he would balance, and Spotify got some of their 2B back. If you saw that different, sorry for your sight. BTW, who or what is more dangerous??. Trump? Who killed 850,000 people in 2 yrs suddenly.
  6. Look at Rogans TV interview, he admits his error and said he would balance Have a good year of the flippin Tiger. BTW, covid is the most dangerous enemy your country and the world has faced since 1962. You my dear Chef, failed
  7. Sorry Chef, I do not regularly follow Rogan but as I understand he allows untruths and extremist positions on his show. He has agreed that was a mistake snc will ensure balance. So Neil was correct. Spotify gets back their 2b$. Choose not to be vaxxed, but there is no public good to make up crap which is anti. Smile Chef, paprika is a wonderful spice...in many cultures. Let's celebrate the Year if the Tiger with mutual respect...
  8. Me thinks too much hot paprika in your sauce Chef Typical of a trumper. Attack rather than debate.
  9. Neil always walked his own path, his father was a prominent sports writer and celeb, they didn't see eye to eye, Stills and Young tolerated each other for short periods, Neil had no voice but could sing. I loved CSNY, today there is not one song writer, or group that I am aware if who could capture the protests of the majority, without hate, without the violent threats of rap. They invited thought, protest not insurrection. Like Marvin Gaye, "What's going on". SKYNYRD, we're great, less popular in my area of the world, we didn't get much southern rock.
  10. Rogan has relented. Neil made his point. Vaccine is a vaccine. They save lives. Choose to take it or not, but do not spit crap and lies. Debate is healthy, vitriol is not.
  11. Because Rigan us spreading untruths, as he agreed to day to stop and be more selective of his guests. Looks like Neil was right Maybe you could be right. Never considered change. I figure ignore him like he ignores the truth of many priests and historic wrongs and continue my believes. I do not need him to allow me to celebrate.
  12. Nah, I do not support Trudeau, but nir for Jndippott trump for mouthing off or funding of dissidents by Americans thru go fund me. QEW us 110 km, is 68 miles and I drive a Ford.😁
  13. Fear?...Chef, not sure where that comes from. As I said, I do not like vitriol either left or right. Rogan can say what he wants but it needs to be based on fact. I have the freedom to not listen, or to suggest others not listen if he has the right to manipulate the truth. Opinions I like, agree or not, Lies and preaching I dislike. I am Catholic, but refuse to listen to the Pope who is a hypocrite. His preaching is insignificant as a result.
  14. Not bad thoughts, ..disagree on level 2, on level 3 good music and meaningful music lives on. He did well for being uncoordinated due to polio, so Vax is important to him. 4...could be right. 5. Not sure this has any bearing on the subject. Dt least he has the balls to speak up. 6, likely true, but I would never waste my time listening to him, Hannity, Carleson, or any of the ton of left wing nuts. I hate preachers with a message that is clouded in their personal vitriol. I think, not follow. 7. That likely would be true and cause further divisions in the public but is all about the $$$. He may becoming an Old Man, but he has a Heart of Gold who moved to Cali After the Gold Rush just to Rock in The Free World.😁
  15. I am disgusted by trump, totally untrustworthy, I think Biden is gutless and has no idea what he is doing. He is like a pinball bouncing where AOC and Nancy tell him to. But one thing I know for sure... I SUPPORT NEIL YOUNG, he has a Heart of Gold, a true Southern Man, and under a Harvester Moon, I also support JONI MITCHELL... Yellow taxi or Uber F rogan, f spotify and their money. GO Bills.....
  16. Yes...then do not complain when the costs get out of hand and you pay the huge amount. Other than that how is the weather, 6 degrees to night here, time for a nice walk. No surf.....but no sharks 😁😁😁😁
  17. You had numerous Presidents who demanded bases, power and influence in Europe, that costs dollars. The US also does not share technology thus insisted in control and use of Americans troops. You west coasters are too far away from the real world.😁
  18. My point on trump was the relationships with the US and NATO had been damaged by trump , publicly ridiculing Euro leaders, publicly loving Putin. They do not trust Biden for a different reason, and likely valid reason. Meet him on the 9th hole, offer him a big Mac and coke for lunch and he will be your friend for life or until he decides not to be. 😁😁😁😁😁
  19. This is about Russia holding Germany hostage with natural gas supply. Germany cannot afford to piss off Putin. Agree. Much of NATO has already experienced trumps threats and Bidens weakness.
  20. Can you imagine how critical this forum would have been, with a short kick off, that allowed Chiefs to run back into Bills territory. The forum would have screamed Music City again, how stupid can 1 man be. Well, he remember our history, and kicked out of zone to give the #1 D 13 seconds to defend 40 yes.
  21. You do know that the way of life in the US is wonderful right. Well, people in France, Italy, Britain, etc thing there way of life is equally wonderful. You laugh when their quality of life issues are different. They question why you spend so much time at work then die. Both sides are have their points. The real difference is that Europeans because of proximity see different cultures where the US population generally only know their own culture. When NATO started the US was a dominate force in Europe by design. They have a disproportionate share as a result but also to protect their own military secrets often not shared with NATO allies. Today maybe the US is unfairly carrying a burden, but history showed they wanted to, not forced to. Keeping the democracies of the world in an economic strong position was protection for the US. Isolation does not work. It us coming to another Democracy vs Communism battle. Round 1 went to US and allies. Round 2? Reagan had Communism on its knees, then US foreign policy failed. Clinton was a joke, more interested in being Epsteins pal. Obama wins a Peace prize for winning an election, πŸ˜† Bush 1 understood, Bush thought he dud but was used by the military contractors. Anyway, Euros are good people, suffering from invasions from Africa, from liberal policies on immigration, from not trusting the US policies made worse by trump. We may all suffer the consequences
  22. So was Austria, it was really German anyway, so was Poland, So was Belgium, So was France etc etc. It is the judgement and knowledge of what the real future holds and what power you hold to control it that is most important. Is Taiwan next and an alliance by 2 huge communist countries put the world in jeopardy. Germany and Japan were bad, Russia and China are 10 times worse.
  23. I believe they want Ukraine because they are too close to becoming a democracy and a light for more. Don't see money as concern, Russia has little concern for citizens, many of which work in Russia. The small island jn the Baltic may be the real push. One thing for sure, Biden is out of his league, and the US is not prepared.
  24. True, trump was against it, but after turning on NATO publicly and the French and German leaders they told him to f off. So now Putin has gas power. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
  25. Germany and France rely on Russian natural gas for heating.
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