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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. And you have no ability to think. Guns are part of American culture, for 250 yrs. Not going to change. 6 deaths are acceptable, but genital mutilation is not. In somevdivueties it is acceptable. Think for once. Culture. Anger = killing by a small man with a big gun.
  2. Gun culture. Whether you support it or not many other countries have more control for nany decades, thus different culture. Not saying good or bad, just fact. England has had 2 mass shootings since 1958. Inferiority is a bad choice of words. It is cultural. Similar to genital mutilation. Americans find that awful. Cultural. But see 6 shot at parade as a risk they are willing to accept.
  3. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy, Reagan Culture. Get angry, any reason, job loss, taxes, abortion, election results, race, religion, insult, dissed, marriage, noisy parade, ptsd, grab a gun...kill
  4. Politics.101 Obviously before work started on the boat arrangements were made. Now in our woke culture no one will own up to the agreement.... There is nobody able to bridge the gap...pun intended😁😁😁😁
  5. Highland Park, Illinois Akron, Ohio....60 frigging wounds. Bonnie and Clyde had less.
  6. I don't see 1 side as being more hypocritical than the other. 1 step to the middle may help your cause....NO, because your cause is just ranting not saving the country. If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.... Must be your motto.
  7. No but I would be interested Even 1 day a year you can't resist, for the good of the country
  9. And the loser fights D Watson....
  10. You are right sir, I am Canadian, born and raised. I pay too much taxes in Canada, I also am not of fan of the woke culture, I dislike welfare, I am not a racist, I believe in gay marriage, do not support Trans playing sports, I belief that all extreme organization that politicize issues are wrong and harm countries. I want law enforcement to be strong but not an army. I want people to speak openly on subjects without some shouting them down using terms like racist etc. I believe America and Canada are not racist countries in general. But I also believe that certain cultures that have developed inside our nation's are the root cause of hatred. It is not about colour it is about culture. My neighbour has black skin, I love him, the guy selling drugs on the corner in Niagara Falls with the puffy jacket, hoody, baggy pants, scowl on his face, gun in his pocket who beats up his mother, has no idea who has father is, who poisons my neighbour's kid, who lives off the economy of stolen money and goods, who breaks into cars in the area to get money to buy drugs, that has created an underground world of short lives, pain and more social workers who make it too easy to get into that world and oh happens to be black, brown or white I hate. And many other social situations like our relationships between society and indigenous people. Like religion and politics mixing. Like immigrants who identify by religion. You left your country that was in flames because of religion fighting, don't bring it here and that includes the Irish. You become Canadian, not Catholic Canadian, or Muslim Canadian or American etc. So, SoCal, I am Canadian, do not pay US taxes but I am also more. That does not change the fact that DR'sGhost is a moron. 😁
  11. trump Rant..seriously...I even mentioned Biden. At least my thoughts I own, unlike your expressions which you get paid to display...now don't bigger denying, nobody would believe you. PS, commie is so 50s.
  12. So ghost, drop the commie word as an insult. Seriously. You know trump wanted to be leader/dictator/king and you know that. Trump is not stupid, he is a little egotistical, would be a good leader if not inclined to reinvent the truth. His concept of smaller government, less tax, less control, less handouts is good for the economy for sure and is far more sustainable than paying the way for 25% of the population. But the lying and truth manipulation is unacceptable. Also his support of his buddy Vladdy and pooping on friends is ridiculous. BTW, Biden is no better. He is not quite as corrupt but his choice of friends is no better. The lefts way is only to have less order, less punishment for typical crimes committed by minorities and more handouts. Can you imagine lunch with AOC or Nancy. Makes you want to puke. The US already Is socialistic and will never be communist. Any country that prints money is socialist by definition. Any country that trains police forces like a military force is out of control. The internal conflict will destroy any country. Let's just have the American people find a candidate for prez that doesn't hate half the country.
