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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. So, if possession of a fire arm, for individual and property protection is allowed under the constitution as has been ruled then consider. A week ago a BY Rzbferx Dan vest the crap out of a TB fan infront of a huge crowd. Why can't a person take a gun into the game. Would that not stop senseless violence. How can restriction of the gun rights be over ruled in a public space?
  2. I think they see themselves in that situation. The rest is straight religious views. I hope they believe in the rest of the commandments with the same vigor.
  3. But it is the feds who set the law...so now you say that a fetus is not a person in their eyes? How can the feds have it both ways. The only way a law of anti abortion rights is to assume the fetus is a person. Or are they taking a religious approach and inforcing religious beliefs.
  4. What an incredible day. One branch of the government entrenched the ability for all to carry guns, where ever, whenever. Another says, but maybe not if you are a bad guy or mentally unstable, judged by the same guys who say you can And yet another says no vaping with Juul because maybe, maybe it might harmful to your health. Truly amazing.
  5. Can't wait for all the serial shoplifters allowed out of custody without bail to face Matilda, the silver grey lady outside of Walgreens UWS when she pulls her pistol from her purse, says, go ahead sucka, make my day. Aha, Times Square will be even more exciting. Now the 15 yr old punks will have people shooting back.🙂
  6. Why oh why oh why.....do people insist on referring to Mayfield as Baker. Greats in many sports have earned the status of being referred to by one name, usually their first, with the total sports world knowing exactly who they are in their era. Kobe, Magic, Emmitt, Troy, Peyton, Michael, Mick, Jimbo, Bruce, Thurman, Reggie, Deion. and maybe soon Josh, or Aaron (Judge), Patrick (Mahomes). But when did this guy Mayfield obtain or earn that status, here and in the press. Certainly not from playing success, maybe from his arrogance when he came into the league and legendary? attitude to others, or now the pity everyone feels about how one of the worst franchises in the NFL is treating him and how suddenly how humble he has become (good for him showing class). Whatever the reason, I think it is disrespectful to those classy players who earned legendary status...IMHO. (just something that bugs me, sorry for the rant)🙃
  7. And now everyone will criticize Washington Football Team for paying out 1.6m for their owner. Browns likely paid out 10 times that much indirectly for Watson. Harvey Weinstein is in jail.
  8. Let's take him out to dinner at Mulberry Italian in Lackawana fir a giant meatball. That is where he could have been without his football talent and exceptional drive. Great career, always stepped up in big games.
  9. Nothing like waiting until you see the wind direction before you make the call. That is real leadership. 🙄 we don't know if any suspension is going to occur. This is not he said she said. 24 claims...what they all met on the dark web to conspire. Browns fans should refuse to attend games. Then let's see what reaction happens. BTW, if this was a 3rd string cb, he would have been gone.
  10. With the NFL no reaction, with the Browns stupidity with guys like Clowney saying he came back only because of Watson, the NFL gets one step closer to being disgraceful. The Bills Mafia and their generousity on one side. Sooo many team owners and players on the other.
  11. Every other player in the league faced the same ham and eggers
  12. A lot of your corporations did well in China dealings and citizens lives improved with cheaper goods. We learned from China like we learned from Japan. And all this came after McCarthy condemned half the country. Seriously tibs, only repubs have spys? And you do not like dogs.
  13. Some days I wish it was... there was this girl...but I digress
  14. If it was 1972, 1. Trump could never be elected 2. If he was the country would be 90% in favor of kicking him out, fined and maybe jailed. Nixon spent his time trying to stop rioting over the war, Trump tried to create it, or at least supported it. Nixon crime was minor. 3. The country has lost trust that the legal system is honest. Much of the culture of poor, drug, violent, rioters from the cities hate the police and judiciary except they want Trump charged? The other side of the culture who support rule of law, freedoms, less government want the laws to deal with looters and rioters, but not their rioters because they don't want it to be seen as a riot, just a small protest. The country cannot win... The US needs a leader, a unifier. Trump us a divider, Biden is a divider.
  15. China policy. Ending Vietnam War Cared about the nation, not just his party. Could walk and chew gum to unlike any of the past 3 prez. Was strong and respectful, something which was totally missing for 14 years now. Checkers
  16. Maybe Reagan is close, but I agree.
  17. This week, 50 yrs ago, a couple of crazed Cubans, close friends of H. Howard Hunt (of grassy knoll fame), for a few 100 dollar bills, decided to party at the Watergate late one evening. The beginning of the end for Richard Millhouse. While IMHO, Nixon was otherwise a great Prez, he was at least honorable, respected the law even while violating it. In the end he loved his country and did what was best. (He was loved by many, including Alex P. Keaton.) Real press did their jobs. Many experienced Deep Throat's commitment long before the Lewinsky theory. An era when it was natural not to lie, not to make up alternate theories. When WH counsel John Dean worried about being believed as he told the truth. Nixon should have gone into history as a great Prez. In my mind, he was.
  18. And a huge guaranteed contract
  19. Health is the equalizer. Players who cannot stay on field are harmful to the team and our good young players who get picked up by other teams.
  20. Sitting in row 23 behind Bills bench one late fall game. Temp was 25/27 degrees. Ball was around 20 years line. Time out called. Coaches walked a few yds onto field as RJ jogged over. He went around them to find his coat. He wasted 10 seconds for 15 seconds of personal comfort. His teammates stood in the cold (not real cold for sure, but dull day), his coaches and waited. No leadership. He was not concentrating on the game. He should never even been thinking about the weather. It really matter little and had minimal effect. It was just a selfish display. I turned to my son and said...he can never be a leader of men. Personal comfort was most important...career over. He had an arm, could run, but the challenge was too much.
  21. I hated Flutie and now I know I was right. JOHNSON, HE THE MAN.
  22. Likely not Biden will say not enough done. No matter what...it is not enough. Crime gangs and drugs first.
  23. I think the path is short and only smoke screen. There are cultural issues and extremely huge crime issues that are the root causes.
  24. All just smoke and mirrors. Little chance it stops violent acts like we gave seen. Drugs and gangs need to be faced up to if any gun legislation is to have an effect. Restrictions just makes money for gangs and gun shows. Cannot fix one problem with out solving them all.
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