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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. There us a big difference. Afghans fighting Afghans. Versus a friendly sovereign nation being overwhelmed by another nation who happens to be spreading Communism. The west should be more concerned if the spread.
  2. I vote to send Hunter B to investigate. He is a worldly know it all who knows the Ukraine Russian sympathizer crooks. Such a brave man as he has demonstrated. No one would miss him except a few procecutors. Just sayin'. 😁
  4. Did UC that! I watched it with Schultz and Dooly
  5. Canada has thousands of Ukrainian immigrants over past 75 years. Very successful. Assimilation has been incredible. There is no crime syndicate. Corruption came to Ukraine with Russia connections. Ukraine cannot get out from under the Russia shadow because of grain, minerals and power production.
  6. Ukraine had 4 million die when Stalin took all their grain and food😀
  7. Genocide to a Christian nation, to a nation loved and trusted for 100 years by the west is being terrorized. We defended Afghans for goodness sake. We defended Vietnam, WTF are we doing. If this was Italy what would we do. Putin must be stopped. NOW. Remember 1938.
  8. Putin is now mouthing off, what he us going to do, he is worried...it is time for NATO to take action. Genocide is not acceptable in our society. 4 million Ukrainians died in 1932/33 because of Russia. It is time for Russia to pay. Ukraine must be given weapons that will strike inside Russia. Putin must be unseated.
  9. 1. Government will never enforce rules. The have rules today and ignore them, including limited term limits in the buildings and 20 yrs later people still there. 2. In efforts to help, dome programs such as public housing are communistic in nature. All western cultures have tendencies this way. If not communistic then socialistic. (Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac). I do not think any of us try to solve this issue, but the unintended fall out of a cultural nature is doing damage.
  10. Ok, so you can read a US government doc, the rest of the world exists as well. The question is should government be in the housing business, be landowners and landlords. Seems rather communistic. It has been a failure and produced a culture that has led to racism, drug dependence, crime, poor education etc. How did we all get here? Should we get out of the business? I say yes, get out. What say you?
  11. I have always been fiscal conservative. Never left, often centrist. I hate religious interloping into politics, I hate religious hypocrites of the far right, I believe in freedom, including freedom of women to choose. I I believe in helping my neighbor, I think LGBQ Yada Yada is ok. I believe in equality, hate racism, hate BLM. Not talking solution, not that smart, but public housing creates more issues than it solves. Do you have solutions to the public housing issues? Would you live there and feel safe.
  12. I understand your point, which is exactly why government should get out of the shoe box housing business, or be creative. I know that tax payers would scream at good design, but without it the cultural creations we have will only grow. Self sustaining poverty, crime, and drug dens. How stupid we are. Do small cities have similar problems?
  13. Worse, they gave created a culture that society has to come to grips with. Time fir government to get out of housing. That is Communism,
  14. Of course design is important, size of hallways, parking, green, doorways, outdoor space, balcony, lighting, direction, window size, colors.
  15. Original question, why do cities become landlords. Cities gave rules so deep for contractors but all city built properties fail in cultural ways and government has money to burn ( see football stadiums). WTF
  16. Seems to be locations privide more than their share of crime suspects, drug users and education shortfalls. That is not to say that many do not succeed, but a higher percentage of failure. I am surprised that a political party cannot be honest enough to face this. Often these locales have their own cultures, which do not run parallel to much of the rest of the city. They also seems to take an increasing percentage of municipal and state/ provincial budgets. No government should be a landlord. It is unsustainable.
  17. After reading about our new budget jn Canada, I was brought to refect about the promise for new public housing. I know that many many cities in Canada and US have public housing. When did this start? Why does government want to own housing? Obviously a left agenda, but does it work. Every effort in this regard seems to eventually end up to be impoverished neighborhoods, crime ridden, run terribly by a public organization, policing problems and safety issues. Even right mayor's accept this phenomenon. This never seems to be an election issue on the right yet the dollars are poorly spent. Any comments?
  18. It is time Ukraine was given weapons that would strike inside Russia. Time for Moscow to feel pain. Russian citizens are cowardly and need a reason to make a decision. Either fight a war or Zelensky should resign and allow communists to run Ukraine. Limited wars do not work for anyone. Need I create the list. Time for sanctions to include no international travel for any Russian citizen. Time to deport any Russian visitors. Time to arrest Putin family members outside Russia. Time to arrest Oligarchy members, not just their money. We are watching genocide. There is no fight for territory. There is just genocide. I have a few friends who are Russian heritage. They are very quiet. I have friends who are Ukrainian heritage, they cry, they are angry, they send money, they apply to take in relatives. The time is here I think. Putin is no genius. Hitler was no genius. Putin just hates like Hitler did. History will show it, but that does not stop this. Wow, no wonder politicians cannot agree with logic like this. I am not sure I have ever seen a more extreme position. Putin and Hitler = no Obamacare...wholly crapola.
  19. Hmmmm...love the thought...but what about the two utes.? 😁
  20. I am inclined to believe you B...far sooner than I could believe 1 word from carlson.
  21. The Kremlin has added that elimination of people who claim they are Ukrainian is essential because they are traitors to Russia. Thus random civilian killings is justified. So exactly when does the west try to step in and stop the killing. Do we allow another 6million to die? This is so sad. Armenians genocide. Jewish genocide, now Ukrainian...this world is so hateful. And by observation...the Pope is silent yet most Ukrainians are Christians. We still allow Russians to travel, why? Russia should be totally isolated. We must at least supply the Ukraines weapons to get into a real war, not just defend. Thanks for allowing a rant.
  22. But the money wheel keeps changing, do you pay cb or both players at safety? We are paying lb/de next yr so what gives. Great safety tandems are highly regarded, and when superior make cbs look good, but when they slow or become injury problems they can be a financial liability.
  23. Having saw at least part of the recent spree of award shows, it appears to me that the extreme left does not believe in wars! However that alone does not make eliminate them. I am really disappointed in all genres of music. No one decent song of protest, not one attempt if an anthem of protest or support. Easy to write about hating the police, but not Putin. In past generations music led both pro and anti was. Today, music is self absorbed and blind. Kill thousands and get ignored, laugh at one bald head and headlines for weeks. Gee, the grammys actually spent 5 min, but not one song written as an anthem.
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