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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Yes crush and send message. Russia $$$ or US money...both us wrong and unacceptable. Every government has secrets, every dissident group has secrets. I believe in free speech, but do not trample on my right when you do it. Frankly, if no one dies in this, I say...great. Protest, please, but never undermine your system of government
  2. Sorry but while I love peaceful protests, message sending and causing some stiff, I cannot support this process past the first week. They have made a point, they are endangering other citizens they have refused reason and law. While I do not support this whole law as it us not required, but money coming from the US , Russia to undermine Canadian politics deserves to be dealt with. Don't be thinking we are talking a small family of 5 here losing rent money and a savings account from a 5 yr old's paper route. In any regards the law will not pass on Monday and with luck, the protest will be controlled. So far very little issue but many of the hard core will be last.
  3. I haven't heard a shoe fall yet, never mind a second shoe. 30 days and no Geraldo special on TV. Why so long?
  4. Listen, this protest goes much deeper than masks....everyone wants this to be the only issue. Like to US this involves long standing feelings about immigration, government support to immigrants, 49billion more given to indigenous this past year, $10million granted to 200 black families to help them buy a house in Toronto etc etc etc. Tax money spent only on some. You know the scenario. Left governments have been in charge too long but what idiots are running the right have gone too close to trumpers for 80% of Canadians. We will not unfortunately abortion, we hate the religious right, IMHO. Safe houses for druggies, soft judges, guns, weak police, gangs all play a roll. When this real and truly non violent protest started lots of folks loved it, even if you liked masks. But time has rotted the fish
  5. Stay up to date. See Alberta...
  6. Strange how you said Portland allowed leftist idiots to over run the city but when somebody takes kegal steps to control potential dangerous group without violence you whine.
  7. The US just distributed 10s of millions of Afghan and Taliban (some US citizens as well) money seized from banks and gave it to others. What gives any government the right to do this? Power, law, need. When you are facing terrorism of any type, use what you can to control. If they dispurse, none of thus is necessary. But you cannot allow illegal occupation of any city, holding its citizens hostage. What do local citizens pay their taxes for so a few can claim freedom, that is bs. What I continue to hear is that behind this protest is a radical group looking for a reason. Parliament was shutdown today, called at 4 30 am, highly unusual. The protestors in Alberta went home when they discovered a radical group amongst themselves. Everyone in a free country supports protest, not anarchy.
  8. Yes, likely this act is not necessary and over kill, but this God mig died and local belief us that there is a angerous group who joined in. Why not arrested...I assume they wanted to allow protest, a right until it hot out if control. No one wanted injuries. Protesters have now brought children so when they get arrested there are picks of the kids crying and being removed. Trudeau is a politician, not a leader... But why did Jan 6th occur without police support, etc. Tough situation
  9. What haven't they backed off federally. Travel restrictions and requirements at changing, truckers will not need to quarantine, but that matters little as they cannot enter into the US without full vaccination. The feds actually have little control of provincial rules, just like in the YS. These protests have far more depth that a mask.
  10. If they supported him it is likely not to be protesting for 19 days. They are not into personal accounts, but for terrorists, yes is the answer. A citizen can be a terrorists, many examples of that. Of course, if protesters want to locate in a location not affecting other citizens, likely less issues. The protesters have set up soup and food buffets, saunas, music with dj's tents, yurts,. If any other citizen in this area were to do that, likely would be charged. Bars in the area have noise by laws after 11pm. This so far has been peaceful for sure, proud of them for that and I am sure big bad government does not want to stir violent reactions. Many countries have had violent protests. Very different circumstances. Both parties are now between rock and hard place. As I said to SoCal, rock and hard place for both
  11. No government can respond to 300 citizens demand in an area that 88% of people were vaxxed, who followed the rules requested. Many restrictions including travel types, passports, some masking, restaurants to 100%, sports venues have already been announced and scheduled to change in the next 14 days. What is the point. Truckers from Canada can STILL not enter US unless fully vaxxed. As to banks accounts and terrorist, the legal issue is to allow dealing with groups like proud boys, gangs and others who are now entering the fray. In Alberta the good protesters went home when 11 people were arrested in the blockade with guns and weapons. The original protesters were honest and true, others are now trying to take advantage. There us no need for US donations or Russian donations unless it is truly just a cover for a more nefarious plot. Trudeau has lost the hill and any good will he could have had. The Ottawa mayor is in trouble, the Police chief quit, obviously a lot of political interference. Never saw a question, just a political pronouncement
  12. In my mind, they are trying to avoid cornering
  13. Ok SoCal. Streets where people live and unable to sleep, park their cars, drive to their homes have been held captive for 19 days. Thus is not in a place like the Washingtin monu. The need for the Act is ridiculous, but supported by all political parties, a feat that us impossible in Washington. Yes Trudeau is a wimp, but has fairly treated the protesting citizens, but the time has come to allow other citizens to return to their homes.