  13. 1. Ghost does not go after anything, he only does as he is instructed. He is paid to do others bidding. 2. There are many very religious Americans, who don't think for themselves, who want us to go back to be Anti abortion, anti gay recognition even though many of the preachers are gay or pedophile, Virgin until married, generosity as the Lord suggests, unless you hate the immigrant, race, color etc., 3. I suggest that most Americans with clear thought, modern thoughts, thoughts of inclusion, thoughts of love and thoughts of decency support acceptance of gay rights. Tweaking gay guy thinks he can do on the street what Miley Cyrus does and still be loved. Extremes like this are ridiculous
  14. Being gay doesn't stop you from being an ashwhole. If this happened in a St.Pattys day parade it would be condemned, and likely the guy would would get a punch in the mouth.
  15. You never discuss, you only preach. Honest thought understands abortion my not be pleasant but required in circumstances, like the right to end your own life, allowed in many countries. Death penalty in crime is ok but not other forms? Mental illness is certainly a major cause of gun deaths but other causes are availability, the cause of mental illness in society like certain violent video games in early childhood, or internet trolls, parental culture, racism etc. Don't accuse me of avoiding, read your own posts and when you stop only defending your thought, then discussion is possible. Until then a little humor helps.
  16. Can't. No invitro allowed😀😉 Chances are increasing, but at least you can't vape yourself to death with Juul.😉 Can we determine political preferences, may change some people's decision on anti/pro position.😉
  17. I do not see how they can have it both ways. You argument is bordering on religion . Some Christian beliefs are different than others. If AR 15 are ok, then translate invitro, etc should be to. Roe v Wade was not bad law, just needed regulations. Much like guns. Most people are responsible with guns. Most are responsible with abortion, then you get wackos. Whether a female gets pregnant with a dick or needle she is still pregnant. I personally detest gun owners who misuse guns for other than reasonable sport or protection. I detest people who get abortions at 5 6 7 8 months for no reason. America has no reasonable position on either. Another generation coming of hate, violence, religious crap, NRA vitriol, and nothing else. Thank goodness I am likely to miss most of it.
  18. Why are they not able to rule. The constitution clearly gives equal rights to all. Rightly it does mention age, and likely it was not even considered pre birth, but clearly the court now interrupt unborn equal to everyone, in every way. I am sure the constitution never meant to interrupt AR15s etc but the letter of the law us upheld over new and expanding gun types. So by comparison does not the constitution have to take into consideration invitro, trans people, etc. If they can see a 6 week gap in abortion should they not see a single shot musket vs AR15.
  19. Your points are logical and even soothing. Middle ground must be found. But in reading your thoughts it came into my mind that the same thoughts on gun issues need to follow this path. The world has changed, Trans, invitro, etc. Guns gave changed in 200 yrs. Seems hard liners fight and middle Americans suffer.
  20. So nfl can make a quick 6 game suspension for punching a guy, Kamara, but cannot decided on 24 sex related allegations on Watson. Amazing
  21. So, if possession of a fire arm, for individual and property protection is allowed under the constitution as has been ruled then consider. A week ago a BY Rzbferx Dan vest the crap out of a TB fan infront of a huge crowd. Why can't a person take a gun into the game. Would that not stop senseless violence. How can restriction of the gun rights be over ruled in a public space?
  22. I think they see themselves in that situation. The rest is straight religious views. I hope they believe in the rest of the commandments with the same vigor.
  23. But it is the feds who set the law...so now you say that a fetus is not a person in their eyes? How can the feds have it both ways. The only way a law of anti abortion rights is to assume the fetus is a person. Or are they taking a religious approach and inforcing religious beliefs.
  24. What an incredible day. One branch of the government entrenched the ability for all to carry guns, where ever, whenever. Another says, but maybe not if you are a bad guy or mentally unstable, judged by the same guys who say you can And yet another says no vaping with Juul because maybe, maybe it might harmful to your health. Truly amazing.
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