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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Let's have a show of hands for those who care! It's a dead subject for most of the world. A dust bowl who kept Russia and America busy for 40 yrs. Billions of dollars and many lives. Afghan drugs have killed too many lives. Just another way of looking at the problem. If Afghanistan cared about US they would stop drug trade. If the US cared they would stop the drug trade. So whose humanitarian crisis is this?
  2. Understand, but the inference was that a judge has to approve the gun removal before it us done. I think way too much time passes. It is not an eviction from an apartment, it is life and death. 🙂
  3. Why do you need a judge to run your policing. The judges already have too much authority. If the cops say you are dangerous, just do it. Pretty soon the flippin Supreme Court will be making all the decisions after all the appeals.
  4. Zero need for drugs, but nobody cares. And drugs are the cause of the need for guns being available.
  5. Sponsor...I think not, but the American public tolerates, guns, gangs, and drugs. They loved Al Capone. Learn from the prohibition lesson, ban does not work.
  6. Voters are not responsible. They vote and want the current conditions. Reap what you sew...as long as there are no abortions...
  7. Come on Btime, they can write all the laws but nothing will change. There will be loop holes and an illegal market will develope because the business of gun production is big business. Drugs are illegal and every school is filled with them and many more kids die from drugs. Nobody cares. The Right creates courts that are too tough at times putting everyone in prison and lifelong criminals, and the Left too lenient on drug, guns immigration and gangs. This is far more complicated than banning a gun and a phoney background check. Consider the US has the biggest gun problem and drug problem on the planet...
  8. I read and comprehend your rants when they are coherent, but they usually end with you insulting someone because you disagree or turning on the curse of religion. Debating with btime is a waste of time. You expect to influence him? That like debating the late Rhino who was reassigned by Putin. Hilary is not pure, just like Bill C. We are 6 yrs past Hilary...let it go. Trump certainly is not pure and a case can be made for him trying to be a dictator. He continues to try and be relevant, so he is fair fame.
  9. So being religious makes you a more important citizen.? Care to rank the most important to least important? Are Baptists ahead of Catholics? Do Muslims get to vote?
  10. Now we are debating the obvious. A waste of time, sorry. If you love Putin...well If not, it matters little what you call him. People who live in Russia know the communists run the place. I have no further interest in wasting energy on this debate with you. Burgundy, Pinot Noir, Chablis, Chardonnay...
  11. I disagree....but that and 12.50 will get you a glass of wine.
  12. Yes, Russia is communist...dictatorship. What the Kremlin is just an old boys club. Part of Russia has climbed out of control for sure, to allow friends of the party to get rich, even parts of China's economy does not appear communist, but is control by CCP. As far as I am concerned Africa can stay and fight for themselves. Our climate cannot withstand another emerging industrial economy that ignores pollution like we have seen here, China, India, Russia etc. They need to develope agriculture before they industrialized. Cow farts are better than coal smoke.😁
  13. Without NATO, without USA in Nato, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Moldova, Romania and others would be in the new Soviet Union thanks to Putin.
  14. Ok BT. I am not trying to tell you anything. Only asking the question. Extreme political positions and extremists have taken over the politics of US and Canada. Why. What was the catalyst. Campaign finance? Why are leaders listening to these extremes? We know that any member of NRA is never voting dem. So why worry about pleasing them if you are republican? Is it money? As I said, Reagan could not get elected today...he was too middle ground, he did try to govern for all citizens. Not possible today.
  15. Cannot agree. I don't see real moderate conservatives as being anti Lgtbq, or anti woman, or anti black. Extremers...yes but not majority. But it is easy to be anti certain culture norms like drug, gangs, anti family etc
  16. Not sure what a conservative is today. If you say conservative, today it is an extreme position of anti abortion, guns, immigration, dictatorship dreams, lies, With little time for social issues. If it is fical conservative, I would say whites, asians are 55 45 split. Many poor whites were once dems, today many if them changed teams as issues become more extreme. Blacks would be 25, 75 fiscal conservatives, and Hispanics similar percentage. IMHO. No source except perception.
