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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Nice to read that Mike Pence has an honest opinion of some Republicans view on Putin and Russia. No room for support of Putin in his Republicans. Good for you Mike! About time a real American stood up to Greene and the crew.
  2. Thanks, the first 2 I know of. While they have points if view, much seems to be surmised. I worked for more than 35 years in highly politized situations, and always believed, all the rhetoric and discussion on cause, was just that, rhetoric. That what these guys and gals provide. But it us great thoughts and insight,
  3. Ah, always concerning that this kind of detail from independent sources is less independent than it appears. You should reveal these sources to add cred. Hell, at one point Buffalo Head and the Proud Boys were considered independent sources. Independent does not equate to honest or reliable. Rhino was independent.
  4. My goodness, you are an expert suddenly in Ukraine, Russian politics. Where dies that come from?
  5. We don't need cast-off, part time, former stars and friends of the most hated player since Dan Marino.....then again we do want a Superbowl victory. Bring 'em on....git er done!
  6. I want to thank BB1998 for using the word Mayfield In the title. Too many people refer to this undeserving guy by just his first name, even heard it Nationally on sports shows. Nothing he has done deserves the right for him to get the same treatment as guys like Kobe, The Mick, Jimbo, Bruuuuce, LeBron etc. One day the national media may refer to Josh and have the football world know there is only ONE Josh. Thanks BB1998
  7. You are correct in saying the more he fights the worse it gets, so...why not just have Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Slovenia, Czech etc give up now. Let's throw in Taiwan for China. Putin is the issue. To stop blood shed stop fighting for freedom. Heck, you got Americans, Canadian and Brits fighting for freedom over a flippin mask.
  8. Putin invades Ukrainr, threatens nukes, now plans for Moldova are revealed. At what point does Nato, the rest of the world, except China, N. Korea and Iraq, step in and threaten nukes back, or strike. More and more it appears Putin is pushing past Ukraine. His campaign of cyber attacks to US, England, etc also reported to be increasing. IMHO, Beware the Ides of March.
  9. Please let him come back. We want 1 more chance to kick his a??.
  10. At least you have coherent thoughts, unlike some. Never heard of Biden and China dialoque. Face to face would be better. We will know if your theory is correct when Ukraine is settled, is Taiwan next.
  11. It us a legit question. They had a chance of perhaps influencing the events of 30 days later, I don't live in a political support program like you, lots of blame to go around. No bending a knee, but influence, opening up communication. When trump did it many people laughed. Just saying, close to you friends, closer to your enemies.
  12. Do Biden and Trudeau still think insulting Chinese leaders by not attending the Olympics was a good idea?
  13. Ukraine would not do his asking on Hunter Biden, thus the penalty. So Hunter is again responsible, send his spoiled little ass now to Ukraine.
  14. Certainly they would say we were provoking a war, but they do anyway, so Putin lies every single moment if his life. Just like Hitler. Nato should gave responded, stop the pipeline a month ago, began squeezing financial markets. Biden, Trudeau and others should gave been in China with the Olympics instead of insulting the Chinese. They have influence. Now where do they stand? Wait until Trudeau makes his next speech, he will then disappear for a month.
  15. No, one thing that is concerning is major politicians either loving Communism or blaming capitalism and people living in a democracy not reacting except through party line. Party before country.....repulsive to me.
  16. 50 years ago, the reaction to the Ukraine crisis by some politicians would have ruined their careers, and maybe faced charges. Sanders, Cortez, Greene, trump, and I am sure others should lose their standing in the eyes of the public. Blame America for Putin, cheer Putin for his tactics, the extremes of both sides should sicken their followers and voters. But likely it will not.
  17. Climate change issue left US exposed. Oil from Soviets 595,000 barrels per day. Oil from Canada cancelled XL pipeline 880,000 barrels per day. Hmmmm Price of gas, well up more than a little.
  18. While fingers point, Putin, the new Hitler, is pointing nucs at Paris, London, Berlin, Kyiv,Washington, What would Eisenhower, Nixon, Bush, Reagan do. It would be strong, even Kennedy knew what to do, Obama would pee his pants, Joe is wishing he did lose, Kamala is,well Kamala who will show up on the View, Clinton may have been strong, but Trump, it is unknown except he wouldn't miss his golf game. In the mean time half the world has been threatened folks....real stuff.
  19. Lincoln Project, Lincoln logs, or Lincoln Pub, if any politician did not denounce this, and isn't repulsed and shows condemnation, is a traitor. A party that thrives on condemning dems as socialists cuddles up the communists and the biggest tyrant on the planet must be exposed. Whether you consider SDS or anyone else as mod, is not the issue. Condemnation is. Putin just put his nucs on high alert. That means London, Paris, Berlin and yes Washington are in his sights.
  20. Anyone who doesn't renounce these activities and remains silent is not worthy of being a citizen and should be considered a traitor. The historic leaders of your Republican Party, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Eisenhower would be repulsed by the support or lack of condemnation. Just imagine voting for a pro communist.....this is the most incredible event in US politics in 100 years. How many Americans died in Vietnam.
  21. If any legitimate American patriot politician was present and didn't stop a Putin chant, or leave is disgust, they are not a patriot, they are not worthy of being the leader of the free world.
  22. I love the accordion, hate deer hunting..I accept countries dud nit live up to their obligations, but you publicly do not hug your enemy and insult your friends. By the way, the US has no intent of sharing tech with others and demand to control those aspects of their arsenals. The great American war machine insist on continued support so the US has some interest there as well. I do not want further debate, the US pays too much, others under pay, you do not show up friends, you do not publicly hug your enemy for no reason. End of my participation in this discussion. Trump did not help this situation.
  23. Yes the US wanted control in Europe starting in 45 and Eisenhower. Legitimate request asking others to pay more is great. Do it with class, behind doors without embarrassing your friends for political points. How the f can you have special relationships by trying to embarrass fellow leaders, who had nothing to do with today's situation. Controlling Europe was for US protection, as was Vietnam when they bailed out France,
  24. US wanted flippin control of Europe and that costs. Trump would never take the time to actually study...no would anyone who worships him. Strange how you react to the US using its biggest advantage for control. MONEY! If not get your troops missiles out and see how safe you feel. When Russia tried putting missiles 90 miles from US the country went nuts. There us a price to pay for those US bases. Quit whining or get out.
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