  14. You don't recall Geraldos incredible claim to fame, the SAFE. He has no cred, especially since he owes his very existence to trump.
  15. Al Capone has invested his money in thus trucking blockade....
  16. So, 100 people and trucks is allowed to force the gov to change direction. Not! 88% of people listened to the government and only a few did not. So you give in to the few. The rules are coming to an end, give in to rebels? Never! You have no idea what freedom means. Anarchy is not freedom. A small % cannot over rule the vast majority. A dictator would gave used force a long time ago.I am not a Trudeau fan, but patience has been good so far.
  17. So, Westside, if you were Pres or Gov, regardless of party, and protesters held a portion of your capital city hostage for 1 or 2 weeks, what exactly would you do? It is a non violent scene, much different that the riots and looting in LA. So, since you obviously have superior intelligence, let us know. Difficult, but the mayor did, but leadership is not obvious in the protesters. Kind of like a big tailgate, only fir 3 weeks. They actually gave 3 portable saunas on site. And WTF do Republicans have to do with Canada?
  18. Someone should gave told trump that...auuuugggh
  19. After 17 yrs a season ticket holder, I swore during the Jauron era J was finished. Fans were 100% more passionate than that wet blanket. Slowly I was dragged back in, but never never ever will I allow myself the full passion I once felt. Josh has given me opportunity for hope and enjoyment loses still hurt but nothing like pre Jauron.
  20. Now we know Rhinos new assignment
  21. Emergency Measures Act invoked in Canada by Trudeau. Gives feds power and overrides civil liberties. As a Canadian I say a weak leader who does not engage his citizens in times like these hides behind laws. Except for a gang in Alberta who had guns etc, most folks have been peaceful. A real leader would not hide from his citizens. Trudeau has shown his cowardice. These are not Buffalo headress wearers. Most are family folks. The protest is out of hand, but this us a lack of skilled leadership, something sorely missing in NA. I expect failure and escalation. As a teen from the 60s. OHIO. Protestors nit about money
  22. So his need to complain about not enough black head coaches in the NFL on SB Sunday, is just camouflage to his secret behind the scene pressure on Putin. 12 months ago I thought Biden had a knowledge of behind the scene bargaining, I was soooo wrong. AOC runs him, Even Nancy is quiet and running away in this woke culture Biden has bought into.
  23. So, consider our leaders?. The two most powerful and dangerous people in the world, meet at the Olympics, and Biden and Trudeau take a symbolic stance and refuse to attend. What happened to being close to your enemy. How can you influence more, with an insult of someone who doesn't care, or participation. Nose to nose is how to deal with this. Feels like Chamberlan. Allowing those two to be seen running the show is stupid. Roosevelt, Nixon, Reagan showed leadership. These guys are imposters. In the mean time Trudeau watches peaceful protests on his front door and neither engages with his citizens or responds. And Biden is worried about the number of black head coaches in the NFL, calling it unacceptable!!! Rather than worry about a new war, he cuddles up to AOC. Wow, we are in trouble.
  24. 1. First the truckers may want to be left alone....but in reality they are NOT alone. Join the rest of society in the battle. 2. 1 finger in front if your face stops more virus than none, your hand in front of your face stops more than 1 finger, a mask stops more than your hand. Simple process. Always amazing how you pick and choose which CDC reports you want to accept. Suddenly there is no corruption or conspiracy. 3. Firing people is ridiculous and the courts will show that eventually, but stopping them from working temporarily is not stupid for society as a whole. When TB was a concern people who could be carriers were isolated until the disease could be understood. This virus is young and new, this is a societal challenge not about freedom. When measles spread anyone who came into contact with the infection had to isolate and not attend work. We lacked knowledge. People spent more time on China/Fauci conspiracies or bleach in your veins. 4. People can make a decision, but with every decision comes responsibility and consequences. They are fellow citizens and deserve respect, but others deserve there respect as well.
  25. Would I be out of line to suggest that a couple of them could have been with KL Cool J on lipsync. Maybe could even have won and received praise from Chrissy T.
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