  17. No gun rights is a right wing fight to keep.nra. No leftist wants a balanced budget, just spend. Leftist politicians think they can solve the climate issue, through legislation and taxes, right wing believes this is wrong. Seriously....THINK. I asked, when did extremes take over both parties, even in Canada. Who is middle of the road? NOBODY with power. They are owned by extremes! When and why.Was Reagan the last Pres to be Prez for all citizens. Trump hates dems. Dems hate repubs. Same in Canada. I cannot even vote for conservative party because of extreme views and voting for libs is impossible because they think taxes and legislation solve every problem redistribution of others wealth. Oh well, I tried to be clear but English to American it gets lost. In Canada the party was actually called progressive conservatives. In Ontario they ruled for 40+ years. Controlled the middle and we flourished So only whites are conservatives?
  18. Why is this not balanced. Religion vs abortion rights. Social programs vs tax cuts. Gun rights vs minority rights. Climate Change vs no climate issues. Seems that is the break down thru political lines. Hate-filled? Don't think so. Just asking...when did the extremes start counting more than the middle. In Canada it started with Trudeau Sr. and went down hill from there. Now we have a flippin carbon tax. In US I believe with Clinton and Bush2. Why? What happened that those of us in the middle now are forced to chose only one of 2 extremes. All leaders seem to have to kiss up to extremes. Is it money? Are party politics so strong that moderates have no chance. Reagan could not get the nomination today. Remember when Hubert Humfrie was considered extreme. WTF HAPPENED ? In the 60s neither Biden or Trump would be a nominee. No way Obama would be elected in 60s, and nothing to domeuth race. He was unqualified, untested. Hmmmm. Guess when you think my post is extreme that says something in itself.
  19. I do not recall that MLK dominated Kenndy the way the extreme left of AOC types do today. I don't recall Nixon bowing to the gun lobby or white supremacist as the GOP does today. When did this start? Clinton...quite possible, Bush 2, very likely. Why? Money and campaign finance reforms? Why does a President feel obligated to the extremes. No gun lobby is going to vote for the dems. No immigration supporter or left activist would ever vote for GOP. Nobody wants the middle of the country anymore? Why? By the way, Canada is no different. Where taxes and government spending was the main differences in parties in Canada, it is now religion, immigration, civil rights, free stuff. How toes the country take back power from extremes, to govern for all.
  20. Is Trump becoming a total isolationist, or is Vladdy just a friend? Hard to belive the GOP, who for decades believed communists were evil, could not be allowed to spread anywhere (Korea, Vietnam) and certainly not in our hemisphere (Cuba, Panama,), now support getting out of NATO and allowing spread of Communism. Wow, who is writing this bad movie. The greatest democracy the world has ever seen is moving to help dictators.
  21. So Biden would defend Taiwan if China invades, but not Ukraine. WTF is this talk. According to NY POST
  22. Right, so would your friend take a swing at you if you said, hey Arnold, let's get some beer and wings tonight...
  23. Donaldson-Anderson What is racist about Josh D calling Anderson Jackie. Anderson referred to himself as the new Jackie Robinson. Should Donaldson called him Mickey or Yogi, or Sandy after other greats. The fact that Jackie R was one of the greats makes this racist??? If I called myself the next John Kennedy should I be surprised that others would tease me. This is backwards, puts back the idea of racist and adds fuel to the right. For 100 years teasing in baseball to put off the other team has taken place. Shoe laces are undone, you got dirt on your face, your hat is not straight, rusty gate swing, do you need a bushel basket to the catch with, plus a million other references to past players. Umps have been blind forever, Yogism are part of baseball. You run like Mickey Rivers not Mickey Mantle. Seriously. Maybe I don't get this one. To me this is an activist getting news coverage and the press, even the Post, giving it. This is no Kapernek moment. IMHO The Wokes will use any excuse, and too many are fearful to call them out.
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