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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Is Trump becoming a total isolationist, or is Vladdy just a friend? Hard to belive the GOP, who for decades believed communists were evil, could not be allowed to spread anywhere (Korea, Vietnam) and certainly not in our hemisphere (Cuba, Panama,), now support getting out of NATO and allowing spread of Communism. Wow, who is writing this bad movie. The greatest democracy the world has ever seen is moving to help dictators.
  2. So Biden would defend Taiwan if China invades, but not Ukraine. WTF is this talk. According to NY POST
  3. Right, so would your friend take a swing at you if you said, hey Arnold, let's get some beer and wings tonight...
  4. Donaldson-Anderson What is racist about Josh D calling Anderson Jackie. Anderson referred to himself as the new Jackie Robinson. Should Donaldson called him Mickey or Yogi, or Sandy after other greats. The fact that Jackie R was one of the greats makes this racist??? If I called myself the next John Kennedy should I be surprised that others would tease me. This is backwards, puts back the idea of racist and adds fuel to the right. For 100 years teasing in baseball to put off the other team has taken place. Shoe laces are undone, you got dirt on your face, your hat is not straight, rusty gate swing, do you need a bushel basket to the catch with, plus a million other references to past players. Umps have been blind forever, Yogism are part of baseball. You run like Mickey Rivers not Mickey Mantle. Seriously. Maybe I don't get this one. To me this is an activist getting news coverage and the press, even the Post, giving it. This is no Kapernek moment. IMHO The Wokes will use any excuse, and too many are fearful to call them out.
  5. True, but what is wrong with recognizing people who responded in peace and sorrow rather than like so many others who took the opportunity to loot. It shows this is a fine community. Good folks. Not controlled by gangs and drugs. I would be proud to call any if them friends. Thanks to Bruuuuce, Sharpton, Thurman, Andre, Josh and many others for offering their love.
  6. Dam it ref, can't stop thinking about my buddy's wife. You should see her...
  7. Another Russian paid poster I see. Same blah blah blah...no thought just talking points. Have a good day comrade
  8. Look, it's vote counting. Just have everyone put a bullet in the pail painted red or blue. You cannot trust Chinese chip makers to be honest in voting machines. Then import people from Switzerland to count bullets. Seems easy to me. You get an honest count and nobody from Switzerland wants to remain in US so no border issues.
  9. Your point was he could use a shotgun and do the same damage. My point is I know that but big weapons give these nuts a sense of power that smaller guns don't. And these events are about power and hate.
  10. The gun type is about power, and hate, and spells success for these nuts. Your simple view is ridiculous, and fails to even consider reality. Russia can kill Ukrainians with hand guns, but they are much bolder with powerful weapons, n-bombs, chems, tanks etc
  11. Cannot believe that a laughing emoji can appear in this thread.
  12. Based on the lack of love he gets from fans in Clev and his ex teammates I surmise there is a slight personality problem. If you are great like A Rodgers you can be abrasive and get by. If you are a wannabe you have to show a drastic change to be a success. Mayfield had some success, but hardly enough to be arrogant about, or demanding about. He was crowned by the national media when they began to refer to him only as Baker, his head swelled. Aaron Rodgers doesn't get Aaron only. Patrick Mahommes doesn't get called just Patrick. Von Miller doesn't get just Von in national headlines. Mayfield image was created before he developed. Now he has a job to become a player not an image. Maybe he knows how to work, maybe not. At this point he is a started on only a few teams...if his head is right.
  13. Appreciate your opinion, but I see no leadership in him and limited ability. No team would do this to a valued player/leader. " Something is afoot here Watson"!
  14. So, do teams not like Mayfields ability, or he is just such a jerk like Manziel was. Imagine if it's personality how bad he really is, they took a rusk on Watson rather than him! Looks like Mayfield may have started his last game
  15. You need to stop suggesting the Bible or Christianity have some special place, or other religions will demand and receive equality through challenges. Then you will have to live with Sharia Law etc.
  16. 1 hellava point SoCal, but what is the moment? Morning after, heart beat, brain development, sperm finds a home, ?? Not suggesting you have the answer but a definition between abortion and murder needs clarity.
  17. The problem begins Doc with the types of laws like Texas who want to punish someone for assisting a citizen to go to another state for the procedure even a mother or father of brother. It is equally nuts that organizations exists to encourage and help someone get an abortion. The extremes are sick!
  18. I think most people without politics would agree with that sense if a couple is involved. BUT, often a couple wishing to have a family is not involved. If you believe a woman has domain over her body then some leeway must be considered. Always amazed that the political right, people who want max freedom, are more anti abortion are unwilling to be taxed to help pay for children who are not wanted. Complex. Just give women domain over their bodies with restrictions, time, etc.
  19. Right on SoCal... There are terrible consequences when unlimited, no time limits etc are not considered. BUT Women must have rights enshrined federally not by church driven doctrine by state. Sharia law by Christians as I see it.
  20. Ok now we know you are anti female rights, driven solely by personal money, would live in Montana rather than pay your portion of a subway in LA or NYC or Chi., want dirt roads rather than paved. No problem with that. Your choice, but then you shouldn't mind others not agreeing with you. Live and let live. Sharia law may be next in a state, then we shall hear about rights on a federal level. Until then Jkm, happy cooking at the end of the dirt road, where they play one of my all time favs...(seriously), Brooks and Dunn, "Boot Scootin Boogie". Not a bad life, low taxes, good lookin chick's, Bud long necks, pick up trucks and double wides.😁😁😁😁😁 ( no disrespect intended).
  21. Wasn't always...but..only the future will tell us. A country which had the opportunity to have a single permanent solution now wants to have 50+ solutions, always open for review.
  22. Yes all that us true, but women's right are different. This is not no alcohol County, it isn't even woman cannot drink alcohol and men can. This has woman being denied rights in 25 states. Why not say states have rights to not allow woman the right to vote. Maybe some church wants that. But SoCal, not my fight for sure. I just see individual rights gone. We just heard 2 years of mask mandates based on individual rights regardless of affect on others. You pass on covid to me and I die but individual rights trumped that. I also detested church beliefs involved. Wait until enough Muslim can vote and laws are changed to support their church teachings. The slippery slope gets steeper. Ps, we cannot buy most fireworks either now.
  23. I see it differently, I see women's rights as now being political in states and territories each election cycle, more polarizing, a bigger divide. I see churches being too powerful. Federally good rules for abortion like weeks, who, method, coverage, location, reporting could be done, in the states it NDVER will be settled.
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